1. #25121
    Quote Originally Posted by Lillpapps View Post
    For pvp you have the runes which are free and you can place in all PvP gear. You start out with "Glory 0" gear. The only way to get other looks on your gear is to buy bags with random gear for glory. There is no other way to get different gear for your profession except being lucky with the drops from the bags.
    Well.....that encourages you to do more pvp then
    Can the random items be traded with ppl? CoD style? If that's the case...then at least it's a way to do it.
    Otherwise....yh, have fun with the forge

  2. #25122
    Bloodsail Admiral Ishu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    Lightweight. Going on two years now.

    ...but this isn't a competition I want to win. :<

    Of course, if the interview with Toyota goes well, I'll finally break my longest unemployed streak ever.
    If I had been without a job for two years I think I'd just start working for free. Anything to have something to do with my time.

  3. #25123
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ishu View Post
    If I had been without a job for two years I think I'd just start working for free. Anything to have something to do with my time.
    Well, at least I referee soccer games on weekends, but I don't really count that as employment.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  4. #25124
    I've been without full time employment going on 4 years. Just been scraping by with part time stuff. My 3 degrees don't amount to much anymore it seems.

  5. #25125
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    I've been without full time employment going on 4 years. Just been scraping by with part time stuff. My 3 degrees don't amount to much anymore it seems.
    Unless you're in a degree field like engineering or statistics, or some other applicable science/math based field... then the degree is pretty meaningless unless you go Masters/PhD. Of course that may be my jaded opinion. Hell, coming out of college I made more money working as a chef than actually using my Bachelors.

  6. #25126
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    I've been without full time employment going on 4 years. Just been scraping by with part time stuff. My 3 degrees don't amount to much anymore it seems.
    Move to Asia or Africa. They're handing out well paid jobs for specialists by the trunk load.

  7. #25127
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedragonwolf View Post
    Unless you're in a degree field like engineering or statistics, or some other applicable science/math based field... then the degree is pretty meaningless unless you go Masters/PhD. Of course that may be my jaded opinion. Hell, coming out of college I made more money working as a chef than actually using my Bachelors.
    Heh, I actually have two masters. But you get into the quandary of overqualified but yet under-experienced.

    ---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 09:28 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    Move to Asia or Africa. They're handing out well paid jobs for specialists by the trunk load.
    I'm actually thinking of going to S. Korea to teach English. I have a friend who did, ended staying there for a long while and getting married.

  8. #25128
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    I'm actually thinking of going to S. Korea to teach English. I have a friend who did, ended staying there for a long while and getting married.
    That's a good option yh. Got lots of friends in Asia who have done a similar thing...and it's still ridiculously easy to get an English teaching job. You don't need it...but look into TEFL...helps.
    Also...with 2 masters, you could teach those subjects in English and prob make double.
    Last edited by Squirrelbanes; 2012-07-20 at 03:45 AM.

  9. #25129
    Quote Originally Posted by Lillpapps View Post
    I really dont buy this.
    As I said, you dont go into a store looking for a sweater and the only thing you get is a random clothing bag which just happens to have clothes you cant use. There is no fun in that at all.
    If they count on that everyone will have to use the mystic forge to get what they want then the system is obviously flawed.
    I don't get the whining since you can create the exact piece of armor you want.
    + I love the randomness of the loot bags (very much)

  10. #25130
    New update folks 55mb in total.

  11. #25131
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    I've been without full time employment going on 4 years. Just been scraping by with part time stuff. My 3 degrees don't amount to much anymore it seems.
    I think it highly depends on what degree you have.


    See, the sad thing is, if I hadn't screwed up my life to begin with, I'd have a computer science degree, which is one of the best degrees to have right now. I need to get my ass in gear.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  12. #25132
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    New update folks 55mb in total.
    oh nice, ill update it later when i download LA Noire overnight

  13. #25133
    Bloodsail Admiral Ishu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    I think it highly depends on what degree you have.


    See, the sad thing is, if I hadn't screwed up my life to begin with, I'd have a computer science degree, which is one of the best degrees to have right now. I need to get my ass in gear.
    Yea, a computer science degree is what I'm going for. I figured that with my current work experience it would be my only chance of ever finding a job And it's something I enjoy anyway.

  14. #25134
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ishu View Post
    Yea, a computer science degree is what I'm going for. I figured that with my current work experience it would be my only chance of ever finding a job And it's something I enjoy anyway.
    If I could get a job in a computer repair store, I probably would be happy with my life. Wouldn't be the ideal job (*eyes MMORPG/MOBA developer positions*), but I would be content.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  15. #25135
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Looks like Blizzard aren't the only ones trying to distract people this weekend:

  16. #25136
    I don't even know what end of nations is

  17. #25137
    Just got that too Mif.

    Sorry, but GW2 > Rest

  18. #25138
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffkeeks View Post
    I don't even know what end of nations is
    Neither do I. But it's from Trion. So....yeah.
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  19. #25139
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti View Post
    Neither do I. But it's from Trion. So....yeah.
    I don't know who trion is either

    is that bad

  20. #25140
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffkeeks View Post
    I don't know who trion is either

    is that bad
    Blizzard is to WarCraft what Trion is to Rift.
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