1. #24541
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  2. #24542
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  3. #24543
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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  4. #24544

  5. #24545
    Quote Originally Posted by The Butt Witch View Post
    Imagine how you people would feel if you were actually oppressed.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  6. #24546
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    Imagine how you people would feel if you were actually oppressed.
    Imagine thinking that only Leftwing opinions should be allowed in public, and any Rightwing opinions need to be silenced and their authors fired.

    Oh, nice signature btw, I can see what kind of person you are.

  7. #24547
    Quote Originally Posted by The Butt Witch View Post
    Imagine thinking that only Leftwing opinions should be allowed in public, and any Rightwing opinions need to be silenced and their authors fired.

    Oh, nice signature btw, I can see what kind of person you are.
    No one stopped her from having any opinions in public. This is dumb. This thread is for funny stuff not for for the cosplay oppressed.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  8. #24548
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    No one stopped her from having any opinions in public. This is dumb. This thread is for funny stuff not for for the cosplay oppressed.
    Until she had too many opinions in public.

    Isn't it funny how the only "strong independent women who don't need no men" characters created by Luscasfilm have been cancelled for wrongthink? Carano is out and Rosario Dawson is on the chopping block. One could even assume that Disney doesn't like strong independent women who don't need no man, and they mostly like subservient women who think and say only what is allowed.

  9. #24549
    Quote Originally Posted by The Butt Witch View Post
    Until she had too many opinions in public.

    Isn't it funny how the only "strong independent women who don't need no men" characters created by Luscasfilm have been cancelled for wrongthink? Carano is out and Rosario Dawson is on the chopping block. One could even assume that Disney doesn't like strong independent women who don't need no man, and they mostly like subservient women who think and say only what is allowed.
    Nothing you're saying makes sense and most isn't true. Get back on topic. This is a funny thread.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  10. #24550
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Allow me to lighten the mood of this thread

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  11. #24551
    Quote Originally Posted by The Butt Witch View Post
    Until she had too many opinions in public.

    Isn't it funny how the only "strong independent women who don't need no men" characters created by Luscasfilm have been cancelled for wrongthink? Carano is out and Rosario Dawson is on the chopping block. One could even assume that Disney doesn't like strong independent women who don't need no man, and they mostly like subservient women who think and say only what is allowed.
    Lol, you're expected to be taken seriously? #noonecares get back to the jokes.

    Mods are too busy to be bothered with moderation...but still post nonsense in threads.

    Please do not contact me about moderation - Reach out to another member.

  12. #24552
    Quote Originally Posted by The Butt Witch View Post
    Until she had too many opinions in public.

    Isn't it funny how the only "strong independent women who don't need no men" characters created by Luscasfilm have been cancelled for wrongthink? Carano is out and Rosario Dawson is on the chopping block. One could even assume that Disney doesn't like strong independent women who don't need no man, and they mostly like subservient women who think and say only what is allowed.
    I don't know what exactly she did but your views are out in la-la land from what I am seeing.

    1) Something Republicans loved to trod out when it came to people refusing to make gay peoples cakes and other stuff based on "Religious Freedom", unlike that violation of the persons rights, this isn't near the same thing. She made views that weren't representative of the company and the company she worked for treated her accordingly.

    If I worked as a spokesman for ANYWHERE and I started saying some stuff that could be considered messed up, it isn't wrong for my butt to be let go for making them look bad.

    2) It isn't a case of "Only left wing views allowed" the problem is that the right wing views many claim to have are FACTUALLY and PROVABLY WRONG. Sorry, but if the facts say you are wrong and reality says your wrong, your wrong, doesn't matter whether you views are right, left, center, up, down, or inside out. Factually wrong is factually wrong.

    And I say this as someone who has debated the topic ad nauseum to a bunch of people and their views all relied on them believing proven lies which destroyed their views foundations the moment they are stuck admitting they were wrong on those key parts. But won't lie, it was funny being told I was a Satan Worshipper who would burn in hell by a family member for showing the hypocrisy in their views and how their views did a 180 based on which group it was coming from.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  13. #24553
    Okay guys, less politics, more funny pictures, please.

  14. #24554

  15. #24555

  16. #24556
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    So very, very horngry.

    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  17. #24557

  18. #24558

  19. #24559

  20. #24560
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    The spice must flow!

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