How to (Not) Suck at being a human or Forsaken Hunter

This a guide to help any griefer, troll*, or simply clueless player learn how to totally suck** at being a human or Forsaken hunter. You will learn how to frustrate groups until they all leave because they don't want to wait 15 minutes to boot you. Or you can learn the powers of Misdirect to make your guildees /gkick you because you pulled the Lich King during the bathroom break. If it includes griefing, annoying, or getting players to make this face , you will find it here, in this guide.

First, you must create your Hunter, which starts by choosing a race. Never pick a troll, trolls are the one race that shouldn't be touched and as soon as you start posting in trade chat you'll get banned. Then you have to start a free trial again and yadda yadda yadda. Besides who wants that bow specialization or beserking? Or the regen health in combat so you don't have to carry pots all the just be a Forsaken or a Human. Crap racials means crap dps which means angry groupies.

Now on to your name. If you want to be really annoying name your hunter off of the character from Lord of the Rings and do something like Lególás or something. Nobody will like you because you are uncreative and show that your a nerd because you read. And you aren't even an elf. If you want a good name use the random name genrator.

Next comes your actual gameplay. Start by whispering every noob you see "you SUCK" or "im srry were you looking for a mario game? cause this isnt it" This will make the noobs cry and you will probably continue to do this until you accidently find someone who knows how to report you and then you get banned from the game. Watch out for heirloom items. That means they have a lvl 80 (at least) and will know how to report you.
At lvl ten (if you aren't banned by then) you should go with BM spec. Why? So you can get a big devilsaur and name it T-rex or a corehound and name it Fluffy at a later level. Same thing wtih the name. Uncreative, and a nerd. Why? Because you either read Harry Potter or watched Jurassic Park. Besides, you can put those extra talent points so you can face roll even more! I would also start going into bgs. You can be a total hinderence to your teamates by being a level ten hunter who has a wierd name and just runs around and yells at everyone. It used to be better when there were level nineteens that could beat you down in one shot, but then Blizzard replaced the old system of tens by fives instead. Now you just have to settle with level 14 rogues with impossibly good weapons, head, chest, shoulders, back, rings, and trinkets. Was so much better when it was level nineteens. Nobody likes change.

You might find this starting to be a little boring. This is when you get to the good stuff at level 15...the LFG. First, while waiting in the qeue you should make sure your pet has taunt on. I would suggest a tenacity pet so they can be more effective with taking aggro. This will give you an excuse to make fun of the tank who can't hold aggro and make him feel horrible.

Fast forward to level 85. Wow! Your not banned yet! Amazing! All those dungeons and Battlegrounds got you enough xp to hold this high honor. Along the way, you got your very special devilsaur or corehound. You also now have a fun little tool called Misdirection. Pop this on a healer and then shoot something and it will come sprinting to the heals before the tank is even past the loading screen. You can also do this in raids and it can be just effective. Just never ever ever EVER put this on the tank. That helps them with their job, defeating the purpose and fun of Misdirection. You also have Camo, which you can run around in Orgrimmar or Stormwind saying "Weeeee I'm in stealth! You all can't see me!" Very annoying. If you are on a PVP realm, then you can also camp lowbies just for fun. Then they get their guildees and mains to camp your corpse. Nobody will love you. And no, your mom will not be proud of you and whe will not give you a cookie. This is for sheer entertainment of yourself.

*This is not to be taken seriously and should not be done. Doing so might get your account banned and/or make a five year old cry.
**This guid might help you become a better hunter if you try hard enough to understand it.