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  1. #1

    [How-to] Get your Phosphorescent Stone Drake

    Greetings to all the readers of this thread.

    First, I just want so say some things.
    English is not my native language so please excuse if you find any grammatic problems or other errors, but of course I try to avoid them.

    To start with this, I really would like you to think about, how many time you want to invest.
    You have to know that there isn't a set time when you will get it and you will very well spend few hundreds of hours only beeing there in deepholm and wait for it to spawn without a sign. Or you miss it and have to camp again. So please think about this.

    If you know that you aren't very patient then it might be not the right thing to camp it all the time. You can just visit it for now and then and if it isn't up, then just go back to the things you want to do. The chance on getting this mount may be very low then, but you still have one. I will give you some tips how and where you have the biggest chances.

    If you are experienced in camping, for example if you camped the Time-Lost Proto Drake before, then you know how things go and that you possibly have to invest a lot of time into it and informed yourself. But maybe there are some small things you weren't aware of, so just skip the "common knowledge" and look out for interesting parts.

    If you spend some time in the World of Warcraft and want to try something new or you are amazed by the mount, then this guide will show you everything you need to know.


    1. General Information
    2. Spawnpoints
    3. The fight
    4. Theories
    5. Strategy

    General Information

    So, a lot of you already knows what we are talking about. But not everyone reads MMO-Champion every day and doesn't look on pages like

    For everyone who missed it: [Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake]
    The model of this drake is the common Stone Drake model with little bit different colors.

    (Source: MMO-Champion database)

    The reins drops from the NPC Aeonaxx.
    You have a 100% dropchance on the drake, so if you kill Aeonaxx you will get it.

    The NPC itself is a level 85 elite rare dragon, his size is rather big, he has ~770.000 hitpoints and will occasional spawn adds while engaged.
    He is located in the new cataclysm zone Deepholm.
    Important: You will need to mount him to get into combat, he will be friendly before. So watch out for this sign.


    Well, I have to admit that there are some difficulties when it comes to the spawnpoints of this NPC.
    There are confirmed spawnpoints which I will talk about first and give them numbers so we don't loose the overview.

    Spawnpoint Nr.1
    This is the spawnpoint which is 100% confirmed by a lot of people. I also saw him there.
    The location is shown on the two pictures below:

    Coordinats / Map location

    Ingame Place
    The drake spawns midair in the blue circle in the picture over the stoneformation on the ground.

    After his spawn there, he will start to fly up and then around the tempel.
    If he spawns there, you have to be fast since most of the campers are there and wait for him.

    Spawnpoint Nr.2
    This spawnpoint is also confirmed by various people.

    Coordinats / Map location

    Ingame Place
    Aeonaxx spawns right under this big floating rock in the air.

    Spawnpoint Nr.3 and 4
    First of, I can't confirm these two spawnpoints but some people claim they can.
    Since they aren't fare away from the other two, you can easily check them out.
    It is said that he will spawn right in front of the stone holes in the Tempel of Earth.
    If you look around the temple, you will fast notice that there is also another stone formation like this on the northeastern side, so it seems obvious that this is also a spawnpoint.
    But like I told, there are not really any proofs of Aeonaxx spawning there.

    Spawnpoint Nr. 5
    This spawnpoint is also confirmed by some users on pages like so I will post it here.
    Like Nr.3 + 4 it is also located at the western / southwestern side of the temple so it can't be bad to take a look at it.

    Coordinats / Map location

    Ingame Place

    Again, it will spawn near the blue circle so just watch out there. This spawnpoint seems pretty high so don't wonder if he doesn't appear below you while you are camping, also watch above you! (And don't follow your Fortune Card: "Never look up when there are flying mounts above you." -> Look up!)

    Other spawnpoints:

    There is a theorie about Aeonaxx spawning in the areas where the other Stone Drakes and especially Aeosera are located.
    But I will come to theories later on, so just take a look on these possible spawn points but don't take them for sure, there is again no actually proof for them.

