If youre waching Game of thrones and you saw Capitan America 2 you will get this one
Captain America 2 spoilers
If youre waching Game of thrones and you saw Capitan America 2 you will get this one
Captain America 2 spoilers
Last edited by Uggorthaholy; 2014-04-29 at 11:46 PM.
Lets see if you get the joke:
And here is a little bonus:
(dont hate me)
Don't sweat the details!!!
Title: Seniors and the handicapped in Singapore can use their pass to have more time to cross the road.
Top comment: My grandpa would troll drivers so much with one of those cards.
Wonder how many poor spellers didn't get what the guy said before reading the correction.
- - - Updated - - -
I have to post the link to this one because all of the comments are incredible LOL.
Last edited by Blueobelisk; 2014-04-29 at 08:05 PM.
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552
/\ Was this sarcasm? Are you sure?
|| Read it again, I'll wait.
|| The results may surprise you.
(there is like 1000 of those)
Don't sweat the details!!!
Last edited by mmoca2c81d9292; 2014-05-01 at 12:20 AM.
/\ Was this sarcasm? Are you sure?
|| Read it again, I'll wait.
|| The results may surprise you.