No Molten Armor.
So 5% Buff , 5% Debuff on target , 3% frost talents ..
33.34~ is the target.
20.34 Is the target or im counting some bad?
Btw im not counting the crit coming from int and anothers Int buffs " flask , food , buffs " ...
My calculations are ok![]()
Damn sucks, won't be getting the lock/firemage crit buff in 10man.
Mage , Lock debuff 5% dont work ?![]()
Has anyone here reported this bug on the forums or via an in-game ticket? I think I'll try and let em know.
I'll be throwing in a ticket, Stormrage seems stable. Anyone else who can would be appreciated.
Hey fellow sufferers, tried to raid with our regrouped Team last night (Wednesday in Germany) and it was pretty horrible! Despite the lags and the "this isn´t my beloved Frost Mage anymore" feeling, I didn´t experienced any 5% debuff bug. Our latest addition to the team is a Warlock and
I have 20,43% Crit unbuffed and therefore 29,43% raid buffed. With the WL talent 'Shadow and Flame' I have to have 34,43% Crit (I know, too much but it was my first time with that debuff - didn´t trust it :P )
As u can see, every 'Deepfreeze' critted (especially on Halfus).
Okay i mentioned the lags and we had to abandon the raid, cause ms went from annoying 500 to "i want kill Blizzard" 1000+
But during the raid and dummy tests before, the whole mechanic feeled.... i don´t know, cannot be described easily - let´s say corrupted.
Anyone with similiar experiences?
Last edited by mmocc7076034c2; 2011-04-28 at 01:23 AM.
Okay you cannot count FoF IL, because I have the T114P bonus. So every IL will be a crit, even without the WL debuff. As you have mathed out i "only" have 88.02% Crit, but every Deepfreeze was a crit.
Are you throwing BFFFB on FoF only or just when it comes up? I forget which one you were doing.
BFFFB on FoF usually (as you can see first try), but when i have to move, i alway cast every instant proc. Thats why FFB didn`t crit every time.
Last edited by mmocc7076034c2; 2011-04-28 at 01:49 PM.
Hopefully this is good news for us all. I've had different results with the lock debuff testing ice lance only. Character sheet shows 18.41% crit, added a fury warrior and went up to 23.41% crit, another 5% from 2pt11 making it 28.41%. Finally had a lock put the debuff on the target dummy making it 33.41%. Apply shatter to that and it should be 100% IL crits.
I was dual boxing the warlock so I forgot to reapply the debuff a few times but I ended up with 92% IL crits.
I did another small sample w/o the lock debuff and got somewhere between 65-70% crits, considerable drop.
Finally just for the hell of it I replace GB glyph with Molten Armor glyph to get an extra 5% crit in case there is no fire mage or lock so numbers should be the same. I ended up with 95% IL crits. (non crits due to casting IL too soon after pet freeze and I didn't have FoF yet)
So it seems to me that everything is fine here unless I'm missing something. Each of the 3 samples were about 100ish Ice Lance casts, small but still looks good
Maybe later I'll try molten armor with warlock debuff and see if all my FoF IL, FoF+BFFFB, and DF crit.
On another note I'm having some other issues. The most recent one being Frostfire Orb not working in macros. When 4.1 went live my macro stopped working. I checked the macro and saw that it said "Flame Orb". I checked the spell book and it said Frostfire Orb so I clicked it to add it to the macro. I see the icon but it will not cast FFO. But, if I change it back to Flame Orb the macro icon will gray out but it will actually cast it. Also, this is all in a cast sequence macro. If I use "Frostfire Orb" it won't cast anything and the macro gets stuck. If I change it to Flame Orb, when it gets to that point the macro will gray out, cast FFO, but still get stuck and not go on to the next spell. Anyone else experience this?
And another macro issue that seems to be affecting anyone with pets, any castsequence macro with a pet ability will get stuck at the pet ability.
Anyone have any fixes for my macro issues?![]()
Last edited by FYSthunderskeet; 2011-04-28 at 03:38 AM.
Oh, look, someone pointed a flaw in your findings (namely that there were no findings, you just made an assumption without any real testing) and you can't help but act defensive and insult people. If you have results showing that shatter is taking the crit debuff into account, please post it. If you don't actually have these results, then try to avoid making yourself look like an ass in the future.