    The fight

    First of, I sadly don't have screenshots of the fight by myself since I didn't get my hands onto it yet and I don't want to use screenshots from other persons without asking them if it is okay to use. I asked two persons, one being a guildmate, but they didn't made any when they downed him.
    So, if you really want to know how it looks like, then I give you the advice to search with google or any other site for them, you will find quite a lot!
    I will of course update this section if I finally get my kill or if someone allows me to use their screenshots.

    I removed the outdated part with the bugged combat here.

    You have to mount him and then he will start flying in a random direction - a lot faster then before. You can target him without problems and you can use your normal range abilitys now as a hunter (not like before, there were a lot of targeting issues and hunter had to melee). He will spawn whelps through the combat which you can kill quite fast (~7k hitpoints). Don't let too many spawn, otherwise you will take a bit of damage. You have to do 770k damage, there is no enrage or anything else like this.

    Thats it.
    Nothing special about it other then you have to mount him.
    After his health reaches zero it's over and you will fly slowly towards the ground with a parachute buff. Just loot your awesome mount and give it a ride.

    Some additions:

    It might be hard for players below level 83 / 84 because you will suffer a lot of damage by the welps and with the targeting issues it will take you some time to get him down.
    I would suggest you to level to 85 before camping him, just to be sure to get him without any problems. And here the second thing comes.

    If you fail or disconnect, he will despawn. So now imagin you camped him for a long period (like 200 hours), you finally get onto him and then you die. After rushing towards your dead body you start searching for him but he isn't there anymore. He is back to his respawn timer and you will have to wait again.
    So it is really a wise thing to level first and then try to get him. With the disconnects... Yeah, I'm sure this is one of the badest things which could happen. So just prey and take him down fast. There is no sure way to avoid this. =/

    Only you will get the mount, even when grouped.


    Okay. Nothing in this section is really proven yet (and might not be anytime).
    So please don't call me out because of these.

    Respawn Timer

    There is no set respawn timer and this is a lot tougher then the Time-Lost because you might not see any sign of him through a week.
    It is possible, that it is 6 hours up to 168 hours. If it is affected by the server maintainance is not really known.
    So if you camp him, just make sure you really have the time.

    There are also thoughts if he shares a spawn timer with some / one / all the other rare mobs in Deepholm, but this is quite unrealistic because they are often reported being up after / before a short period of time when he was spotted.
    But just to say, the other rare mobs are:
    Jadefang (I will say some additional things to this one later)
    Terborus Big red worm infront of the cage in the north. Lv 83 Raremob with 80,522 hitpoints.
    Golgarok Stone giant in the quaking fields. Lv 83 Raremob with 134,202 hitpoints.
    Xariona Big dragon flying along the stone circle high above in deepholm. Lv 85 Rare Elite with a few million hitpoints.

    Spawn points + routes

    Like I mentioned before, there are some confirmed spawnpoints and some rumoured ones.
    I will explain the point which is in my opinion the best one to camp later in the Strategie section.
    It seems like there are a lot of people trying to figure out where he spawns and which routes he take so we just have to be patient and they will give us a clear picture.
    The expansion is only two and a half week on life and there are a lot of people looking for it so sooner or later they will get all the infos they need to draw a clear picture about everything connected with this drake.

    The bat

    There are some funny / strange things going on with a little level 15 bat spawning at the spawnpoints of Aeonaxx.
    They drop no loot when killed and obviously survived the cataclysm and left their habitat, which was in Shadowfang keep.
    If they share a spawntimer with him is unknown but a lot of people think that it is just a placeholder for another spawn which shares it, but well.
    It's a really strange thing which all of the campers are wondering about.
    We will see what happens to this one. Also it isn't clear if you should kill them. Maybe they are something like a minion of Aeonaxx to see if there is someone waiting for him or not and if they are killed he will not spawn. ^^ That would be a rather rude joke of blizzard, but who knows...


