Epic Student.
GoT season 3 spoilers I guess:
If that's ps4 vs xbox fighting would love to see where the pc comes in that fight :P
So it's the evening of Halloween and this jumps in front of you.
Last edited by Frozenbeef; 2013-06-13 at 04:21 PM.
Dunno what those pictures above are about.
Some people might not get it.
- Vanilla was legitimately bad; we just didn't know any better at the time - SirCowDog
It's funny because it's true. /b/ has always and will always be a crappy island within the sea of piss that is 4chan... Most people that have been lurking for like... 3 months consider themselves /b/ veterans... sad, really really sad. Then again I really only go on /tg/... so I can't speak
I hear ya. I lurked for a bit before the anniversary Habbo raid in 2006. Was a good time. Since then I just drop by when I feel like I've lost my faith in humanity and I'm promptly reminded that there are WAY worse people than I thought and my situations seem better.
but here's an image since this is the image thread.
Anyone else think Jaime Lannister only has the Kingslayer title because he was just too lazy to kill the king on heroic mode?