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  1. #41
    I think that restoration shamans is fine in PvP at the moment. If you don't interrupt or stun us while trying to kill us we won't die easily. And if you don't CC us while you nuke some other target, we will heal them alot. But if you don't do those things and still believe that you will be able to counter us. Then I call you a "WotlK baby". Bursting was wotlk pvp play style. And restoration shamans got really buttraped in pvp because they didn't have enough self defence or strong heals enough to keep themself up. Now we do and you want to take that away?

    We have a totem that gives us about 20k worth of a shield. Grounding totem that absorbs a spell, Wind shear for interrupt, and finally hex for CC. It isn't that overpowered. Paladins have bubble for self defence and stun for offense. Priests have dmg reducing spells and a fear. Druids have their different forms to get out of CC and trouble, and they have entangle and cyclone for CC.

    We have always been able to purge. The only difference is that we now can dispell magic, instead of poision and disease. And we can dispell curse aswell. Imo I'd rather keep poison and disease dipselling. For a PvE point of view. in PvP magic dispell is quite useful though.

    Anyway. I don't think that PvP Resto Shamans are too overpowered, you just need to think PvP to counter them. Not just nuke as hell.
    In PvE we are fine mana wise because of Mana Tide, but we lack on how much our heals actually heal. We should get a bit more powerful heals for PvE and resto shamans are perfect. To be honest.

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  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Kärmä View Post
    I agree that we're OP against casters, but against any melee class we get wrecked.
    I agree, and wrecked bad!

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