    So now you know a lot about this guy and might have a few ideas what is waiting if you decide to wait for a nice little ride in deepholm.
    If you still want to give this mount a chance and aren't discouraged yet, then I will tell you what to do.

    First of, the camping position.
    In my opinion, the one I'm going to show you is a really good position because you have all the 5 spawnpoints on the south / south-western side of the temple in your range.

    Coordinats / Map location

    Ingame Place

    It is quite near to the stonecore entrance like you see here.

    As soon as it comes to things like: "How much time should i spend there?" -> I'm quite clueless. Just to give you an example, I now camped for over 200 hours and didn't get it yet. So just prepare for a long time or make something like daily sessions. For example, you just camp there for 2 hours every day from 10-12 am / pm or whatever. Just make sure you feel comfortable with it and everything is all right.


    What is this?
    If you don't know it, you can check the MMO-Champion post about the rare spawns or read my short explanation: It is the most important thing. You want it!
    This addon tracks if there are any NPC's around you which you (or the general settings) added to the list and will warn you.
    You will get a 3D-Portrait of the Mob, it will set a raid icon on it and you can target it.
    This is one of the most important things because it will even alert you if you aren't at your computer at this moment.
    A picture of it in action:

    (My second miss of the drake, it got mounted quite fast and I wasn't able to follow)

    You can download this addon from the addonsite of your trust.
    For example you can download it from Download-Link

    As soon as you did this, you can enter the configuration menu either trough Interface -> Addons.
    Under "Search" you then have to add the NPC-ID and a name. The name doesn't matter, just choose something you like.
    For Aeonaxx, the ID is 50062 out of combat and 51236 as soon as he is engaged.
    Add both of these IDs in your list with a name you want and you are ready.

    It will look like this:

    Important note: If you already saw Aeonaxx, you might have to clear your cache folder. You can do this by simply go to your WoW folder and delete the complete "Cache" folder you will find there. You should do this everytime when you saw him, it will be marked by a red cross in your NPCScan if you already cached him.

    Another quite useful thing: You can use sharedmedia addons to import other sounds to your NPCScan, for example you could set a song / an annoying sound to it so you will really hear it even if you are afk at the moment of his spawn.

    Removed the macro part since it is outdated and no longer works!

    Other campers

    You will see quite some people while camping this drake.
    But don't get annoyed or angry. They will either get bored really fast or will search for another point to camp.
    Just treat them good, you never know who will get this mount next time and maybe they share some of their information with you.
    It's also a wise thing to talk a little bit with them (again: be kind) and you will see that alot of them just come by for a quick look.

    I talked with a lot of other people and only one or two were hard-time campers. The others wished me luck after I told them how long I was camping and went away.

    In the end, you will need a lot of patience and the ability to handle with it, if you miss it.

    Now you know a lot about Aeonaxx, the fight, where you should camp and which addon you should use.

    But I still want to tell you some things.
    Actually, if you are for such a long time in deepholm, you will get bored.
    So maybe you will want to look out for some of the other rare spawns, if they are up and just fly a round through the area.
    But please: Be careful with this.
    He might spawn in these few moments you aren't arount and this will be quite discouraging.
    I know what I talk about because I missed him the second time when I was on a quick look for Jadefang and came back to get my addon roaring in a deep voice and some heavy metal soundtrack to gather my attention, only to see him already tagged.

    But if you want to get some alternation Jadefang is quite a nice one to go.
    It is a little rare spider which is located in the Crumbling Depths.
    He will drop a little companion pet and is tamable by hunters.
    Jadefang-Link - If you follow this link you will get a lot of information about the mob and it is quite well explained how to get there. Short version: You need to accept a daily quest (which is not uptime all the time, so just hold it in your questlog once you get it) and shoot yourself up to the hole where he lives.
    He looks like this:

    Of course the other two rares are also a doable thing, only Xariona isn't really soloable so it would take a long time.
    They all drop blue BoE items which can be sold for a quite good price on the auction house. Only Jadefang drops the minipet, nothing else.

