It's green screened. If it was a screen on the floor then the perspective wouldn't be properly seen as we do from this security camera. I'd like to see this prank done for real though, can't be that hard to put a screen under a glass floor in an elevator.
In response to Sigma below:Since I don't want to fill this thread up with arguments.
Still green screened. This is an attempt to show that LG IPS Monitors are so real because of their image quality, lifelike colour spectrum, and increased Hz. They can not, however, track for 3D perspective projecting. Hence the camera's in the corner of the elevator should not have proper prospective that we are seeing if they were doing this for real.
Fail advertising.
(I may have posted this pic before, but look at his face! He's determined to get that goat.)
Last edited by Nario64; 2013-07-04 at 11:56 PM.
Not green screened, done with LG IPS Monitors.
Last edited by mmocd8f86ed6f0; 2013-07-04 at 08:28 PM.
Look at full video: and notice how the perspective (the angles of the elevator shaft and on which monitors you see the center of if) change when the camera moves. If this was real, the view on the monitors would not change when the camera moves.
please tell me those are fake twits, plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
Are those people serious? Lmao
Oh yeah. You should see the ones on christmas day - "Daddy got me a WHITE ipad?!?!?! I wanted black!!! CHRISTMAS IS RUINED WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH"
Honestly the only notable things on Twitter are Jeremy Clarkson, Lord Sugar vs Piers Morgan bitchfests and then holiday tweets. Oh, and the fake accounts. Here's a fake account for Santa: