They just make luv cuz it's fun. "I WANNA MAKE LOVE TO YA WOMAN, GONNA LAY YA DOWN BY THE FIRE..."
~Former Priest/Guild Wars 2 Moderator~
Now TESTING: ArcheAge (Alpha)
Now PLAYING: MonoRed Burn (MtG Standard)
Twitter: @KelestiMMO come say hi!
~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~ Posted by WarTower
In fact, I used to use green palms with the leaves removed to cook marshmallows when camping. They don't combust, they just sort of... blacken at the tips. But you never see flames.
My point was that sylvari aren't anymore susceptible to randomly combusting than humans are.Fire is still bad.
There are a lot of plants that are less flammable than humans.
I saw a gay sylvari couple in one of those video's
it was so qjoot
What do you call a group of sylvari?
A salad.
New interview too btw
That's kinda cool.This weekend we’ll be showing something new in this regard! As you rank up in PvP, you will be able to unlock different levels of Finishing Moves, based on your PvP rank. Every 10 ranks you will unlock a new type of Finishing Move and a new rank name. Once you have achieved a new rank, you’ll be able to use consumables that change your finishers!
Last edited by grandpab; 2012-07-20 at 12:17 AM.
I think finishing moves are over-rated....
I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.
If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.
the new pvp map sounds super sweet. can't wait to see it, I miss gvg
also, BAMBI IS BACK!!!!!
Have to admit... this will be amusing.You can buy these in the Gem Store and finish people with a cow. No, I’m not joking.
I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.
If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.