    The ID's to set at your NPSscan:

    Jadefang: 49822
    Terborus: 50060
    Golgarok: 50059
    Xariona: 50061

    I think this is at the moment all I can tell you.
    It's quite a lot of information so use it wisely and you might soon ride on a new awesome mount.
    If you have any questions (as soon as the guides will get released) it's a pleasure for me to aid you, so don't hesitate and ask freely.
    I wish all of you a merry christmas and soon a happy new year.
    Maybe some of us will get a chance for a ride on this companion before, as a christmas present for example.

    And don't give up! You will get it if you just stick to it.
    Last edited by mmoc2d47959902; 2011-08-12 at 05:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Just a little heads-up for all my fellow campers out there.
    After camping there for about 850 hours and missing the spawn 6 times (2 times by just a few seconds) I managed to get it today!

    Screenshot after Kill

    Camped where I showed it in the pictures above and it spawned under the big floating stone.
    I'm really sorry, that I don't have any screenshots of the spawn or the combat but I was just so nervous that I forgot it. I only praid that I wouldn't get a disconnect or something...

    And one important point: The combat isn't bugged anymore, so you can face him normally and just kill him. Smashed buttons for a while until my hands stopped shacking O_o So took me a little bit ^^
    Last edited by mmoc2d47959902; 2011-04-06 at 10:40 PM.

  3. #3
    liked the look of this mount but dont have the patience to camp as i dont play much atm :*(

  4. #4
    Hey, nice guide, thanks for sharing!
    I'll try to find it some day.

  5. #5
    Grunt Natter's Avatar
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    I was extremely lucky today, i just came back from a 3 month break from wow, i did my did my therazane dalies, then was like "hmm, i'll make a quick lap around deepholme just to see if the rare dragon is here" Boom, there he was. now my guildmates envy me.

  6. #6
    110 hours and missed it 3 times. This mount is a wow killer. I came close to quitting because of it. Good luck to all though, had to step back and cool down before I did something stupid . When it gets to the point I'm at, I strongly suggest you take a break to cool down. The amount of time you spend farming it is trumped by RNG and people just screwing around. It seams like that's always how it happens.

  7. #7
    I've lost count of how long I've camped for now, but it's probably around 36 hours or so. Whenever I've got nothing to be doing and I'm at home and the boyfriend's not around, I'll camp and watch some films as I do. In fact, if I find myself about to just sit around in Orgrimmar and do nothing but jump around, I go to Deepholm instead.

    I don't like to call it 'camping' really because for me it's more like 'sitting around and hoping he spawns'.

    I know all his spawn points, how high he's flying when he's spawned, everything. I've seen him dead once. I made the mistake of doing dailies in Tol Barad instead of camping and my friend told me he'd spawned and some level 82 got him. I flew over and found his corpse right outside the entrance, I wasn't too pleased.

    Going to just take my time though. There's no rush, I'll just sit here when I'm not doing anything else on WoW and hopefully one day he'll spawn and I'll be there to grab him.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Build View Post
    110 hours and missed it 3 times. This mount is a wow killer. I came close to quitting because of it. Good luck to all though, had to step back and cool down before I did something stupid . When it gets to the point I'm at, I strongly suggest you take a break to cool down. The amount of time you spend farming it is trumped by RNG and people just screwing around. It seams like that's always how it happens.
    Yeah, after the 2nd missed spawn I thought about doing something different and ended up camping a while in storm peaks.
    But it's right, camping for a long time and missing it (again) is quite dissapointing. And nobody wants to be in range of you at this moment. D:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoyll View Post
    I've lost count of how long I've camped for now, but it's probably around 36 hours or so. Whenever I've got nothing to be doing and I'm at home and the boyfriend's not around, I'll camp and watch some films as I do. In fact, if I find myself about to just sit around in Orgrimmar and do nothing but jump around, I go to Deepholm instead.

