could we please stop with all the sketchy NSFW stuff? some people read this thread at work, and it's hard to explain to your boss why you're watching what looks like a collage of porn movies.
My Gaming Setup | WoW Paladin (retired)
"This is not a dress. This is a sacred robe of the ancient psychedelic monks."
Need more pictures
Hi. Can we please bring the thread back to not being the 'Funny inappropriate pictures megathread' and instead the 'Funny pictures megathread'.
"I'm glad you play better than you read/post on forums." -Ninety
BF3 Profile | Steam Profile | Assemble a Computer in 9.75 Steps! | Video Rendering Done Right
there are a number of reasons i could be browsing forums instead of working:
maybe i'm on my lunch break?
maybe my work requires me to browse the internet?
maybe i'm currently waiting for a long process to complete without anything else to do?
maybe i'm without a job, but am just stepping up for those that do have work?
the last one is the valid one, but a number of people watch this at work.
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Ugh, don't tell me there are Hunger Games memes now...
OT: I laughed my ass of at this one:
My Gaming Setup | WoW Paladin (retired)
"This is not a dress. This is a sacred robe of the ancient psychedelic monks."
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