Well, I did the first run as frost (10 man random) and second as fire (10 man with guild). Yor sahj for example: Heavy movement and a lot of adds (if u´re lucky ). What I have seen, the gap is that huge.
Well, I did the first run as frost (10 man random) and second as fire (10 man with guild). Yor sahj for example: Heavy movement and a lot of adds (if u´re lucky ). What I have seen, the gap is that huge.
Hmm well if you say so. I wish FFB spec was viable (makes me still feel a little frosty!) but it looks like I'll be able to use my Fire spec on something other than Alysrazor since Frost is as far behind as you say.
So if I have crit at 34% I will crit with every cast? o.O
Did I read that wrong?
“Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy." ~Frank Sinatra
Oh I got ya. Again, I am new to Mage so when I read that talent I understood it to mean that our crits do 3 times more damage, not 2 times(lol)
Thanks for clearing that up
“Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy." ~Frank Sinatra
Although it makes sense that this overhaul would make it easier for frost to be close to optimal, I don't buy the whole "5.0 will fix it" thing.
They literally said the same shit before Cat dropped. They claimed underpowered specs like bm, sub and frost would be perfectly competitive this xpac, and at first they were.
At this point frost is fine, but 4.3 will effectively break its dps, and Blizz's recent quotes are just making things worse. Acknowledging a problem (again) and telling customers "we'll fix it next xpac" (again) is a really cheap way of doing things in my opinion.
How much Crit Rating is needed for the 24% crit?
Last edited by mmocaebedec891; 2011-11-23 at 07:12 PM.
You can use this if you want a precise value :
Nice guide!
Hey Kuni, how are you doing? Are you going to update your Frost Mage Guide? The first simulations may look a little bit "squishy", but they proof my impressions from the PTR.
Playing Frost with T13 4p is absolutely no fun, no damage, no competion, no... nothing. I´m hesitating to update my german Guide at the moment, because of the remarkable cheekiness. It seems like Blizzard put no effort into our beloved frost spec. No, it seems like they haven´t even played the spec by themselves.
But hey, in 11 months, were getting a reworked spec with MoP - maybe! Thank you for nothing Blizzard.
Wow 10k less than Fire, seriously ? ...
Honestly, I don't even know at this point.
Well you could say the same thing for the other specs. I can wait for MoP.
Personally I'm not at that gear level where I have T13 so its still all good. Fire actually seems to be doing a lot less than my frost spec on single target fights (the ooze guy though is way better with fire cuz there's a bunch of long living adds that you can combustion/living bomb spread to) because over time I (way more often than not) fall prey to bad RNG and it sinks me from 25k to 16k.
So yeah. Still rockin' Frost for as long as its still doing nice DPS.
Frost will continue to do acceptable DPS until you hit heroic-level gear. I'm still in T12 4pc (normal) and still keeping up (barely). I'm interested to see how much I'll suffer with T13 4pc normal. My guild doesn't do this "heroic" thing.
I wonder - if We never EVER use Icy veins, we can keep the Stolen Time stacks indefinitely, right? Would that help? It'd feel weird to take IV out of play, but too much haste is too much haste.
I've done 7/8 with my Frost mage on our alt run yesterday. The fights are pretty good for Frost : close to no AoE, some movement.
From what I see on TopRealm I can keep up with the other "Legendary Mages" of my server for now, until we ditch T12 set of course
Looks more like Fire is actually doing to much to me(whether that's a mistake in the sim or just being to strong). More than 10% over the average and 2,5k over Arcane, which is the biggest jump in the entire list.