    I don't like to call it 'camping' really because for me it's more like 'sitting around and hoping he spawns'.

    I know all his spawn points, how high he's flying when he's spawned, everything. I've seen him dead once. I made the mistake of doing dailies in Tol Barad instead of camping and my friend told me he'd spawned and some level 82 got him. I flew over and found his corpse right outside the entrance, I wasn't too pleased.

    Going to just take my time though. There's no rush, I'll just sit here when I'm not doing anything else on WoW and hopefully one day he'll spawn and I'll be there to grab him.
    Yeah, thats a good way of doing it.
    Won't waste too many time and you still have a chance to get it.
    And like I wrote, it depends on the person how they camp, just do it the way you have the most fun. ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Natter View Post
    I was extremely lucky today, i just came back from a 3 month break from wow, i did my did my therazane dalies, then was like "hmm, i'll make a quick lap around deepholme just to see if the rare dragon is here" Boom, there he was. now my guildmates envy me.
    I'm jealous since I have to camp long for mounts and co. *g*
    Last edited by mmoc2d47959902; 2011-04-06 at 10:47 PM.

  9. #9
    I flew around these spawn points for like 4 hours a day for a week and didn't find shit haha

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Voluum View Post
    I flew around these spawn points for like 4 hours a day for a week and didn't find shit haha
    Considering that some people have camped 400 hours non-stop, 4 hours a day is nothing to compare.

  11. #11
    nice thanks

  12. #12
    Very useful guide, thanks it's hard to figure out the exact path of flying rares without hints

  13. #13
    i'll make a quick lap around deepholme just to see if the rare dragon is here" Boom, there he was. now my guildmates envy me.

  14. #14
    Stood in the Fire Omarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebecca520 View Post
    i'll make a quick lap around deepholme just to see if the rare dragon is here" Boom, there he was. now my guildmates envy me.
    Obvious keylogger is obvious

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by rebecca520 View Post
    I do have to wonder why everyone seems to spell Deepholm wrong.

  16. #16
    Mechagnome Kassina's Avatar
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    great guide!, but can some one tell me if theres a macro like this "/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: \124cffa335ee\124Hitem:63042:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake]\124h\124r");
    /tell YOURCHARACTERNAME link me the item" for the time-lost proto-drake to?

  17. #17
    You can shoot him as a Hunter.

  18. #18
    @ Josefina:
    Yes there is. In fact you can use this macro for every item, you only have to change the bolded part, thats the ID of the Reins. So if you want to know if the Time-Lost was killed just look up on MMO-C or wowhead the ID is and put it in there. For the timelost it's 44168.

    /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: \124cffa335ee\124Hitem:63042:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake]\124h\124r");
    /tell YOURCHARACTERNAME link me the item
    And just to get it right with the name (looks better! ) use this macro:

    /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: \124cffa335ee\124Hitem:44168:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake]\124h\124r");
    /tell YOURCHARACTERNAME link me the item

    @ Treelife: Thanks for the confirmation. Will add this to my post.
    Last edited by mmoc2d47959902; 2011-04-20 at 02:52 PM.

  19. #19
    Mechagnome Kassina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ot4ku-mh View Post
    @ Josefina:
    Yes there is. In fact you can use this macro for every item, you only have to change the bolded part, thats the ID of the Reins. So if you want to know if the Time-Lost was killed just look up on MMO-C or wowhead the ID is and put it in there. For the timelost it's 44168.

    And just to get it right with the name (looks better! ) use this macro:

    @ Treelife: Thanks for the confirmation. Will add this to my post.
    Thank you! and is it 100% sure these macros work?

  20. #20
    Well, like I stated before, if someone on you realm has one in his inventar it will be in the server cache as soon as he logs in every week.
    So since you check the server cache it will look like it dropped this week. =/

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