he can't keep getting away with this, now he's even changing genders to get away with it
OMEGALUL. Someone find more Mark Zuckerberg funny pics like this.
Good job peddling the lie. He was recording videos from INSIDE THE SCHOOL during the shooting. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/04/da...land-shooting/
This thread:
Don't sweat the details!!!
These are from an Icelandic artist, yes we Icelanders have a very dark sense of humor.
There are many others that he has made that are FAR darker, this is on the mild side.
Last edited by Torched; 2018-04-13 at 04:09 PM.
“A man will contend for a false faith stronger than he will a true one,” he observes. “The truth defends itself, but a falsehood must be defended by its adherents: first to prove it to themselves and secondly, that they may appear right in the estimation of their friends.”
-The Acts of Pilate.