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  1. #281
    Interesting changes..

  2. #282
    Quote Originally Posted by Snikeren View Post
    Sure, you can't force your gamestyle on other players, but to get improved loot, you can't be just casual. Extra effort should equal rewards. Heroics are SUPPOSED to be a lot tougher than normal dungeons, so why nerf that heroic part of them? If people can't do it, well, don't let them. If they don't have the IQ or haven't prepared enough beforehand, by reading tactics or so, they don't deserve that phat lewt. Not until they learn how to play properly.
    Yes you can, I am a very casual player and I have no trouble doing heroics.. know why? I RUN WITH MY GUILD! Try running with people that have some idea what they are doing ffs.

    The issue is not casuals vs hardcore players. The issue is decent players vs bad players.

  3. #283
    Wouldn't suprise me if blizz break the dps classes down slowly so everyone eventually will go tank/healing because that specc ain't worthless, or at least the speccs that there's an owerflow with.

  4. #284
    Lol @ Shapeshift Nerf for Druids....
    I am slowly beginning to wonder if the DEVs at Blizzard lost their last Marbles.

  5. #285
    Bloodsail Admiral aarro's Avatar
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    LMAO at all the nerds QQ'in about the HC's bein nerfed!!!! It makes me laugh that the wow geeks forget to relise that there is a real life outside of world of warcraft where real people have families and have real jobs...

  6. #286
    Wtf... way to nerf what you said you wouldn't nerf. All I hear is "reduced by 80%", "easier", "easier, and "easier".

  7. #287
    Quote Originally Posted by rainblades View Post
    Blizz loose a lot of retard player coz for heroics too "hard" for them.
    Loosing gamers = loosing profit
    Thats all about it.
    i was looking for a post like this,if you wouldnt write this,i would....80% of wow players are noobs QQ-ing about how hard the heroics are and about quiting the game...

  8. #288
    Many rare creatures that went into hiding upon Deathwing's emergence into Azeroth have made a return! In addition to finding new homes in a post-Cataclysm world, they drop new, improved loot, provide a healthy experience bonus, and respawn much more quickly when killed. Happy hunting!
    Can someone explain exactly what this means? Does it mean that we are going to get new rare spawns? Or are the existing spawns in Cata like Aeonaxx going to have the spawn timer reduced?

    Or is this only going to affect lower level spawns around 1-60 areas?

  9. #289
    I think its stupid that heroics are beng nerfed..It was less than a week ago that ghostcrawler wrote on his blog "WoW Dungeons are too hard!" ( you can find a link to it on the launcher)
    The blog is a good read, and if your having probs in heroics then I suggest you read fact I suggest you read it gives some reasons as to why some people are finding dungeons hard, and gives possible soloutions to their problems.. and it may help some people understand things from another classes perspective.. Heroic's arent meant to be easy, thats why they are called "Heroic" you arent meant to be able to pull half the instance AoE it all down and ignore mechanics..that will happen naturally when you are overgeared for the content...same as it did in WoTLK.. running those in ilvl264 - 284 gear..
    If your having probs in a - get a bad group...then leave..wait a few mins and go again, or go with your mates or guildies..Its not hard to gear up for raids, what with faction/rep rewards, justice point gear, BoE's from guild bank or the AH and crafted items...and it is extrememly easy to gear for can do it with a few hours gameplay.. I think the problem is people trying to do heroics before they are experienced or geared for them...and I think blizz's idea of reintroducing the TBC style Hc's would be you have to have done them on normal/be attuned/have a key..It would solve a lot of problems.. I think Blizz done a good job with the cata see them get nerfed and making them /faceroll is just stupid.. If people want to blitz through them, grp with overgeared guild members/mates and get boosted...there is no way that the heroics in cata are too hard..they are just how they are meant to be...
    The whole "Geeiif - NOW!!" mentality is just wrong..too many people excpect it all now and without doing anything...cata has been out for a while now, and even logging on once a week you could be geared for heroics..
    if you want to /faceroll through heroics then do so when you're overgeared and with a group of people (guild mebers/mates) that are equally geared..
    LMAO at all the nerds QQ'in about the HC's bein nerfed!!!! It makes me laugh that the wow geeks forget to relise that there is a real life outside of world of warcraft where real people have families and have real jobs...
    As for that quote there are many people who log on for no more than a couple of hours twice a week who are geared and ready for has nothing to do with hardcore vs all...grp with over geared people...simplesss...
    Everyone is happy...
    Dont QQ about it being normal instances learn the mechanics and get geared, it takes a few hours...that is all..
    If the content is nerfed...what are you gong to do till the next lot of content is added to the game..? moan that its all to easy and there is nothing to do..? If you only log on once a month then ofc it will be hard, and no you shouldnt be in heroics..but then have no right to moan about it..why should blizz change things to suit people who hardly play ..?

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