||i5 3570k @ 4.4GHz||H100 push/pull||AsRock Z77 Extreme4||16Gb G.Skill Ripjaws 1600MHz||Gigabyte Windforce GTX 970|| Coolermaster Storm Trooper||Corsair TX850 Enthusiast Series||Samsung 840 Pro 128gb(boot drive)||1TB WD HDD, 2x 3TB WD HDD, 2TB WD HDD||
Bdk Nagrand / Astae Nagrand
Pokemon X FC: 4656-7679-2545/Trainer Name: Keno
The French surrendering to NK just in case was funny.
Wouldn't want to ruin that precious meat om nom nom , do "we" still hit cows in the head with the sledge hammer?
In my eyes, fish, lizards and insects are basically robots i feel nothing for them
Now lets get eatin'
But we do that with alot of sea food, because if you kill them, they will be "toxic" (if that is the word for it) and its "unsafe" to eat it. It's cruel yes, but appearently they don't feel pain they say. Some say if water is cold and then heated up, they will "fall asleep/die" before boiling, but some say it's better to throw them in already boiling water. I can't really say i believe any of it, it's sad to hear them crawl inside, but it also taste good.
Mmm gief!
“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.”
I've actually heard somewhere that Korean propaganda uses the American credit crisis as karmic retribution subject for the Korean War.
Also, Tyrael, the legal definition of retardedness is having an IQ below 70. the mean IQ is 100, and the deviation is 15, so that means that about 2.5% of the world population is legally retarded. for the US, with rounded 200M adult inhabitants, that means that 5M are legally retarded. of course, the legally retarded don't usually show up to such events.