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  1. #221
    Dreadlord Lotharfox's Avatar
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    I know it's a joke, I'm laughing, but there are good ideas in there. Slider to decrease shoulder size. Hapiness for demons, and increasing the sucubus' by tormenting it. Now, I wouldn't give up Charge for any of those changes (if it was an all or nothing kind of thing). But damn would I like to double-wield guns on my hunter!

    Thank you zomgname for the signature and avatar!

  2. #222
    Warchief Serj Tankian's Avatar
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    This made me lol.

    Good job Blizz.

  3. #223
    Charge has been removed from the game. LOL if only, cos the qq would be insane

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonx View Post
    how much time has blizzard wasted on there stupid april fools crap, make the actual game better dnt post useless garbage making everyone want it cos i bet you at blizzcon ppl will ask wheres my wings etc, its not even funny anyways, blizz have got loads of time to waste on crap like this yet theres numerous problems on live servers like bg/5man que times, conquest points in random bg's and not to mention hundereds of class bugs.

    glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this

    Seriously, it's a joke, and if you think the person or people who wrote this are responsible for making updates to the actual game or that this took a signifigant time to make at all, you need to go back under your rock.

  5. #225
    +1 internets.

    <3 blizz

  6. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonx View Post
    glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this
    Why so serious? It's April Fools. This post was the biggest win of the year so far, just enjoy it.

  7. #227
    Old God Swizzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonx View Post
    how much time has blizzard wasted on there stupid april fools crap, make the actual game better dnt post useless garbage making everyone want it cos i bet you at blizzcon ppl will ask wheres my wings etc, its not even funny anyways, blizz have got loads of time to waste on crap like this yet theres numerous problems on live servers like bg/5man que times, conquest points in random bg's and not to mention hundereds of class bugs.

    glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this
    Man, I think you need to go grab a glass of milk to wash down that peanut butter and mad jelly.
    BfA Beta Time

  8. #228
    * The duration and cooldown of Divine Shield have been changed to 15 seconds.
    * Divine Shield no longer causes Forbearance.


  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonx View Post
    how much time has blizzard wasted on there stupid april fools crap, make the actual game better dnt post useless garbage making everyone want it cos i bet you at blizzcon ppl will ask wheres my wings etc, its not even funny anyways, blizz have got loads of time to waste on crap like this yet theres numerous problems on live servers like bg/5man que times, conquest points in random bg's and not to mention hundereds of class bugs.

    glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this
    lol I hope ur a troll, otherwise that's just sad.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonx View Post
    how much time has blizzard wasted on there stupid april fools crap, make the actual game better dnt post useless garbage making everyone want it cos i bet you at blizzcon ppl will ask wheres my wings etc, its not even funny anyways, blizz have got loads of time to waste on crap like this yet theres numerous problems on live servers like bg/5man que times, conquest points in random bg's and not to mention hundereds of class bugs.

    glad to know that blizzard think april fools is more important than the real game there all dumbasses when they do this
    Get a lé life.

    Can't believe only one person mentioned the dance studio removal Good fix, it has gotten kinda obsolete anyways.

  11. #231
    Blizzard humor is the best! Well, I do love some Lucasarts humor as well.

  12. #232
    The Patient Manapaws's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubbelbasse View Post
    Ok, now this was a funny April Fools joke.

    But please, stop it now. All of you.
    Agree. This was great! <3 the Druid section.
    [R] [80:Lingzhichen:2]: why is never peeple who are smart of the fighting
    [R] [80:Lingzhichen:2]: every time raiding
    [R] [80:Lingzhichen:2]: people are wheels on chair

    (( Manapaws ))

  13. #233
    The Lightbringer Keosen's Avatar
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    Haha the patch notes are hilarious seriously great job i tried to quote some of them but don't know what to choose epic simply epic

  14. #234
    Some funny ones in there.
    When they said female warlocks are now named witches, I thought worgen females would be called bitches.

    Can't have everything, I guess...

  15. #235
    This one was epic xD The best April Fool's Day joke this year.

  16. #236
    I'm sorry but... this is the kind of humor even a 10 year old boy can make

  17. #237
    Stood in the Fire
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    Nice Blizzard!! This one was pretty awesome laughing of many weird comments players had.

  18. #238
    "Druid forms are now considered vehicles, allowing one player to ride on the druid’s back while in any form, even their humanoid form."

  19. #239
    Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
    In addition to their current spells, mage Mirror Images now can randomly cast Frost Nova, Ring of Frost, Portal: Dalaran, and Mirror Image. Mirror Images summoned by Mirror Images can also cast Mirror Image. Mirror Images summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images can also cast Mirror Images. Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images…
    The coefficients of all mage cast time spells have been tweaked to be 15% more jaw-dropping.
    All Frost mages now receive a complementary personal Arena rating of 2200 upon reaching level 85.
    Frost mages have been given one additional snare effect, so that they will be brought up to the level of other classes (combined).
    All mage spells that deal Fire damage now appear green.
    Hilarious, ty for admitting your fails

  20. #240
    im sad these changes arent for real :<

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