Smelly cock captain. Ok.....
That being said, racist boner monster sounds like something from japanese horror.
Smelly cock captain. Ok.....
That being said, racist boner monster sounds like something from japanese horror.
Elitist Taint Biscuit... hmm, if I wasn't a massive fan of Totalbiscuit, I'd call that a pretty apt description.
"I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
"so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon
FC: 3437-3046-3552
Too soon?
the book's 75 years old, and bilbo's an old man in the lord of the rings which is like, what, 13 or 14 years old?
Bilbo celebrates his 111th birthday when he gives the ring to Frodo (who is 33 and shares the same birthday). Hobbits live around 40% longer than Men.
Frodo sets out on his adventure when he is the same age as Bilbo went on his, i.e. 50 (Men equivalent of 35). Like Bilbo at that last birthday he is seen by Hobbits, people are already muttering about the fact Frodo has remained surprisingly youthful looking when he is about to leave on his adventure ...
Last edited by mmoc83df313720; 2015-08-26 at 01:01 PM.
Coincidentally relevant news I read this morning:
- - - Updated - - -
The thing I like about this statement is...
What they meant:
(GHG/capita)Indiafrica = 1.5 * (GHG/capita)US
What they wrote:
(GHG/capita)Indiafrica = [1.5 * (GHG/capita)US] * (GHG/capita)US
It implies that if you took the amount, per capita, of GHG produced in the US, multiply that by 1.5, then take the resulting number and multiply it by the per capita GHG produced in the US, you'd have the per capita GHG produced in Indiafrica.
"150% of" and "150% times" have two different meanings. Incidentally, I bet that's a very small number.
It also is completely wrong. I can't find evidence of a 2010 study of GHG emissions in 2010, nor of the UN PO5T's existence. In addition, according to the Worldbank, the US emits about 2.5 times the amount of CO2 per capita as India in 2010, and recent numbers for GHG in general show that the USA emits double the CO2 equivalent of GHG of India in 2014.
Also, India has 3X the population of the USA, so for that statement to be true, India would have to emit 5X as much GHG as the US does, but if India really was polluting that much, we would definitely have heard by now.
Last edited by mmocb0245d6bcb; 2015-08-26 at 10:10 PM.
holy fuck that's hilarious, dude's got some stones to pull that off.
anyone know the source in video? i wanna hear it so bad lol.
It's a scene from the movie Four Lions.