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  1. #21
    I would really like the winged guardian, but I'm waiting to see how popular it is. I remember I almost bought the celestial steed on the day it came out and before I logged in. I couldn't find my card or something so I logged in anyway and saw one. Then another. Then another three. Then realised Dalarn was crawling with them. So was Org. And all the leveling areas. Now I'm glad I didn't get one.

    I know some people get all huffy about people who say this - the whole "If you like a mount it shouldn't matter how many other people have it" arguement. But part of the appeal of these mount is that they "look awesome". Things lose the ability to "look awesome" when they are very commonplace - people were awestruck by the cinema, TV sets, washing machines and, more recently. 3D movies. People would gather round rich peoples' windows and peer in at TV sets when they first came out because they were so amazing. Now they are so common place that we give a new TV set about as much admiration as we might give a new coat or a new pair of socks. Same thing with the celestial steed and, I suspect, with this mount. It looks amazing in this vid - flying solo through SW, but if that video was the thing flying through SW and passing by about 30-40 other people on identical mounts it would suddenly look a bit ridiculous.

    So I'll probably pass - and if you buy it, more power to you. Maybe you are a bit less shallow than me. Or maybe a bit more, I'm not sure.

    I just wish they would make a new new set of mounts that were cool and that I could work for on my own. My guild is kinda crap at killing final bosses in raid tiers and my ability to make gold is pathetic - and I'm getting bored of my netherdrakes.

  2. #22
    Yes, everyone will have it and be using it the first week it comes out. Couple months down the road? That's when I'll get mine. Won't be used as much then. Players attention spans tend to be too short to use the same mount for long.

  3. #23
    Too bad the blizzard store doesn't accept PayPal (in eu at least). Got some spare cash sitting in it and its the only way i'd be able to buy it because my bank sucks and wont give me a debit card because of an 'unsteady cahflow'..

  4. #24
    I would like to get some other mounts that are not buyable, but I don't like farming... Maybe I stick with my current mount or lets see how the lion appears, if it is worth it.

  5. #25
    soon to be hated just like the celestial steed.
    a and yay april fool's over...

  6. #26
    I would almost consider buying it. I do like the black/gold color scheme.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by istheshiz View Post
    Oh god I really want that mount so bad. I vowed never to purchase a mount off of the Blizzard store..but....*drools*
    I vowed the same bro. However, this.. I MUST HAVE

  8. #28
    That mount is simply stunning. I am really impressed. I assumed it's flying animations would be awkward to look at, but it turned out amazing. I really like the flying idle animation it has where it looks around at the ground. Whether or not everyone and their mum has this mount, I must have it. To me, if I like the mount, why not use it? I might love the thrill of hunting for rare mounts but this is only because rare mounts tend to be the best looking. I like mounts if they look good to me, not judging by how many people have them.

    Such a goddamn beautiful lion.

  9. #29
    love that mount soooooo much definatly getting it

  10. #30
    LOL one of the best daly blink's ive seen

  11. #31
    I really hope it's just $25 >.>

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Spritely View Post
    Yes, everyone will have it and be using it the first week it comes out. Couple months down the road? That's when I'll get mine. Won't be used as much then. Players attention spans tend to be too short to use the same mount for long.
    Who knows? Thing with the Sparkle Pony was that soon after it became available it was the centre of attention in alot of Machinima's about it being made of the tears of noobs and shizzle, not to mention how barbie-like it looks. This, however, is a whole new level of extreme awesomeness. I doubt that we won't see many of these being ridden over time.
    And to the people that complain again about it being a store mount and it using existing models: DOUBLE FACEPALM. People are hard to satisfy these days. Just because it has a unique look doesn't mean it has to come from a top notch encounter. We raiders will be rewarded soon enough with the Beryl Firehawks. Let others have something cool to play with aswell.

  13. #33
    I'm loving the idea of the triage stance. Absolutely beautiful mount too.

  14. #34

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Melilithia View Post
    See: Invincible.
    Actually it's mostly See: Hippogriff. That's where the two got most of their mount animation. IE the frame/flight animation and think the /mountspecial command animation. So Sparklepony took nothing away from Invincible.

    So hey, my griff was ripped off! QQQQQ.

    Sarcastic qq aside, that mount is god damn beautiful. And, it doesn't sparkle. Meaning my manly characters [mostly orcs lol] don't have to sit on a pos wyvern or a sparkle horse! And now my lowbie toons have two flying mounts to switch between now, huzzah.

    Things lose the ability to "look awesome" when they are very commonplace
    Lemme guess. You don't use nether drakes anymore because everyone has them? You don't use Protos anymore because everyone has atleast one version? You don't use Nether rays anymore because everyone has them? You don't use a dragonhawk/hppogriff because everyone has one? You don't use land mounts because my god, everyone has one! And oh, you can't use frostwyrms because everyone has those! I bet you don't use the festival mounts because again my god, everyone has them!!! So what must you ride? The pimp rocket from Love is in the air!

    But oh I forget, that rocket only exists like about 1/2 a server!

    So what do you ride sir that 'looks awesome' yet, is not commonplace?

    flying solo through SW, but if that video was the thing flying through SW and passing by about 30-40 other people on identical mounts it would suddenly look a bit ridiculous.
    Look, here, have this violin. That's so small it fits between my fingers and thumb. Skeeekeeek eeeeeekeeeek.

    I don't care if you feel deprived of awesomesauce. Because -I- am not.

  16. #36
    It's head is so bleeping BIG.... it's just too bulky.

  17. #37
    I bought that stupid Celestial Shart and regretted it entirely but THIS .............. good lord. I must have that mount in my collection, I don't care if 90% of the community will have it. That mount is absolutely stunning.

  18. #38
    Ah, <3 the daily blink

  19. #39
    Stood in the Fire Chikko's Avatar
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    Its going to be the exact same as the steed, however I really enjoy its graphics and Im to buy it (like the steed) lol.
    everyone may get it but now a days how many mounts do you see doubles, even triples of on your server?
    mimi's head and invincible are the only exceptions, EVERY other mount you see all over.

  20. #40
    Bloodsail Admiral Nexsa's Avatar
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    I don't spend much time in the main cities. So, when I buy one of these, chances of seeing another person on one is lower. Gonna love it no matter how many people have it. People love gear, guess how many people get that. :\

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