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  1. #21
    I am Murloc! GreatOak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kuku2 View Post
    The instances could stand to be a bit shorter, I agree, but you do not have a point with LFD queues. If you don't like queues, you can easily form a group with players from your server. I see groups forming in trade chat all the time. Generally speaking, the quality of these groups is controlled by the people creating them.

    If you don't like waiting in queue and you don't have a guild, make your own group. It's really not that hard and you're not going to find an argument against me on this :P
    That's what I do know, but people shouldn't be forced to play something they don't want to play in order to gave an enjoyable playing experience. That's bad design

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by GreatOak View Post
    I never said I was a dps. I'm a healer actually. There will always be long queue teams for dps because the systems broken. I love people who talk down to others playing wow, because bragging about being good at the most casual mmo is like bragging about winning the gold at the special olympics.
    wait, you're a healer complaining that people need to cc? I call bullshit.

    The only time it's quicker without cc is if your group is solid and is in almost all 346 gear. Anything less and you're not going to be able to heal it without drinking...often.

  3. #23
    I'm not sure what raids you've been doing, but you can definitely make mistakes and not die. Now don't get me wrong that there are mistakes out there that will wipe your raid, and are easy enough to do, but its not like every fight is H LK. I'd say the normal modes seem pretty reasonable right now; challenging but not truly ball-busting with room to get more ball-busting in heroic.

  4. #24
    I am Murloc! Oneirophobia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krid View Post
    Rogues almost have zero mobility when we face a class with constant snares/slows. One big advantage rogues have over warriors is stealth.
    I've noticed this. While I heal groups, as soon as a dumb mechanic comes along the rogues are screwed because they need to set up all their stacking combo point/bleed/poison etc. abilities.
    I watch my room mate play his rogue and just sigh every time, too. Thank god I don't have to move much as a shadow priest.

  5. #25
    The only thing I agree with is Tol'Barad. Don't get me wrong, I like winning. But its also annoying that I can't complete the achievement to destroy a tower because my side never loses.

  6. #26
    I am Murloc! GreatOak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feo View Post
    Bitch bitch moan moan, it's obvious to me that your bad and raging hard that you can't faceroll content anymore. Man up pussy.
    Of course. It's evident that I'm a bad player because we have differing opinions. You can clearly tell how horrible I am by the armory link I posted. Get off your high horse. PVE is team content, and I don't have time for a full time guild. If this was solo content and I was complaining you might be right, but then again that's why I pvp. It fits my playstype and schedule easier.

  7. #27
    Blizzard has said they are working on queue times for a more skill based thing, just don't know what it is yet.
    Thunder. Thunder. Thunder cats gooooooooooo!

  8. #28
    High Overlord Nedle's Avatar
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    I don't mind the vent, and could even agree with some of it. However, how do you propose to change it!?

    What makes something difficult to you? You want difficulty, but don't make me focus fire, interrupt, or takes too long? Guess we need more poop not to stand in; with a boss we can face roll, people generally have a hard time not standing in stuff.

    RE: Tol barad...yeah totally busted.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by GreatOak View Post
    And raiding? Sheesh. They vastly overreacted to Wrath bitching and did a full 180. Literally no breathing room for a single mistake in a 10+ minute fight.
    If you've done Bastion of Twilight, the first boss in there (Halfus Wyrmbreaker) is only a 6 minute or under fight, being as he has a 6 minute enrage timer.

  10. #30
    dont like it dont play it, want to voice your opinion on the game? try doing so constructively, do not just list of endless faults but rather say why theya re a problem and suggest how they may be fixed


  11. #31
    hate to burst your bubble but the majority of Wotlk's hardmodes were easy

  12. #32
    Sounds to me like the OP is just bad and thats his main problem.

    I hate when people feel everything shouldd be handed to them on silver platter with no work at all. Heroics were a little hard for the first week, maybe two. with some gearing up they become much easier and are now a breeze. I havent had a pug wipe more than 1 or 2 times and the longest one takes maybe 30-45 min. This isnt the end of WoTLK where u can blow thru heroics in 5 min so you shouldnt expect it anymore.

    As far as the q being too long grow some balls and learn to play your offspec if you dont want to wait. If you're one of the few classes that cant heal or tank then deal with it. You chose the class so suffer the consequences.

  13. #33
    bad players make dungeons hard.
    good player make dungeons fast.

  14. #34
    Even with bad DPS, most heroics can be successfully completed in 30-45 minutes with a halfway competent tank and healer. Same as it was at the beginning of Wrath. The only difference now is that there are even more drooling morons who think they belong in the LFD queue but obviously don't than there were this time two years ago.

