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  1. #41
    Very nice looking guide !
    Some handy tips in there as well
    Nice work ^^

  2. #42
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Ann Arbor
    Quote Originally Posted by Dbutcher View Post
    No sir, 0.0001% = 1 in 10,000.
    Lets do some math here shall we? Lets start off with the fact that 1% is 1 in 100. Right? Right. So we take a power of ten back and get .1% and this is equal to 1 in 1,000. Following that logic we continue until we get to 0.0001% which is actually 1 in 1,000,000. Isn't learning fun?

    It seems others have decided to teach Dbutcher math as well. It seems I was slower than my comrades, but let this be a lesson to you, do not correct someone unless you are right and being helpful.
    Last edited by Icro; 2011-01-03 at 04:16 PM.

  3. #43
    Wow, this was a very helpful and in-depth guide. Thanks!

  4. #44
    Keyboard Turner jonirocit's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2010
    Thanks ! Very well done!

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by crsh1976 View Post
    Unless I'm misunderstanding something here, I assumed Arc skill level is what dictates where you find dig sites rather than the character's level.
    You have to be a certain level before you can train the higher ranks in Archaeology.
    You're not allowed to discuss conspiracy theories on mmo-champion, which makes me wonder what they're trying to hide.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Dbutcher View Post
    No sir, 0.0001% = 1 in 10,000.

    Also, if you read the forums of mmo-champion and world of warcraft, you'll see that a lot of people have solved more than 150 and they still got no sword. Just a small percentage (and really small) lucky players got them before 100 solves. Personally, I'm in my 195 solve without getting the sword. From my perspective, the drop rate is definitely not 1%.
    Ah, this old argument. Past failures do not indicate future success.
    The only thing players hate more than stagnancy is change.

  7. #47
    My problem with this guide, and almost every other one like it on the mention of exactly what skill level is required for each rare to be able to spawn. Wowwiki has a halfass list, but that's about as close to actual numbers as you can find

  8. #48
    Eastern Kingdoms is definetly faster to level than Kalimdor as horde, and here's why:

    Zeppelins in the south and north obviously cut down traveling time between south and north shovels. Plus you can set your hearth to a middle point on the map (New Kargath) to get all those dwarf/fossil sites there.
    Kalimdor is much wider than eastern kingdoms so you have to fly A LOT LOT more east to west, west to east than eastern kingdoms
    Kalimdor has A TON more environmental obstacles (i.e. HIGH MOUNTAINS AND TREES!!!) Flying up over them, and then flying a long way down reduces your digging time by a lot.
    Troll digsites spawn just as much as Nelf shovels for leveling.
    Last edited by Vicieus; 2011-01-03 at 04:43 PM.

  9. #49
    High Overlord
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Nov 2010
    Good guide. Would have appreciated a list of required arch levels for the rares as there is no good complete compiled list yet!

  10. #50
    As a DK I found EK to be better because of death gate. 1 min teleport back to eastern PL. On Zin'rokh, remember 1% chance doesn't mean after 100 solves you will get it. 1% chance means you have 1% chance every solve, which means to have a 99% chance to get it you need to do something in the area of 750 solves.

  11. #51
    Horde & Eastern Kingdoms:

    Orgrimmar -> Zeppelin to Grom'gol (digsites for STV, duskwood, redridge, badlands) -> Hearthstone or Zeppelin back
    Orgrimmar -> Portal to Blasted Lands (digsites for Blasted Lands, Swamp of Sorrows) -> Dark Portal -> Portal to Orgrimmar
    Orgrimmar -> Zeppelin to Tirisfal Glades (digsites for everything north of badlands, including badlands if you get wetlands + badlands) -> Hearthstone back

  12. #52
    I was disappointed that there was no mention of the dungeon quests that give you buffs upon completion. They're only a one-time buff, but can be quite useful if you are still struggling with heroics or are trying for achievements. Overall, though, a great guide. Thanks!

