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  1. #441
    "haha" "lolol" "roflrofl" ye very funny indeed.

    Anyone else except me actually thought that it's not funny, it's very very SAD that they actually DO know about everything that players seriously dislike, yet they let it go live just like that.

    The Worgen “sniff” sound has been replaced by Rebecca Black’s hit single, Friday. The song will play in its entirety. Every time.
    The tauren race may no longer choose the paladin class, because… come on. Really?
    Female worgen have been cured of their curse and now have only a human form.
    Druids now perform an area-of-effect knockback when harvesting herbs, looting, or skinning (does not remove Flight Form).
    These are some that cought my eye most of all as being exceptionally annoying and some of those "joke" fixes would actually be very much welcome on live (like with worgen fems only having human form).

  2. #442
    High Overlord Deathguard's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Apr 2011
    i wish blizzard had really implemented these changes for dks

  3. #443
    # To toughen players up for their encounters with dragons and demons, the in-game emote “/hug” has been removed from the game.'
    that does it.. i quit

  4. #444
    In addition to their current spells, mage Mirror Images now can randomly cast Frost Nova, Ring of Frost, Portal: Dalaran, and Mirror Image. Mirror Images summoned by Mirror Images can also cast Mirror Image. Mirror Images summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images can also cast Mirror Images. Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images that are summoned by Mirror Images…

  5. #445
    Bloodsail Admiral Shakul's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2009
    Under your bed.
    Best one... ever....

  6. #446
    -The duration and cooldown of Divine Shield have been changed to 15 seconds.

    GIEF xD

  7. #447
    omfg i cant wait till patch wooooooooo ima be trollin riding on my druid mount hearing rebecca black all dayyy

  8. #448
    I laughed so hard at work.. awkward stares..
    Amazing job on this.

  9. #449
    The League of Legends one was like ten times funnier :/. But still nice.

  10. #450
    The Worgen “sniff” sound has been replaced by Rebecca Black’s hit single, Friday. The song will play in its entirety. Every time.

    made my day

  11. #451
    awesome,I laughed at this one

  12. #452
    High Overlord Pekoe's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This has to be the best April Fools Blizzard post ever. <3
    Thank you.
    Standing in fire since December 2004.

  13. #453
    *ettin's grip*

    so what would be the point in agility/stamina weapons then?

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