    If you are consistently unable to complete heroics, it's probably because you don't belong there. A month is more than enough time to acquire the gear, skill, understanding of fights, and situational awareness necessary to faceroll any heroic that shipped with the expansion.

  15. #35
    I am Murloc! GreatOak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nedle View Post
    I don't mind the vent, and could even agree with some of it. However, how do you propose to change it!?

    What makes something difficult to you? You want difficulty, but don't make me focus fire, interrupt, or takes too long? Guess we need more poop not to stand in; with a boss we can face roll, people generally have a hard time not standing in stuff.

    RE: Tol barad...yeah totally busted.
    That's what sucks. Blizz rehashes easy boss mechanics for the majority of
    the content, but just makes things hit harder. Unfortunately most people don't understand these still so Blizz continues to use them. I want Boss fights that require split second reaction times and skill,
    but only last 2 minutes or so. I know this will never happen so that's why I pvp, which is the thing that comes closest in this game to individual skill.

  16. #36

    Less QQ more PewPew

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatOak View Post
    Cataclysm in general is a mess of horribly rushed design that pseudo elitists attempt to classify as genuine difficulty.*Vanilla WoW endgame was difficult, BC endgame was difficult, WotLK hard modes (excluding heroics obviously) were difficult, this is just an exercise in frustration and tedium at the pug level.

    Don't attempt to justify the terrible design by saying "join a guild" because if everyone did that the outcome would be the same.
    A lot of the heroics are just overly long. They're not hard, you just have 18 "CC This guy, CC that guy, DPS this guy first, interrupt this guy when you DPS him down" pulls instead of 8. If you lapse in concentration for a second, you'll die instantly to a lot of gimmicks.

    But again, shit's not hard, just long. What makes it awful is that if you're not in hard with a group of close friends/guildies that are smart, you're subject to LFD. And if you're DPS? 40 minute queues. Imagine waiting 40 minutes to wipe seven times in a dungeon that is an hour long if run AT THE ABSOLUTE BEST.
    It's essentially a giant gear check. Do you have good gear? Do you have even basic competency in the class you have (hopefully) been playing for the last 85 levels? Congratulations, you can enjoy your 2 hour long heroics for marginally better gear than what you have now.

    And raiding? Sheesh. They vastly overreacted to Wrath bitching and did a full 180. Literally no breathing room for a single mistake in a 10+ minute fight. A lot of good fights, sure, but *it's back to the Vanilla/BC mind-set that only hardcore poop-sockers deserve to raid or something. We don't need Naxx level easy, but they probably should've started us as Karazhan, MC or toned-down Ulduar levels.*

    Oh yeah, the new Wintergrasp, Tol Barad? Comically broken. The defenders will win 99% of the time and you basically hope for a full raid premade to go in and take it that 1% of the time, or for them to be asleep at 3 AM(good luck with the 1:1 system) or something.

    They did a good job allowing people to have larger health pools in pvp, and that's the only improvement. There are blatantly broken classes running rampant in pvp right now, and the devs have their heads so far up their asses that they fail to see the real problems. They nerf feral bleeds by 10% but buff their strikes by a bigger amount?! Great. Now I'll be hit by 7k bleeds instead of 8k, while mangle hits me so hard I disconnect. Warriors are still stomping people into dust with their overpowering damage and mobility. They are everything that's good about rogues but have none of the weaknesses.
    Frost mages can literally kite almost every class for 30 minutes or more and Demo locks can stunlock you aswell with their own personnal pocket warrior. Hunters, rogues, priests, and ret are all extremely underwhelming in pvp and Blizz ignores the major problems in pvp. This is ridiculous.*

    Queue the Blizzard nuthuggers
    All I read in that entire post was crying about things being different. Wrath was not difficult whatsoever, and you and everyone you queue with who fails most likely has not adapted to the new play style.
    First Point : You say that the dungeons are too long. The dungeons are not much longer then a Wrath dungeon if your group is good and you move at a constant pace, I have done every dungeon in 45 minutes or less on heroic. B)You say that they didn't make it difficult but just making you CC and interrupt required mobs. The fact that in Wotlk you could simply pull large groups and aoe them down without CC is obviously easier then having to CC and interrupt, Wrath got so boring I was literally watching movies while playing wow in 800x600 windowed. Also, If you lapse in concentration for a second this does not cause a wipe, a good player will be able to save himself or another player if there are mistakes. It is REPEATED mistakes that cause wipes, and by not just one member of the party. This makes absolutely no sense to say it is to hard, it basically has evened the difficulty for each party member, no longer is it the healer or tanks fault for a wipe but can be a dps or two not mitigating damage, not doing the proper ccs and not interrupt. It makes each class have its own level of usefulness and abilities that will help out the team.

