Poll: Easiest Cataclysm Heroic

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  1. #141
    Vortex pinnacle. None of the trash or bosses is all that challenging (the stars hit for huge amounts of damage but they got nerfed and die pretty quick). Followed by Throne of Tides (none of the bosses are hard but the packs of trash before the mindcontrolling boss are. Damn huge packs of gilgoblins thta do retarded amounts of damage.) and Lost city of Tol'vir (the trash is easy, but the 3rd boss is fairly challenging).

  2. #142
    Tol'vir and Vortex Pinnacle

  3. #143
    Had a pretty horrible first VP experience. Low geared healer and too many melee DPS on the dragon. Other times it's been pretty easy.

    Lost City is probably my vote. Trash is pretty simple, bosses not changed too much.

  4. #144
    Vortex Pinnacle has the easiest tactics but... its sooo... ><... bright, my eyes ;( ... that's why it's somewhat hard to play imo..

  5. #145
    Vortex pinnacle for sure,although it's a visually awesome dungeon.

  6. #146
    The Lightbringer
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Vortex is the easiest and probably the most boring of them all, looks spectaular though.

  7. #147
    High Overlord Landfall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randomdonk View Post
    all heroics are the easiest unfrotunately

    Wow great input.... you must be so awsome. Not.

    Persoanly vortex pinnicle for me was the easier of them, the trash dosnt provide much challenge and the bosses are the easiest in terms of tactics and damage output

  8. #148
    Trash in VP is pretty annoying. The humanoids if you get stuck without a good CC are a huge pain. 2 healer packs that can cast 1 second greater heals. Blarg.

  9. #149
    Lost City of the Tol'Vir gets my vote in terms of tactics

  10. #150
    None of them are easy; me and a few friends tried to do heroic halls of origination and we couldnt get past the first boss. He just randomly froze and put up a sheild that made him invincible. Now I know that heroics are meant to be difficult, but srsly unkillable bosses is just stupid.

    Anyway we put up a ticket and a gm told us that this was a bug the next day. Later we went to lost city which i think is the easiest instance. Atleaset it is the eaissest for a paladin (tank) priest (me) warlock druid (healer) and mage setup. The first boss seemed pretty broken ( he would throw us on a pillar and we land on his bombs) which caused our mage tokeep on getting killed. The last boss I dont really understand, he just spawns adds and puts a shield up i would say this was almost the easiset boss int he instance which is weird consdiering he was the last one there.

    I gotta say though my personal favorate was VP since thier are alot of elementals and humaniods (yay mc). usually if we are CC starved then i get to MC the healer mobs and it is alot of fun to use this ability outside of the 2k arena enviroment.

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by jewcebox View Post
    None of them are easy; me and a few friends tried to do heroic halls of origination and we couldnt get past the first boss. He just randomly froze and put up a sheild that made him invincible. Now I know that heroics are meant to be difficult, but srsly unkillable bosses is just stupid.

    Anyway we put up a ticket and a gm told us that this was a bug the next day. Later we went to lost city which i think is the easiest instance. Atleaset it is the eaissest for a paladin (tank) priest (me) warlock druid (healer) and mage setup. The first boss seemed pretty broken ( he would throw us on a pillar and we land on his bombs) which caused our mage tokeep on getting killed. The last boss I dont really understand, he just spawns adds and puts a shield up i would say this was almost the easiset boss int he instance which is weird consdiering he was the last one there.

    I gotta say though my personal favorate was VP since thier are alot of elementals and humaniods (yay mc). usually if we are CC starved then i get to MC the healer mobs and it is alot of fun to use this ability outside of the 2k arena enviroment.
    The boss in hells of origination has a shield yes. but you can deactivate it by jumping down in the snake pit and pull the 2 levers. Overall i think alit of them is fairly easy once you've done them a couple of times. I rarely wipe. But easiest would be shadowfang keep. No real challenges, just some kicks and add management. The hardest one (one i wiped most on) is stonecore. First boss can be a pain depending on the aoe, second boss easy, third boss also a pain and last boss easy.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by ThrashMetalFtw View Post

    The first HC i did, was Vortex Pinnacle. We had a mediocre healer, a really good tank (warr, so he couldnt heal himself), and 3 pretty good dps. Oneshotted everything, including trash.
    Actually.. Victory Rush and Blood Craze heals your for insane amounts over the course of a full HC-run.

    OT: Vortex Pinnacle

  13. #153
    all heroics besides grim batol are woltk style
    For the Glory of Mankind

  14. #154
    The Vortex Pinnacle Definetly

  15. #155
    I find Grim Batol easiest, there's only really one boss fight you have to worry about tactics-wise, and they're really quite simple anyway.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by lordrevangr View Post
    all heroics besides grim batol are woltk style
    Alright, let me see you do SFK HC without any interrupts. Go!

  17. #157
    Vortex Pinacle is really easy.

  18. #158
    Blackrock Caverns for sure. Or might be The Vortex Pinnacle.

  19. #159
    10+ Year Old Account
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    I've never done Vortex Pinnacle LFD never gives me Vortex Pinnacle (and yes i discovered the entrance). Anyways that makes me unable to judge on that dungeon and leaves me with the others.

    I believe that every heroic is simple when their is good communication and cc with partymembers. Hardest so far has to be Lost City of the Tol'Vir. The only hard part in that instance is the trash and even that seems to be simple now i have some gear

  20. #160
    VP is the easiest I've tried. Only problem is I usually lag out so much I disconnect on the 2nd boss. Not good when I'm the tank :/

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