I think I was better off not knowing who Rebecca Black was, or what her hit single "Friday" was.
*grabs a knife*
I think I was better off not knowing who Rebecca Black was, or what her hit single "Friday" was.
*grabs a knife*
This was way too fun. Bus Shock, haha!
And rouge and judgment. Oh my god, best april fools this year xD
Best Patch Ever.
Gief Chaos Wings NAO!!!
For real though, i wonder how much of that is pure april fools and how much of it is "put it out there and see the reaction" type deal.
"Deathwing's Leavings" is the name of my L85ETC cover band.
made my day... 10/10 blizzard. love the priest shield buff...
It's just a game.
"Death knights can now increase their damage by yelling KIAI into their microphone. Damage is increased by 10% for every 10dB."
Oh lord, that one cracked me up
"Discipline priests we heard you like shields that heal, so we put shield in your shield so you can heal while you heal."
Also brilliant.
Last edited by HazardYo; 2011-04-01 at 06:38 PM.
Originally Posted by Blizzard EntertainmentFor the first half of geological time our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures still are bacteria, and each one of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria.
Richard Dawkins
"Quantum Leap (new ability) propels the warrior through time and space, allowing the warrior to take over the identity of an unknown character in an attempt to improve their life or prevent disaster. Cooldown 5 minutes."
"All NPC’s now have a 25% chance to Dodge right-clicks."
Made by spit out my milk. SO DAMN FUNNY!
lol everything is hilarious GJ blizzard xD
how much time has blizzard wasted on there stupid april fools crap, make the actual game better dnt post useless garbage making everyone want it cos i bet you at blizzcon ppl will ask wheres my wings etc, its not even funny anyways, blizz have got loads of time to waste on crap like this yet theres numerous problems on live servers like bg/5man que times, conquest points in random bg's and not to mention hundereds of class bugs.
glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this
Haha, that April's Joke was much better than the rest
Actually, this one was really hillarious.
lol this was so great. Nice time killer at work thats for sure
"•Demons now have a new resource system called Happiness. Torturing, mistreating or speaking harshly to a demon pet will reduce its happiness. The Succubus is an exception to this rule."
This one was my fav!