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  1. #1

    Wth is going on in Goldshire ( Moon Gaurd US/Argent Dawn/EU )

    I went there too see if it was true and i was shocked tbh. in the realms Moon guard US and Argent Dawn EU. when you go to Goldshire you will see tons of Erp'ers and Pervs, i mean what the hell is going on there? "WHAT HAS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN!!"
    Playing since 2007.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I blame the devil children!

  4. #4
    On a Saturday night, stand in the middle of the inn as a female char, get an addon for Auto Trade accept, go afk and come back with tons of gold. :P
    Playing since 2007.

  5. #5
    Scarab Lord Razorice's Avatar
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    Over there --->
    Nothing new there. last week while questing in elwynn with my alt some people made a strip party in GS Inn. /sigh

  6. #6
    High Overlord
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    OP...You must be new

  7. #7
    Scarab Lord bahumut5's Avatar
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    I honestly still don't really get it.
    I once made a Character on Argent Dawn EU, and there was close to no Role-Playing going on in Goldshire. Just a lot of people abusing the General Chat and people (Night Elves & Draenei mostly) dancing around with the least amount of clothing possible.

    The only RP thing that happened was a Warrior dressed in the Stormwind's Guards costume who stopped me and told me I shouldn't walk around Stormwind with my Imp out because it could give out the wrong impression towards the people...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bahumut5 View Post
    I honestly still don't really get it.

    The only RP thing that happened was a Warrior dressed in the Stormwind's Guards costume who stopped me and told me I shouldn't walk around Stormwind with my Imp out because it could give out the wrong impression towards the people...
    I dont RP, will never RP..... however that just sounded great.
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  9. #9
    What happens in Goldshire stays in Goldshire... Not a place for the faint of heart.

  10. #10
    To the argent daaaawn

  11. #11
    Brewmaster Lancer's Avatar
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    lots of erpers...mainly trolls,but some of them serious...walk in there as a human female/night elf/draenei/worgen and you'll get instant whispers with:
    'hey babe <naughty word here>'

  12. #12
    I may reroll alliance just to experience this ahaha.

  13. #13
    RP'ers avoid GS like the plague on AD. It's a hive of vampires, half-demons Illidans illegitimate children (holy crap he and Arthas sure did s*** a lot of farmers daughters). RP is found mainly in SW and Darnassus Alliance side and places like Astranaar and Theramore.

    And although a lot of the players, myself included, don't RP much, it is indeed fun to randomly walk about and get that sort of interactions. Or just watch as The Stormwind Guard walks by with 15 players in formation ^_^

  14. #14
    Argent Dawn is somehow like The US version ( Moon guard ) but not as much people.
    Playing since 2007.

  15. #15
    My Signature

  16. #16
    Pandaren Monk I stand in fire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nab View Post
    I went there too see if it was true and i was shocked tbh. in the realms Moon guard US and Argent Dawn EU. when you go to Goldshire you will see tons of Erp'ers and Pervs, i mean what the hell is going on there? "WHAT HAS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN!!"
    i don't see why blizzard just ban the people who do that. I mean kids play this fucking game and it's rated T for fuck sakes.

    Seriously, people who cyb0r in video games deserve to get banned just becuase they're so damn pathetic.
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  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by I stand in fire View Post
    i don't see why blizzard just ban the people who do that. I mean kids play this fucking game and it's rated T for fuck sakes.

    Seriously, people who cyb0r in video games deserve to get banned just becuase they're so damn pathetic.
    Children also come on this forum so language please!

  18. #18
    Yeap... made a lvl 1 female human rogue, dancing now...

    Results were tragic... Seen that guy dressed as a sw gaurd, asked him for an escort to sw because I was afraid of bandits, he said *** off i don't erp, it's lame. I said escort as in walk with me to protect me not escort like hooker. I said, I don't erp, but you herp-derp.
    Last edited by Phearoids; 2011-01-07 at 07:18 PM.

  19. #19
    We don't talk about goldshire, close this thread.

  20. #20
    I was threatened by a sheriff last time I went there. It was intense.
    Vindicatum - US-Icecrown
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