This grinds my gears to no end.... I busted my ass to get this title before Cata, and what do they do? they De-insanify it... and people still think it's too hard... ಠ_ಠ
This grinds my gears to no end.... I busted my ass to get this title before Cata, and what do they do? they De-insanify it... and people still think it's too hard... ಠ_ಠ
"Being wrong is erroneously associated with failure. When in fact to be proven wrong should be celebrated. It is [being elevated] to a new level of understanding." - Peter Joseph
ZOMG! Play NES games in your browser!Originally Posted by Beazy
For booty bay rep, you can also kill pirates on the boat there in grizzly hills .
The nice thing here is that they respawn a lot faster then anywhere else and they are very concentrated.
awesome guide
nice maybe i'll do this
Unlike the Insane hipsters in this thread, I'm looking to put a positive contribution, in the form of a much easier way to grind out bloodsail/steamweedle rep. I am copy/pasting the guide that I've posted on wowhead. !Updated Cata Guide to Bloodsail Buccaneers!
This guide is intended for those who want to get Bloodsail Buccaneer rep w/o the super long grind. However, bear in mind that it still is a grind! First of all, you must still be able to get quests with booty bay in order to do this guide. Good? Awesome.
Step 1: Complete the following quests from "Sea Wolf MacKinley"
-Scaring Shaky-
-Kill Collect-
Next, talk to First Mate Crazz and get -The Bloodsail Buccaneers-
After you've gotten "in" with the bloodsail buccaneers (via buff, not rep) do all of the quests on the boats until you get -Attracting Attention-. Complete this quest and you'll become the "fleet master" of the Crimson Veil.
Once you've completed that chain, head over to the boat (Crimson Veil) , go to the captain's chambers, and check out the charts to get -The Brashtide Crew-
Do this quest chain until you get to -Doublerum-
During this quest Booty Bay will be phased and under attack. During this phased event Bruisers are only level 35, and you can ransack Booty Bay quite easily. After about 3-4 hours of grinding, I hit honored with the Buccaneers and I was hated with everyone else. (I was working towards Insane in the Membrane, so all I wanted was honored.) The great part about this phased event is that you can board the big bloodsail ship that's docked in the middle of Booty Bay and start offing pirates to get your Steamweedle cartel rep back, and the spawn rates on the pirates are ridiculously fast. Obviously this will take MUCH longer to grind out since you're going from hated - exalted, but it's definitely the fastest method I've found. It also doesn't require grinding/buying up silk cloth, and IMO is actually faster than grinding for cloth.
Last edited by captainpuppy; 2011-07-07 at 09:08 PM.
Ive got this and I hope they take it out soon like they were going to do before cata.
When I checked my progress on this achievement, I was surprised that I didn't have Bloodsail at honoured. Especially because I was under the impression you needed honoured to get the "Avast Ye..." FoS (which I have). Turns out I didn't get to honoured and the quest was at Friendly. After I got the FoS I got my reputation up with the Goblins
So yeah, this achievement is a no go for me. Tip: check your progress before you start!
Thanks for the Bloodsail Guide, I believe its time to start farming this achievement on my DK >
Oh summer holidays, how I cherish thee.
More like they were going to remove it like they have other things for example the undying, the immortal but they decided against it. They gave people a second chance and now I think they should do what they wanted to do in the first place which was remove it. Some people are truly oblivious in this world.
Last edited by Cygne; 2011-07-10 at 11:45 PM.
Howd you find a picture of me?
You lose your reputation yes but that part of the achievement will be done. I personally started with bloodsail and then grinded goblin just because its a lot better to end up not hated with goblin at the end of the day.
Booty Bay ads One shot me
85 Rogue Kellenheller Illidan Horde US
85 Druid Hundre Shadowmoon Horde US
I have started working on this a mere few weeks ago. I was revered with all goblin factions from Loremaster quests in WOTLK so I didn't want to start with bloodsail. I farmed pirates to exalted within a day tbh. The respawn rate at the coast behind CoT in tanaris is insane. I then proceeded to farm Bloodsail rep via the phased Booty Bay quest. I used the command in game to track the achievement and it has all the goblins ticked off and bloodsail even though I am currently hated with all goblin factions. So aslong as you reach exalted with them it doesnt matter if then drops to hated for the achi. =)
Best of luck to others trying this achievement. =)