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  1. #1181
    Yes. Yes we did. In fact, that's the first "serious" thing i mentioned.

    As for mage armor, i'm not quite sure why they would change it from just giving 5 mastery to giving mastery rating equivalent to 5 mastery. Seems like a more complicated way of doing the same thing.

  2. #1182
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Yes. Yes we did. In fact, that's the first "serious" thing i mentioned.

    As for mage armor, i'm not quite sure why they would change it from just giving 5 mastery to giving mastery rating equivalent to 5 mastery. Seems like a more complicated way of doing the same thing.
    They did the same with all these buffs last night. It's pretty stupid imo, since the buffs now have to be scaled at each level, because they surely dont want some low lvl guys having 2775 (whatsoever, dont know the exact number atm^^) crit/haste/mastery. The buffs were basically perfect while they gave some exact value (like 5) since these numbers scaled dynamically.

  3. #1183
    Quote Originally Posted by Feio View Post
    They did the same with all these buffs last night. It's pretty stupid imo, since the buffs now have to be scaled at each level, because they surely dont want some low lvl guys having 2775 (whatsoever, dont know the exact number atm^^) crit/haste/mastery. The buffs were basically perfect while they gave some exact value (like 5) since these numbers scaled dynamically.
    They don't give 2717 rating, they give 2717 actual mastery. It's obviously a bug, I'm not sure how people could believe differently. These are green posts, as in posted datamining. It's a bug.
    Last edited by mmoc522dc42c8a; 2012-04-25 at 09:32 AM.

  4. #1184
    I think it can be a tooltip bug: instead of converting it directly, it will show the value used to calculate it.

    And as always, the T14's bonus are pretty lame, especially the 2 pieces.

  5. #1185
    But it didn't convert anything before. It just increased your mastery by 5 directly.

    As for T14, well, it's the first tier of the expansion. Bonuses being rather boring should be considered normal. (But 45% shorter CD on IV? WTF?)

  6. #1186
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    But it didn't convert anything before. It just increased your mastery by 5 directly.

    As for T14, well, it's the first tier of the expansion. Bonuses being rather boring should be considered normal. (But 45% shorter CD on IV? WTF?)
    I'm gonna guess with such a bonus we'll be more inclined to avoid getting as much haste as usual.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuni Zyrekai View Post
    Had it for ages now. My old guild had enough conq to gear out everyone with offspecs and the paladin's third spec with most of a fourth set for an entirely different healing setup. So we ran LFR groups to get vanq pieces.
    Premade raids.... If only my friends shared class tokens with me so they could help me win rolls.

  7. #1187
    Herald of the Titans Kuni Zyrekai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noxiye View Post
    They don't give 2717 rating, they give 2717 actual mastery. It's obviously a bug, I'm not sure how people could believe differently. These are green posts, as in posted datamining. It's a bug.
    No, it's actually set to 2717 mastery rating. Mastery POINTS don't exist in the UI anymore. Simply rating -> current spec's mastery percentages. To be fair the entire system of rating -> points -> percentage always seemed an odd way to do it, but I'm not sure this is the way it should be. We'll get used to it if it is though.

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-25 at 12:00 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Bombkirby View Post
    Premade raids.... If only my friends shared class tokens with me so they could help me win rolls.
    You just need enough people to push out any other potential vanq wearers, not a raid full of vanqs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bombkirby View Post
    I'm gonna guess with such a bonus we'll be more inclined to avoid getting as much haste as usual.
    I'm guessing it's the same reason we got a crit boost in T11. It'll be hard to hit cap, crit cap, AND have decent levels of mastery/haste in the first tier. Second tier will likely pull away in stats a bit so we can get both caps easily. Seems a bit moot though, since IV is 3m CD, or 1.5m when glyphed for half duration. 99 seconds unglyphed, 50 seconds glyphed with 4p.
    Last edited by Kuni Zyrekai; 2012-04-25 at 07:02 PM.

  8. #1188
    With the rework on the buff/debuff et all the change in class, there's a list of what I have not found: crit's debuff, sorcelery (+5% intel), glyph damage and crit buff.

    So I will list what can contribute to obtaining the shatter's crit's cap:
    • base intellect
    • crit on stuff
    • intel on stuff
    • intel by food
    • intel buff (+5%)
    • crit buff (+5%)
    • Molten Armor (+5%)

    From intellect, we can expect around 8% at the begin of the expansion and more than 12% at the end.
    From buff, we will have 10% with Molten Armor and 5% without.

    So will have to found between 12% and 17% critical rating on the stuff.

  9. #1189
    For now it would be more interesting to find out if gearing for crit cap is worthwile, or if the other secondaries eclipse it at some point.
    Finding the actual crit cap isn't that hard afterwards.

  10. #1190
    It will be made as early as we can have access to level 90.

    But it's sure that between a 30% crit cap, haste cap for bombs and a interesting mastery, it will be hard to know what to prioritize.

  11. #1191
    No, it won't be made until somewhere close to the end of the beta(probably afterwards, not before). Until then, numbers can be expected to constantly fluctuate.

  12. #1192
    Why the hell isnt this thread sticky? Every other class forum has the guides stickied up top. Had to dig 4-5 pages before I found this. GJ mods

  13. #1193
    there is, its a sticky called **Sticky Guide: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING**
    wich has the link to this guide

  14. #1194
    And it's unstickied to keep the amount of stickies in check.

    Also: Yay for being able to heal that elemental.

  15. #1195
    Just played around a little trying to get Conjure Familiar to work(didn't manage, though) and i noticed that Frozen Orb has a plain ridiculous range. It easily flies off to well above 100 yards if it doesn't hit something first. Carefull where you aim that thing.

    Haven't seen any signs of the Freeze glyph yet, though.

  16. #1196
    High Overlord Jimm3's Avatar
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    Just tested the spec in PTR..idd orb has a large range

    I was wondering about Deep Freeze though..there is no longer dmg on the spell or is it an error on the tooltip?just a stun? should it be part of the rotation?

  17. #1197
    Herald of the Titans Kuni Zyrekai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimm3 View Post
    Just tested the spec in PTR..idd orb has a large range

    I was wondering about Deep Freeze though..there is no longer dmg on the spell or is it an error on the tooltip?just a stun? should it be part of the rotation?
    It's not in rotation. Damage shifted to ice lance/FFB.

  18. #1198
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimm3 View Post
    Just tested the spec in PTR..idd orb has a large range

    I was wondering about Deep Freeze though..there is no longer dmg on the spell or is it an error on the tooltip?just a stun? should it be part of the rotation?
    Nope, Deep Freeze is purely a stun/freeze now. It's only good for locking down an add or dailies now.

  19. #1199
    To add to that....

    Deep Freeze doing damage was really just a band-aid fix to help Frost stay competitive. So its unsurprising it no longer deals damage. Kind of gimmicky that you couldn't do your full damage to stunnable mobs anyways.

  20. #1200
    Well, you could actually beat it by hard-casting FFB followed by 2 ice lances (if they all crit and if someone else didn't already stun the mob).

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