Objective of the thread: Share opinions about every aspect of what means and what is to be a WoW Priest

Theory: They are different tipes of Priests in wow lore but for gameplay and practicality in WoW all of them are combined in the same class without race influence since WotLK. Each specialization of the class can be associated with some aspects of a type of "lore" priests. That means that the future of the priest is linked primarily by its function, and the "creativity" to the original types of priests that inspired most of the aspects of the class.

Holy:"A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave". This spec uses "pure" light to reverse damage, this suggest that the light can be manipulated to alter time for short periods to get back the mind and/or body to a previous healthy state or improve our statistics like "speed" and it also can back some one from death to life. Apparently light can "induce" a "radiance/light field" that cotinuous the time "alteration".

P.D: I' ll continue with this post When I have more time