  13. #53
    You should definitely explain which rares are account bound and which are BoP.
    I'm bitter by default. Don't take it personally.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stir View Post
    Either give an argument, or be automatically wrong. Your choice.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalx View Post
    good guide. I'm deep in archaeology already, but many people starting on it may find it useful

    but just a little heads up about Zin'rokh:

    this is just unnecessary exageration, the "drop" rate is probably 1%, maybe a little bit higher, 0.0001% would imply a chance of 1 in 100000, which is definitelly not the case. the "rarity" in large part is due to having to work SO much time on it in EK hoping for troll digsites for a CHANCE of it appearing. I got it on my 51th solve, I've seen people take longer, or even get it as soon as their 3rd or 4th solve, the same way people can get lucky to get a rare mount drop on the first kill of a boss
    Doubt it's over 1% even. None of my 20+ archaeologist contacts have it yet (and still farm it, but not as frequent as raids started), and they all have done well over 100 solves after 525 skill even, without anyone getting it. And by checking wowhead comments, not to many they get it, and some people even lie about getting it. So you could most likely count out a few of the wowhead comments aswell.

    ---------- Post added 2011-01-03 at 07:05 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Firecrest View Post
    You should definitely explain which rares are account bound and which are BoP.
    All gear is, and the Puzzle Box (for some odd reason). Can't remember any of the other previous being BoA.

  15. #55

    Tol'vir Jars

    Overall a really great guide, however there is NO mention of what drops when you open the Canopic jars. They have a chance to drop the wildly sought after alchemy mount recipe vial of the sands, as well as some other neat stuff. It would have been nice to see that mentioned as well.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by laell View Post
    As a DK I found EK to be better because of death gate. 1 min teleport back to eastern PL. On Zin'rokh, remember 1% chance doesn't mean after 100 solves you will get it. 1% chance means you have 1% chance every solve, which means to have a 99% chance to get it you need to do something in the area of 750 solves.
    Yes ofc 1% means 1% chance everytime you try solve it. In loooong term, this should mean 1/100, or 10/1000 (or more likely, ~1000/100.000 solves). Else it's not a 1% droprate.

    EDIT: I'm probably wrong. Thought it over a bit.
    Last edited by aggression; 2011-01-03 at 06:23 PM.

  17. #57
    Good guide mate, congratulations on the prize!

  18. #58
    Would be nice with some statistics aswell tho, might be hard to collect? I can at least give you my statistics for my Professor-title (I still can collect 5 Tol'vir (if total is 7?), 1 dwarf and 1 troll).

    My totals (till I got title for 20 rares)
    Dwarf: 89 (probably 30-40 of them trying to get Staff)
    Draenei: 13 (got both rares)
    Fossil: 17 (got both rares)
    Night Elf: 122 (got all 7 rares)
    Nerubian: 15 (got both rares)
    Orc: 10 (got the only rare)
    Tol'vir: 17 (got 2 rares, last one was rare)
    Troll: 193 (obviously, still no rare and can't really count for the achievement)
    Vrykul: 17 (bot both rares)

    Can also add that I got
    700+ Nelf fragments
    2200 Fossil
    1200 Vrykul (damn, nerubian really sucked balls to farm)

    Now I can relax and farm on any continent, and get the tablets/scrolls etc. to sell at AH, to buy myself Tol'vir ones. Stopped bothering about the Troll one now so might aswell just sell the shit and solve them without tablets.

  19. #59
    When I was reading the guide, I was hoping for more data rather than assumptions and personal experiences.

    That aside, the guide is well written for what is there.

  20. #60
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dbutcher View Post
    No sir, 0.0001% = 1 in 10,000.

    Also, if you read the forums of mmo-champion and world of warcraft, you'll see that a lot of people have solved more than 150 and they still got no sword. Just a small percentage (and really small) lucky players got them before 100 solves. Personally, I'm in my 195 solve without getting the sword. From my perspective, the drop rate is definitely not 1%.
    It's not 1/10,000

    Baron's mount was initially 1/10,000, then nerfed to 1/5000, then to 1/100 (today).

    Knowing that, I'm going to very, very safely assume that Arch epics have a much higher drop rate. I'm not going to claim I know the drop rate, but 1% is probably very likely given past trends and basic understanding of RNG in modern WoW. 1/10000 with 2 RNG factors at play is far, far too low, even for Vanilla standards.

    And oh god, I need the puzzle box. So many Lovecraft references :O
    "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age"

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