1. #18401
    xD Couple more Miss Universe ones:

    Last edited by Ciddy; 2015-12-21 at 06:28 PM.

  2. #18402

    - - - Updated - - -

    - - - Updated - - -

    - - - Updated - - -

  3. #18403
    I am Murloc! Selastan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slenderman View Post
    And I thought The Simpsons was the only show that could predict things so accurately.

  4. #18404
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Lets see if you get the joke:

    Don't sweat the details!!!

  5. #18405

  6. #18406
    I wonder if people will get offended over the content or the fact that I embedded the gifs into the page.

  7. #18407
    Wow. That'd be a good way to get shot in some places.

  8. #18408

    Repost but I have to save it for later:

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have Islamophobia now.

  9. #18409
    Titan Frozenbeef's Avatar
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    Too soon, maybe in 50years if we no longer have to deal with the threat of that happening

  10. #18410
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenbeef View Post
    Too soon, maybe in 50years if we no longer have to deal with the threat of that happening
    kinda my thoughts...
    I see the humor in it, but at the same time I can see the guy doing that getting charged with terrorism...

    If we didn't live in a world where that is being threatened on everyone it would be extremely funny, but its only moderately humorous instead...

  11. #18411
    Quote Originally Posted by KeirAdish View Post
    kinda my thoughts...
    I see the humor in it, but at the same time I can see the guy doing that getting charged with terrorism...

    If we didn't live in a world where that is being threatened on everyone it would be extremely funny, but its only moderately humorous instead...
    You can see they are all setups though. So, the real problem is if any observers believe it - which is probably quite possible unless there is no one around or do not approach it like a professional TV crew.

  12. #18412

  13. #18413
    Herald of the Titans GodlyBob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeirAdish View Post
    kinda my thoughts...
    I see the humor in it, but at the same time I can see the guy doing that getting charged with terrorism...

    If we didn't live in a world where that is being threatened on everyone it would be extremely funny, but its only moderately humorous instead...
    Terrorism wins when people start believing that the threat posed by fringe groups is much greater than it actually is. We should be laughing at stuff like this, because you're still more likely to be injured while bathing than by a brown dude paying his bus fare towards 72 virgins. By saying "too soon" you are literally giving the terrorists what they want.

  14. #18414
    Last edited by mmoc83df313720; 2015-12-23 at 04:19 AM.

  15. #18415

    Last edited by Ciddy; 2015-12-23 at 04:31 AM.

  16. #18416

  17. #18417

  18. #18418
    When will people learn NEVER to use "I never said X..." on the internet.

  19. #18419

    I had* a few lined up but, fuck my phone.

    Last edited by Tripz; 2015-12-23 at 08:56 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iliyra View Post
    And yet here we are.

  20. #18420
    Too often.

    Feel good about yourselves lol?

    Omg this is better than "let me talk to your manager" haircut LOL...

    LOL I loved this episode too. If you know the context of Spongebob (like my favorite childhood show) then these Spongebob ones are always the best.

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