I have made some testing of BF proc with all bomb. Testing is limited because we can have addon like recount/skada to show up-time, damage, etc.
Each bomb have a small chance to proc FoF.
The secondary of the bomb don't proc BF nor FoF.
Glyphed Fireblast is bugged : Frost Bomb don't proc anything if it explode early, spread Living Bomb don't seems to proc, etc.
Proc chance:
note: % isn't accurate because of limited testing and lack of addon to monitor it exactly.
- Frost bomb - 100%, guaranteed but only 1 proc
- Living bomb - ~25% per tick, chance to have more than one proc (2 or 3) or no proc at all
- Nether Tempest - ~10% per tick, chance to have more than one proc (2 or 3) or no proc at all
Haste effect:
- Frost bomb scale perfectly with haste: at 15%, 1.3s cast and 8.7s cooldown. The explosion is always at 50% cooldown (4.35s with 15% haste)
- Living Bomb and Nether Tempest seems to gain more tick with haste. I have tested for 12.5% and 17.5%.