God forbid everyone doesn't have the same sense of humor.
Best comic I've ever seen!
Unfortunately, I have no idea why I can't link the actual image.
And even though it's reached new heights, I rather like the restless nights. It makes me wonder, makes me think there's more to this, I'm on the brink. It's not the fear of what's beyond, it's just that I might not respond! I have an interest, almost craving, would I like to get to far in?!
[Banhammer, Kungen's Bane]
1.60 sp mace
150 str
268 sta
77 defense
80 dodge
93 parry
"As you look upon the mace, you hear the whining of a thousand fanboys. Something deep with in your soul makes it impossible to think anything but 'lol.'"
/\ Was this sarcasm? Are you sure?
|| Read it again, I'll wait.
|| The results may surprise you.
Last edited by Ciddy; 2013-11-01 at 03:00 PM.
Is it the word "Bitch"? ^^