1. #25141
    Is there anywhere that I can pre-purchase this game and get the code pretty quick? (Without waiting on postage ect / just done through email).

    I'm after an EU copy of the game, and the main site https://buy.guildwars2.com/en/ doesn't provide anything like the UK in it's country list.

    Would love to get into the beta weekend, but I'm really at my wits end on finding a digital retailer.

  2. #25142
    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    Is there anywhere that I can pre-purchase this game and get the code pretty quick? (Without waiting on postage ect / just done through email).

    I'm after an EU copy of the game, and the main site https://buy.guildwars2.com/en/ doesn't provide anything like the UK in it's country list.

    Would love to get into the beta weekend, but I'm really at my wits end on finding a digital retailer.
    That's because you need to use the European website, I imagine.

  3. #25143
    Is there a link to it that you could provide ? I tried before but my google-fu is weak this morning.

  4. #25144
    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    Is there a link to it that you could provide ? I tried before but my google-fu is weak this morning.
    My understanding is that the website detects your location through your IP and ensures you download the correct version. I'm sure I read that in the F&Qs.
    So that website is the right one.

  5. #25145
    It's not even downloading it that's the issue. What happens is I go to purchase the digital version from the site and it's all in dollars, which is fine - But the country selection list (which is 100% required to purchase) doesn't have the UK on it, and I can't find any alternatives or a way around that. Both with using my card directly and with paypal, both require a country to select.

  6. #25146
    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    It's not even downloading it that's the issue. What happens is I go to purchase the digital version from the site and it's all in dollars, which is fine - But the country selection list (which is 100% required to purchase) doesn't have the UK on it, and I can't find any alternatives or a way around that. Both with using my card directly and with paypal, both require a country to select.
    Are you in the UK?

  7. #25147
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    The buy site switches to US or EU depending on your location. If you're seeing dollars and not pounds or euros then you're on the US site.

    There is also geolocking in effect based on login in to your account from different regions, so you should read into that before you buy a cross region copy. If you just want to play with EU friends you can do that on a US copy anyway.

  8. #25148
    I am very much in the UK, no idea why it's doing this.

    For clarification. I'm not using a VPN or anything like that to alter my location either.

    I'll go have another poke about, but any other advice on the matter would be great.

  9. #25149
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    The buy site switches to US or EU depending on your location. If you're seeing dollars and not pounds or euros then you're on the US site.

    There is also geolocking in effect based on login in to your account from different regions, so you should read into that before you buy a cross region copy. If you just want to play with EU friends you can do that on a US copy anyway.
    What Mif said.
    You won't be able to see any European countries on the list if your anywhere outside Europe.

    ---------- Post added 2012-07-20 at 06:13 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    I am very much in the UK, no idea why it's doing this.
    That.......is very odd.
    And you're not using a us vpn or proxy or anything?

  10. #25150
    I can't see UK anywhere on the list either

    I can see my country though

  11. #25151
    Yep, no proxy no nothing. I'm tempted to get my brother or a friend to just buy it and i'll wire them the money. I might have to, apparently my house is like some backwater part of Scotland not considered part of the EU.

  12. #25152
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Do you see the US in the country list?
    If so you're defaulting to the US site.

  13. #25153
    Yes US is the first country that pops up. How do I avoid defaulting to the US and get my self onto the EU site?

  14. #25154
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    Yes US is the first country that pops up. How do I avoid defaulting to the US and get my self onto the EU site?
    I'm actually wondering now if the site is broken. I get the US site from two different UK VPNs.

    Can anyone in the UK have a look?

  15. #25155
    Tried it in different browsers too, made no difference. Enabled the location tracking setting in Google Chrome, didn't change it either...I'm really confused, nobody else seems to have had a whiff of inconvenience when It came to purchasing the game.

  16. #25156
    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    Tried it in different browsers too, made no difference. Enabled the location tracking setting in Google Chrome, didn't change it either...I'm really confused, nobody else seems to have had a whiff of inconvenience when It came to purchasing the game.
    The advice on the GW2 support site is to try from different computers.......if you have another one...try it...then yh, maybe ask a friend of ur bro to do it.
    You could also try a hard reset of ur router to see if that helps.

  17. #25157
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeghead View Post
    Tried it in different browsers too, made no difference. Enabled the location tracking setting in Google Chrome, didn't change it either...I'm really confused, nobody else seems to have had a whiff of inconvenience when It came to purchasing the game.
    Try contacting support: http://support.guildwars2.com/app/ask/
    Make sure to include your IP.

  18. #25158
    I have a potentially stupid question. When I pick a home server during the beta will that be my home server on retail? I am just curious since transfers are not free during beta.

  19. #25159
    Quote Originally Posted by worprz View Post
    I have a potentially stupid question. When I pick a home server during the beta will that be my home server on retail? I am just curious since transfers are not free during beta.
    At release? No, everything will be wiped after the beta. So it will be a fresh start and fresh server choice.

    Edit: Everything except your friends list and any left-over gems you have.

  20. #25160
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    At release? No, everything will be wiped after the beta. So it will be a fresh start and fresh server choice.

    Edit: Everything except your friends list and any left-over gems you have.
    Ok awesome

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