Thread: Lucky stories!

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  1. #1581
    1st week of WoTLK running heroic UP for the first time. Blue proto-drake drops and I win the roll. Everybody in Dalaran is jelly.

  2. #1582
    just got azure drake today as i was flying around doing lunar festival achievements. decided to stop by and kill maly on the off chance of getting a mount and it worked.

    did the same thing in MC and got the right binding of the windseeker. too bad im a druid, but still, it was a pretty lucky morning

  3. #1583
    Nothing special killed heroic lich king for the 10th time invincible droped like the last 10 times and i won the roll GG yay for 100% drop rate back in wrath

  4. #1584
    Okay, this one is frustrating:

    I had a Warrior toon, and the Warrior ran Stratholme only three times (Cata). EACH. DAMN. TIME. The deathcharger dropped. What do I roll each time?

    God. Damn. 1.

    It would have been funny if I hadn't been farming it on my main.

  5. #1585
    For the lols I went & made a ticket to blizzard about a character I deleted the first week of cata, suprisingly enough blizzard gives it back, guess what's on it? riven dare's death charger.

  6. #1586
    Got myself THE swift zulian tiger on a Monday of the very last week before it became unobtainable. My friend, who helped me get the raid but this time didn't join as he usually did, nearly got a heart attack.

  7. #1587
    I was in a Dragonsoul 10man PuG with a friend of mine. The mount droped from Deathwing and i rolled a 2 on it. My friend (who already had the mount) rolled a 100 and won it and he gave it to me for free

  8. #1588
    The Hive Mind Demetrion's Avatar
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    Cata patch came out, ZG was still goodie, went there and tried killing tiger as rogue (was impossible before that). Killed it with a bit of trouble but managed. Thought this could be farmed until Cata comes out. Next reset i killed it and looted my mount.

    Same day, all in joy went to see can I kill Anzu. Died once said curses, killed it on second try and looted the mount. After that I've closed the game and proceeded to play lottery.

  9. #1589
    Ashes of Al'ar dropped yesterday, end of story.
    Just really happy. Not cause I can now fly on it, but I can avoid Tempest keep finally.

  10. #1590
    Me and a couple of friends were about to go to our weekly Ulduar transmog / legendary-mace-fragments-for-our-healer run.
    While two of my friends were flying to the Summoning Stone, I lightheartedly and half-jokingly said (in Skype) that "Summon me in a bit, I'll just go get that Onyxian Drake real quick".
    (this sort of scenario is very familiar in our group, I'm an obsessive mount collector so I'll stop by in every raid and instance possible, whenever possible)
    I remember them sneering and saying things like "Yeah.. right! You'll never see that thing drop in a million years!" ..Well guess what happened .

    After the thing had dropped, I couldn't first believe it. I had to read the name about 3-4 times before I finally realized what had just happened. The mount which I had admired for a long time now, was finally there for taking, without any competition.
    I said in Skype (whilst laughing quite heavily, hands shaking and all that) "OMG the mount dropped!!!", to which my friends were considering it as a joke, and said stuff like "Yeah, suuuuure, now get your ass out of there so we can summon you".
    When I just went on with laughing and giggling hysterically, just barely being able to breathe, my friends started to serious a bit.
    "No way! Link it then if it truly dropped!", so I opened my mounts tab and linked it to the raid chat.
    Oh the hilarity which ensued. "NO WAY! NOT FAIR! NO WAY MAN! WHY?! WHY WAS IT YOU THAT GOT IT AND NOT ME?! JEEZ!" etc.

    And still to this day, Onyxian Drake is, without a doubt, one of my favorite mounts that I own.

  11. #1591
    Swift Zulian Tiger: I remember getting my precious orange monster back in 2008 right after the WOTLK launch. I powerlevelled my DK to 80 and figured I gave ZG a shot. It took me 8 shots before I saw the lovely mount drop. I'm still a happy naga everytime I ride it, especially since it is no longer obtainable

    Swift Razzashi Raptor: Funny story, I won this on my Druid when helping a friend run ZG. He already had the raptor, and I assisted him on the tiger. We figured we might as well kill the Raptor, and boom the mount dropped. Even funnier was when my brother dared me 4 weeks later to do raptor boss on my DK, and it dropped again. He was pretty mad (and didn't get either of the ZG mounts after weekly camping the instance), understandibly so.

    Deathcharger's Reins: This mount is pretty special to me. I farmed it in TBC I think it was, when my Druid was still my main. Farming took quite a while then, since you couldn't blast through like you can now. It took me 246 (!) runs and 2 epic sword drops before I finally was able to loot the precious ''Deathchargers Reins''. I also won it later on my DK after 74 runs in WOTLK, but it didn't feel half as special as it did on my Druid.

    Swift White Hawkstrider: I don't really recall the correct amount of runs I did before this thingie dropped, but it was around the ~36 mark I think. Funny thing was that the pet didn't drop in any of those 36 runs. RNG can really be RNG, aye?

    Anzu: I hate Anzu, I despise it even. I don't want to know how many time I had to do Sethekk Halls before it dropped, but god oh god I was happy when it did. I never really use it, I guess that's because of the fact so many people ride it these days.

    TLPD: It's hilarious to be honest. I spent over 90 hours camping this thing, and I flew into it on my way to my guilds Ulduar raid. I don't think I've ever been happier not taking the gryphon from a lazymode perspective. Randomness > camping.

    Uldum Camel Figurine: Got the mount after 2 figurines, 'sup?

