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  1. #61
    Wow the winged guardian mount looks amazing! I can't wait to get it, it sure makes up for the sparkle pony fiasco. Wow this mount looks so amazing I would have to say its right up with ashes of a'lar now!

  2. #62
    I wasn't sure about this mount at first, but seeing it in action helped me decide. I am going to get it. Sure my server is going to be infested with the mount, but in months time there will be very few. Much like the celestial steed. I hardly ever see that mount anymore. Just sucks I will be juggling with this new mount and my soon to be Dark Phnx mount once I hit exalted. /random mount macro go!

  3. #63
    A simply stunning modle...Too bad it is being used for money-grubbing and not avalible thru skill or time consumption...

  4. #64
    Based on gryphon mount with a bit of glitter and head from alliance ground mount. Feel like playing with LEGO?

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by buggerlugs View Post
    dont buy it, then you have no reason to continue your whine
    I'm not even considering buying it, nor will I buy anything. I'm just saying that his reply was not making any sense, at all.

  6. #66
    It runs like a cat mount just so you people know, so it's unique as hell. There are no other flying cat mounts in-game.

    QQ moah, I'll sit on this mount feeding upon tears of hypocrites and n00bs that cannot earn money IRL.

  7. #67
    It's gonna be TRH all over again and peoples memory seems to be short. I like the looks of both store mounts, but after seeing every "scrub", or people who can't get a nice mount through in-game means, I can't help but let the image of the mounts get tainted.

    Before we found out that the sparkled pony was a store mount most people found it awesome, just like now. Heck, a lot of people who bought it on day 1 felt the same for a week, and then never used the mount again.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by wakabala View Post
    well would you look at that, blizz copied all the animations from the gryphon mount. What a rip.

    I'm surprised some people are so excited for it. Its a re-skinned/slightly re-modeled gryphon mount.
    i lol'd! gryphon re-modeled? runs more like a tiger mount to me :P and what's that? unique tiger flying? *gasp!*

    i will be buying this since it looks awesome!

  9. #69
    Am I the only one who thought the wings would be abso-fucking-lutely amazing? I might have even re-subbed for that.
    There were around 7,000 Greeks in total at the Battle of Thermopylae.
    Not just the Spartans and a few inept imbeciles to play clean up.
    Friends don't let friends listen to Zach Snyder/

  10. #70
    True when original TRH was datamined I was like "omg this would need something like all current raiding meta achievments, what do I miss?"

    Then the other day I saw a lvl 40something random blood elf with it strolling at dala...

    Way to go using nicely looking mounts for store and throwing at dedicated raiders stuff like the dark phoenix or a slightly recolored wind drake....

  11. #71
    Hahahahha, gotta love the Daily Blink.

  12. #72
    Idd when TRH was datamined I was like "omg must have, this beauty should need like having all current raiding achievements or something, which do I miss?"

    Then the other day I saw a lvl 40something random blood elf with at stv....

    Way to go giving away good looking mounts at stuff like this and throwing to dedicated raiders stuff like the dark phoenix or a slightly recolored wind drake...

  13. #73
    The mount looks too much like an alliance mount for me.

  14. #74
    The Winged Guardian looks very beautiful, Alliance paladins will look very impressive on it! Daily Blink made me chuckle.

  15. #75
    Needs shadowform.

  16. #76
    Blizzard realy are mastering the art of losing subscribers right now. These store mounts just kill me inside

  17. #77
    i'm sure they will give money to japan childrens

  18. #78
    So instead of dedicating art like that to armor, they'll make mounts and charge money for it.

    Seriously, they had weeks to make the PvP gear and it's literally recolors with attachments.

  19. #79
    the winged guardian's so...ugly : /

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by tejlol View Post
    Blizzard realy are mastering the art of losing subscribers right now. These store mounts just kill me inside
    are you wearing a tinfoil hat? you seriously think a store mount will cause a significant sub drop? on another note i want that mount!1!1! it may be a common since everyone and their grandmother can have it but i know that i am in fact more awesome than the scrub next to me so i will cope with it.. besides i dont have anything but common flying mounts so no reason to whine about it being common(well i lied a little aparently the pink love rocket is rare and i got it the 2nd day of love is in the air)

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