1. #1

    Imp Soul Fire Buff Mod??

    Anyone know of a mod that i can use to track the Imp SF buff. Preferably something that gives a noticeable warning. I find myself forgetting to reapply SF during boss encounters and i just want to know whenever its not on.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Anything that can track buffs on you can fill this role.
    Power auras and needtoknow are two very popular ones.

  4. #4
    I found power auras to be much heavier on my system than I had wanted, as I was only using it to track ISF. That said, NeedToKnow is amazing.

  5. #5
    I use fortexorcist for this but any number of similiar mods can track it as well. Just depends on what style of presentation you're looking for.

  6. #6
    ForteXorcist does the trick for me.

  7. #7
    button timers. i also found power auras to make my laptop practically grind to a halt. if your computer can handle it, go power auras, so very pretty. if not, i'd suggest button timers, i use the one add on to track loads, that and dooms cooldowns (possibly the wrong name, but something like that...)

  8. #8
    Power auras.

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