    Aeonaxx: Haha, this mount also has a nice story attached to it. A few months ago my realm (Auchindoun-EU) was suffering from some d/c issues. I figured I gave Deepholm a shot, since I strongly believe the odds on an Aeonaxx spawn are increased right after a server reset. The server was REALLY buggy, it resetted every few minutes. Anyway, upon entering Deepholm my NPCscan went off, you guessed it: Aeonaxx. I flew into him, but the server d/ced (of course... ). I typed in my password like a madmen and furiously logged in again, no sight of Aeonaxx. Another d/c followed. After logging in again, BOOM Aeonaxx found. I clicked the bitch like a chinese person on meth, and I was on her back able to kill her! So I did, but after being parachuted down I noticed her corpse didn't sparkle. I couldn't loot her, DAMN! And BOOM, world server down I logged in, and her corpse was gone, no mount, no nothing.

    A ticket solved all my problems, thankfully. The GM was able to see I did in fact kill Aeonaxx, and I got the mount in my mailbox, resulting in one happy naga

    Mimirons Head: My favourite mount, BY FAR. I don't really think I've ever been happier in a game then I was on November 18th 2010. The last possible opportunity to get Mimirons Head with a 100% certain droprate. It dropped (of course), and I was outrolled by someone who already had it. We used a raidroll, and the second raidroll was a 14, which was my spot in the raid. When I heard my name on TS my heart immediatly started beating more rapidly. Then I read the magic letters ''You receive loot: Mimiron's Head''. Well, I think my neighbours can still hear my screams echo, cause I went all out from joy I wanted that thing so badly for so long, and now I finally got it.

    Naturally I still fly it everyday, I don't think any mount comes close.. except for maybe..

    Ashes of A'lar: If we talk about precious, then you're talking about my Ashes. 111 total runs accountwide, 75 of which were on my DK. It dropped last year, after being in love with it from the first time I saw someone in TBC on it. I couldn't imagine ever owning this mount myself, but now I do, and it feels awesome. Designwise no other mount will ever top this for me I think.

    I have some more rare mounts like blue proto and the mount from Altairus, but they're not that special to me and both took me 1 run to get

    BUT! I do want to say this: Attumen, dear dear Attumen. I think I have killed you for over 225 times now, why, in the name of everything that is holy in this world, won't you drop your mount? I want it SO BAD, please make it happen! I will make sure to kill you 11 times every week, whether you want it or not. Eventually you will have to drop it!

  12. #1592
    wanted to get the stratholme sword for transmog purpose, did get the runeblade on 1st run, mount on 3rd and sword on 4th run
    was hilarious laughing in teamspeak

  13. #1593
    Herald of the Titans Deathgoose's Avatar
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    I don't have anything super duper awesome or anything, but my wife and I did the Argent Tourney to full Crusader back in Wrath, because we both wanted to get the Silver Convenant hippy-griff on a pair of characters that didn't have anything fancy for flying mounts.

    THE VERY SAME DAY I FARMED UP ENOUGH CHAMPION SEALS FOR THE MOUNT and flying out over Storm Peaks for a test drive, we came across the TLPD by sheer luck, which quickly became my new mount for my Shammy.

    Haven't seen TLPD since.

  14. #1594
    Quote Originally Posted by Las Vegas View Post
    Swift White Hawkstrider: I don't really recall the correct amount of runs I did before this thingie dropped, but it was around the ~36 mark I think. Funny thing was that the pet didn't drop in any of those 36 runs. RNG can really be RNG, aye?
    First time I did MT on mage I got it. Proceeded to farm dungeon for rep. Never seen the pet.
    First time I did MT on my pala I got it. Proceeded to farm dungeon for rep. Never seen the pet.
    First time I did MT on my DK, it never dropped. Did it again the day later, got it. Continued to farm rep. Never seen the pet.
    Quote Originally Posted by TCGamer View Post
    If I had the cash to pay a DDoSer, I would in a heartbeat. Especially with the way the anti-legacy crowd has been attacked by the pro-legacy crowd day in and day out.

  15. #1595
    The Lightbringer Aqua's Avatar
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    Under your bed
    Here's where I'd put my rare mount stories...


    IF I HAD ANY!!!
    I have eaten all the popcorn, I left none for anyone else.

  16. #1596
    Got Reins of the Blue Proto-drake from the satchel. A friend of mine got the mount from Baron in a satchel (unrelated; he also got the epic parrot pet from a satchel).

  17. #1597
    The Lightbringer vian's Avatar
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    Soloed the old Raptor boss on my shaman as elemental at 70. Managed to bugg the encounter so that the raptor despawned. All other tries before that I've wiped because of the overwhelming dmg, that time I managed to kill him. And yes, the raptor dropped.
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzy View Post
    yeh but lava is just very hot water

  18. #1598
    Been farming raven lord and white hawkstrider since tbc almost daily on multiple characters. During the holidays this year, raven lord drop, 2 days later the hawkstrider. Can't believe they finally dropped, so I decide to move on to the blue proto-drake, a week later he drops, I say screw it, enter kharazan the same day and get the fiery warhorse.

    TL;DR: Years of badluck followed by 4 rare mounts in less than 3 weeks

  19. #1599
    I started running TK on multiple characters when they added account wide mounts. Long story short after a super long attempt on my abysmally geared warrior, Ashes drops. However, my warrior is on a different server and I had to spend my last 5k to buy epic flying so I could learn it >.<

  20. #1600
    Camping Aeonaxx for 2-3 days, he spawns and I get him and his mount. Figure "Time-lost is the next step" head out there, NPCScan picks him up, and I get that mount too.

    Before that, despite farming Attuemen for the mount on my mage, 2 seperate DKs I create kill him and mount drops the first kill for each.

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