1. #1

    Which Healing Trinkets ?(Patch 4.2)

    Hey i was wondering what ppl thought of the Raid Healing Trinkets in Patch 4.2? I know they are far away and i'm sure they might be changed (also no one knows the Internal cool-downs yet). But food for thought which out these three would be the best suited for a Priest for both Spec?




    Or will we be sticking to Shard of Woe till we get to the Heroics Version?

    Hope the links work. If they don't just check them out on wowhead's ptr or anywhere else you can think of.

  2. #2
    Shard + Jaw's on use will sure make you feel like a wotlk priest, but isn't really needed.
    I'm still gonna go with maximum output replacing Core/FoM/ & Tsunami with Eye & Jaw. If you don't have mana problems now, you're not gonna get it in higher tiers either.

    I remember when wotlk arrived, you did go oom in Naxxramas but did you really go oom at the end of Ulduar? History has a way of repeating itself in wow. Same went for TBC when you started out in Karazhan. Compare how your mana were then and when you were in TK or Hyjal.

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