    Second Point: Make some friends. The reason why there are 40 minute waits right now is lack of tanks, people not wanting to pug and HAVING friends and running them with them exclusively, and the fact that many players choose to complain rather then adapt and do not fare well in the new dungeons.

    Third Point: You say that you would like breathing room. The raids are meant to be difficult, wrath raids were extremely easy except for HMLK however once your group gets down the mechanics, and is well enough geared to start raiding, you will be able to down the bosses. It is a learning curve and I have seen much steeper learning curves in many games. This goes back to point two, make some friends, prove your worth, and raid when everyone is ready. Watch videos and read strategies on how to beat a boss and you will have a much easier time. The new raids are a breath of fresh air unlike Wotlk which had simple mechanics that once understood, the fight basically becomes much to simple such as most of wraths raids.

    Fourth Point: Some classes do have some abilities that will eventually get nerfed, but instead of complaining farm honor and get resilience. Learn how to counter certain classes moves. It is impossible to perfectly balance every single move, but blizzard are doing there best and nerfs for specific moves such as ring of frost, warrior stuns, ferals etc. The fact that players that abuse certain tactics will not get any better and once the nerfhammer comes down, the people who are actually good will still play their class well, people will always complain about this and it is inevitable. The statement you made : "feral..." "Warrior..." "Frost mages.." "Demo locks ..." QQing about how powerful they were and then stating. "Hunters, rogues, priests, and ret are underpowered." All these classes when in the hands of a decently geared and good player can be effective, you are basically crying about every class being unbalanced yet I have seen examples of all of these performing well.

    Oh and I forgot, TB was a poorly designed pvp match, although it seems like hotfixs are on the way, It does not only trade over at 3am however, and I often see it go back and forth with players trying much more frequently now then when it came out. Communication and tactics make it a much easier pvp experience, and it can be quite fun if you work together with your guild to make a difference.

    I will end this with, less QQ more PewPew. Adapt rather then resist.

    Last edited by ChronicDose; 2011-01-07 at 11:17 PM.

  17. #37


    First off. INFRACTION inbound, and I'm ok with that.

    OK, now that thats outta the way. Stop with the fucking bitching. All this thread, and any thread like it for that matter, consists of "LOL MORE TIME DOESN'T = HARD. LOLOLOLOLOLOL NERF PLS." For example Vanessa Vancleef has been waiting from Vanilla until now to get her revenge...thats what, 10 years? Would you waste 10 be over thrown in 30 minutes?....Didn't think so. These bosses aren't meant to give us gear(seeing as, lore-wise, gear doesn't exsist) there mean't to end us, AKA, not let us live, AKA, be difficult, AKA have reinforcements....and all of you wrath babies who claim to have been here since vanilla are retarded for complaining.

    Now as for raids, you're complaining that, Big Huge pissed off monsters have abilities that can one shot us?......Are you fucking serious? If a mechanic isn't insta-kill, its broken IMO. Not being as such gives bads(such as you I'm assuming) the ability to just get hit over and over and over while making the healers heal you through it.

    People dieing causes wipes? Um, of fucking course? They are called 10 MANS, not BRING 10 PEOPLE just in case but you really only need 4 mans...This shit should be challenging, it should be hard, it should take time. Yeah it puts a strain on casuals, but honestly, if you can't devout one night to raiding, you shouldn't raid, period. (before anyone is like you're a no-lifer hahahah, I'm a senior in high-school, with 2 honors class, a AP class, go to every sports game we have, a girlfriend whom I spend time with frequently, a year round tennis player, and go to almost any and all parties we have, so yeah I have a life)

    So TL;DR, quit bitching and quit, or stfu and realize that WoTLK is gone, if you people who cry get this shit nerfed, I will put some sort of voodoo hex on all of you.


  18. #38
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatOak View Post
    hardcore poop-sockers
    I lol'd... what is a hardcore poop-socker? xD

  19. #39
    I am Murloc! GreatOak's Avatar
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    Wanna give me some tips on how to adapt and beat these op specs as a hunter then?

    Adapt=\=Eating the crap Blizz shovels out now.

    How are you going to say they are trying their hardest? I've read the Patch notes and they haven't fixed ANY of the glaring issues. Hurp let's make ibf resist stuns, oh, and let's "nerf" rof by changing it to the way it was supposed to be in the first place.

  20. #40
    Epic! Spectrez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feo View Post
    Bitch bitch moan moan, it's obvious to me that your bad and raging hard that you can't faceroll content anymore. Man up pussy.
    Whoa... someone's mad... Also - Do you realize your user name also means "ugly" when translated into spanish?

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