1. #25301
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    As someone leveling without personal story XP, hell no
    I don't either, but I still get the feeling a little!

  2. #25302
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Tarnished Coast
    Explains the WvW queue:
    There is a very nasty bug in the WvW maps (particularly in the Eternal battlegrounds) that is causing us to use way more CPU power than we should be.

    When a server’s CPU gets to 100% usage, everybody in the map experiences debilitating lag, rubberbanding and other bad things. We are able to keep the CPU’s from maxing out by lowering the maximum population each WvW map can hold.

    We are running the wvw maps at about half the player capacity from previous events. Unfortunately that does lead to much longer queues.

    We know it’s really frustrating to wait hours to get in and play. We want the game to be as playable as possible for the people that do get in, so until we can find the bug and fix it, that means the maximum number of players in the map has to be much lower than it has been in previous events.

  3. #25303
    You don't need to post the same link 5 million times

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  4. #25304
    Hmm I havent seen anything about this for a while. Anyone know if we will be able to move the UI?

  5. #25305
    If someone is still missing keys, this guy has some.


  6. #25306
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    is it just me or did they take out High Quality screenshots?
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  7. #25307
    Quote Originally Posted by Horseface View Post
    lol I cant believe moderator locked thread about Kungen's comin to GW2 http://www.manaflask.com/en/article/...2-stream-event here it is.
    Stop licking his balls it's pathetic.
    Why should i give more fucks about him then some random hobo on the street(actually i might give more fucks about the hobo) or anyone else i don't know?
    And yes i know what he did in WoW so please stop it, it's getting annoying.

  8. #25308
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    is it just me or did they take out High Quality screenshots?
    Seems like they did, but that function was buggy so maybe theyr fixing it for live

  9. #25309
    unable to login, it's frustrating

  10. #25310
    How do names work in this game? Do I get the name Pacer for all realms if I name a character Pacer or is it only for my home server?

  11. #25311
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pacer View Post
    How do names work in this game? Do I get the name Pacer for all realms if I name a character Pacer or is it only for my home server?
    All servers. Names are global.
    (You can use spaces)

  12. #25312
    Thats awesome, I hope I get my name again when the game is released

  13. #25313
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    I hate the vistas. But they are RIDICULOUSLY FUN. Having an entire vent of people cursing/yelling and laughing their asses off was so much fun. My hubby's "Son of Bbbbbbbbbb" just nearly missing a jump in DR and my sister's "Oh g-god erh, ugh... nooooo!" had my laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

    The icing on it all, random people tumbling off the sides of Rata Sum like lemmings at a cliff.

    Vistas are evil.
    Yes, they are brilliant fun.

  14. #25314
    Engineer kits are awesome.

  15. #25315
    working and fun anyone tried to create new pvp-armor/weapons with the pvp-mats? wonder how this works. Got 4 different materials like a rabbits-foot, crystals etc.

  16. #25316
    Quote Originally Posted by Lillpapps View Post
    Hmm I havent seen anything about this for a while. Anyone know if we will be able to move the UI?
    Sadly, there's been no other development on UI customization, other than relocating the chat and map windows higher or lower on the same side they spawn on. ANet has gone on record saying there will be, just don't have a when to share with us.

  17. #25317
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebthet View Post
    Is there a way to turn off auto attacking? It's kinda bothering me that I don't have control over it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    Control + Click the skill
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherrysoul View Post
    Yep in options menu
    Ctrl click the skill does nothing, and I couldn't find anything in the options menu :/
    Estás usando este software de traducción de forma incorrecta. Por favor, consulta el manual.

  18. #25318
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebthet View Post
    Ctrl click the skill does nothing, and I couldn't find anything in the options menu :/
    Ctrl + rightclick

  19. #25319
    my first proper bwe;

    -both camera and movement are clunky and laggy, alot of issues with camera i cba to write down, alot of issues with movement also
    -spammy abilities, you expected more impact and meaty abilities, as in moba's.. think again
    -buffs and debuffs, no customization, no way to filter/show/change... icons are far from best, i can't see what i have on me alot of times, it ruins pvp alot for me
    -performance is terrible, my pc is chocking on low while playing other new games at high+/ultra
    -loading screens!!!!!!! even the city in instanced ;(
    -pve-personal story is uninteresting; story can't keep me engaged, it's mostly dull, boring and forgettable.
    -loading screens... in personal story, far more than acceptable and extremely annoying, could have done better with phasing or some other system...
    -no player inspect, structured pvp window is bad
    -poor interface customization, if any at all
    -grindy events
    -it's hard to see the difference between players and npcs in the world and events, it becomes messy at times
    -i want to keep dodge on wasd for better gameplay, i often dodge when i dont want, there should be restrictions and more customization to it, it feels attached and out of place
    -both pvp and events are zergy for the most part, not meaty at all, add xxl amount of particle effects, npcs in events not distinct-able from players, a big clusterfuck
    -there is alot more issues regarding most features and systems, it feels to me that they're pushing unfinished game out with not enough feedback and polish, despite claiming the opposite all the time

    -enjoyed divinity's reach, sylvari city is messy and clunky.. don't know about asura city, norn and charr are allright from what i've seen from videos
    -exploration, vistas, graphics and textures are not best but aesthetically its pretty good, the world is good and enjoyable if you play events and not count loading screen interuptions with personal story
    -jumping puzles are great
    -vistas thing is pretty good but it shouldnt be shown on map, it should be more of a puzzle-reward-fun-thing you find during exploration, it kinda ruins it for me
    -alot of effort put in the world and details
    -didn't point out class balance because i think it's not a big issue atm and it's ever changing/evolving

    I must say i expected the game in better shape, it feels there's much much more to be done before it's release quality... damn it arena.net. With all the things i have complaints about AND extremely bad performance on my end i think i'll wait and see how it shapes out down the road and if they fix stuff properly, maybe a trial or something... it's not worth my money in it's current state... one of my must get games, was kinda looking forward to day 1, bummer.

    -best english

    also no direct player to player or auction house gem trading, arena.net controlls alot of stuff, reminds me of diablo 3 in alot of ways, in a bad way
    Last edited by Lefuu; 2012-07-21 at 06:28 PM.

  20. #25320
    Quote Originally Posted by Lefuu View Post
    Deleted my reply and replacing it with this:
    I disagree with almost everything you said. Opinions are opinions.

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