Any masochists here are sure to enjoy this.
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552
What kids consider funny now a days.
Shesh. Carry on. Half that shit I have no idea what it means, I am assuming its one of those "you have to be into it" to get the joke.
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552
This thread is slowly becoming 4chan. More than half of the stuff people post isn't because they find it funny, it's because they know it will piss other people off. It's one of the few places on these forums where you can freely troll people, and the only people who will get in trouble for it are the people who respond to it.
Last edited by Dendrek; 2016-08-15 at 01:55 AM.
Exquisite humor.
By all means, please do continue with this.
One less thread for me to check.
Also this, with some spolers regarding Vol'jin:
everything i post i find fucking hilarious. instead of being salty you could post something YOU find funny. for someone with a fucking hanging dead body as their avatar lookin emo as shit you sure do get triggered real damn easy. sorry you cant be a real edgelord like you pretend to be
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552