I finally saw Dad of War to the end which meant I could finally be open to not care about spoilers when googling sweet, sweet memes.
And I regret nothing, the fan content for this is something to behold.
this gave me the the best immature laugh i've had in a while now
Funny in Romania. A bunch of politicians went to the WH and Obama shook their hands. But the photograppher messed up his shots, so he just photoshopped what he had. The dude with white hair recently posted this picture on his FB page in which he shakes Obama's hand, not knowing it's a photoshop, and the meme-nado began.
The first one is the original picture.
Last edited by mmocb32a24d4db; 2018-06-30 at 08:58 PM.
(only pokemon players will get it)
Don't sweat the details!!!
Stop with the anime crap, please. They aren't funny and nobody outside the hentai circle jerk will get them.