I'd just like to point out that this is a funny PICTURES thread. While technically a screenshot of a massive wall of 4chan texts *is* a picture, I think it's safe to say it sort of goes against the spirit of this here thread...
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552
If you don't like a picture, ignore it and move in. Scrolling is not difficult, nor is ignoring a picture. Get back to the real topic and do not derail with arguments about what is or is not funny.
Except they're images that are scaled, and are humorous, in a thread about funny pictures, so I completely fail to see your point.
You can't legislate funny. I find most of those 4chan 'text' images to be funny, a hell of a lot funnier than those Polandball images that have been posted numerous times, or...
Funny is subjective.
Either way, I'm pretty much done with the thread, far too much discussion (''that's not how that works, let's discuss how this really works'', etc.), posting of the top image on reddit everyday, complaints about X image being up, etc. To me, this thread has lost it's fun long before the 4chan images have shown up.
Have a picture. Is this random enough for you, or are you going to complain about it, too? Don't worry, it's the last image I'll post for a while.
Uhm. That's a gif, not a picture. Thanks for ruining the thread.
the linked image was far too large. If you wish to re-embed it, upload to imgur and link with large thumbnail option.
Those are the funniest pictures posted in this thread to me. I like them. You know what I hate? People who post just to type without offering any sort of picture, that really goes against any "spirit of the thread."
So thank you Gegalfo, please do continue to post those pictures if you can.
Since there's some "omg let's change the calendar date Jesus is fake" thread (I'm not being serious don't start arguing with me):
It's always been Wankershim!
My Brand!
Now, Properly on topic...
Last edited by Uggorthaholy; 2014-01-09 at 07:35 PM.
Log and dog don't rhyme....
Image is kind of large. Not THAT funny though.
I found this image doing random imgur, it has the following text......
I wanted to cry when I saw this is what my boyfriend got me for Christmas. A necklace containing dirt from Mars.
Probably because no rocks or samples have ever been returned from Mars. They do the testing and science on the rovers on the planet, for example the current one has a Mass Spectrometer on it. Only a few missions have ever actually made it to Mars and they're all one way trips.