Poll: Easiest Cataclysm Heroic

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  1. #1

    Easiest Cataclysm Heroic

    What do you think is the easiest cataclysm heroic?

    Mod Edit: Please don't make a post like "LOLOLOL THEY'RE ALL EASY". That isn't the question. The question is "Which is the EASIEST?" There will always be an easiest, so keep your "lololol all easy" responses to other threads. - Simca
    Last edited by Simca; 2010-12-13 at 01:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Vortex Pinnacle, only problem is the trash right before the last boss, those stars do a lot of aoe damage, i had to spam prayer of healing (as shadow priest) to help our healer keep the group up. Although i have not played Throne of Tides yet. Hardest would be Deadmines imo.

  3. #3
    I will have to go with the lost city of Tolvir.Had no problems in my 2runs I did today with the only wipe being at 3rd boss.I didn't choose Vortex cause in my runs we had 2mages and me MCing the healer so it was very easy (with only stars doing retarded damage and wipe us once).

  4. #4
    BRC has my vote. My guild blasted through that without problems.

  5. #5
    3. boss in brc is srs bsns :-S

  6. #6
    Steelbender? found him really easy with a 1k resi geared holy priest healing, dk tank, ele sham surv hunter and fury warrior with 346 iLvL or less gear allround

  7. #7
    blackrock caverns is pretty easy..

    i havnt tried vortex or deadmines on hc yet.. same with halls of origination.

  8. #8
    Well I haven't done many yet but The Vortex Pinnacle was definetely pretty easy considering...only seemed a degree harder than normal which is kind of a dissapointment given the awesome atmosphere. Also did Throne of the Tides, was able to complete it in a random pug within a reasonable amount of time and I really liked all the boss fights in there but it was a much harder instance...I think they did a great job with that one on heroic (though a trash pull or two are kind of...ouch). Haven't really done much else yet.

  9. #9
    Bloodsail Admiral BananaInsane's Avatar
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    Deadmines, dunno how you guys say its hard, imo its the easiest. The only hard one is Vanessa.

  10. #10
    Vortex pinnacle easily

  11. #11
    Vortex pinnacle is really easy. And I dont get why people keep saying that DM heroic? Never had any problems with guildgroups or even full pugs in there.

  12. #12
    I don't know about the BRC, 3rd boss is srs.

  13. #13
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I've gotten into everyone one of those, and never once killed a single boss. They're all way too hard. I have an iLevel of 330, and I'm a DPS.

  14. #14
    You should've added 'All of the above' to the poll.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrickstarr View Post
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I've gotten into everyone one of those, and never once killed a single boss. They're all way too hard. I have an iLevel of 330, and I'm a DPS.
    Shitty groups PuGs don't go well very often.

  16. #16
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aislyn View Post
    Shitty groups PuGs don't go well very often.
    They're all guildies who have killed LK H with me, and did Uld hardmodes. They aren't shitty players. I know that.

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    I said BRC, but really my opinion on it is the easiest one... Is neither Grim Batol nor Shadowfang Keep :P

  18. #18
    The Patient
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    SFK is the hardest...

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer shadowkras's Avatar
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    SFK is by far the easiest, no trash mob will cast anything that wiill even remotely put the tank in danger, or any other party member. Half the bosses are pretty much tank+spank with minor "avoid aoe" mechanic, only 2 of them are actually challenging, even the last boss is a joke if your tank knows what to do, he takes nearly no damage the whole fight if he is smart. I one shot all bosses in there on a pug that didnt know any single fight, i learned how barrage worked after taking the first one on the face and poping last stand to survive it.
    People take stupidity to a whole new level when they sit in front of a computer.

    www.poepra2.com.br Um blog para quem prefere jogos multiplayer.

  20. #20
    Damnit, voted Throne of Tides, meant to click on Vortex Pinnacle. :/

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