Here is a compilation of any interesting areas upon the forums! Feel free to have a browse at the many informative, and exciting topics upon MMO-Champion.
The Important Section - Serious stuff!
The Forum Rules/FAQ - Read them first!
By reading these rules/FAQ, you can avoid being banned. Its highly advised that you read it before posting anything. You are here to enjoy the forums, and so are others, so lets do our best to keep it nice and clean! These rules count for every single forum. Every forum Moderator (different Moderators for every forum in case you didn't notice) CAN add rules to the forums they Moderate. Make sure you read those rules as well!
Reporting Posts - Help us, help you!
Dinnerbone made a Guide that explains how you can properly use the "Report Post" button. Reading this can, and will help Moderators a lot!
Bad Advertising - BAD BAD BAD!
Ever noticed some bad advertisements on MMO-Champion? Boubouille made a nice little Guide about what to do in those cases.
Questions Or Concerns?
Whether it be talking about a Moderator's actions, or any other form of help or concern, click the "Contact Us" button on the top right of the forums to send a message to the admins. Additionally you can also PM any Global Moderator (Blues) with your comments and concerns. Hugs are also supplied, if asked nicely. You're also welcome to post suggestions or feedback here:
Name Change?
You can change your own name now by clicking on Settings (top right), Edit Profile, and changing your username in the Edit Username box. Usernames are subject to a 90 day cooldown.
Been Hacked? Seek Help Here!
If you've been hacked - or you think you have, help is a click away. Check out our guide for useful tips, phone numbers, and programs.
Avatars & Signatures - Pretty pictures!
The Avatar & Signature Guidelines - Make sure that you're within that limit!
You might have noticed a lack of signatures recently. We all know how annoying it can be that your page loads slowly. And, then the fact that signatures that you thought looked pretty disappeared. These Guidelines explain how you can avoid these situations, and how yours can remain upon the forums.
Reducing Avatar Size - Size does matter!
Avatars are restricted to a maximum file size. Here is a nice guide made by Mr_Bojangles on how shrink the size of your avatar, so you can still use your favorite one.
Custom Made Signatures/Wallpapers/Banners - Too good to be true!
Every now and then, you come across some of the most impressive artists on the Internet. Well, ladies and gentlemen, these artists are doing requests now! The most impressive signatures/wallpapers/banners are made in the linked thread! Ask nicely, and they will create a custom made one especially for you. Just make sure that you read that first post!
Notable Places - It's not all doom and gloom!
RaF/SoR/Leveling Partners Thread - A friend in need?
If you wish to find a partner for the Recruit a Friend or Scroll of Resurrection feature, or just someone to level with, feel free to check the above link, and post what's required!
Fan Art Thread - Works of... art!
Here is a compilation of almost all Warcraft art in existence. Discussions rage too, where people state what their most favored pieces are!
Transmogrification Help Thread - Look fashionable!
Require help finding that matching hood for your robe? Can't find a sleek weapon to compliment those shoes? Need an original concept fleshed out with names of items? Maybe someone here can help you!
Cataclysm Leveling Path Thread - Where do I go next?
The image in the above thread shows the altered routes for leveling, with the introduction of the Cataclysm expansion.
Can't find something? - Where did it go!
Well, if you can't find it here, you won't be able to find it anywhere. Just joking! Here's a link to the forums. Good luck with the search!