1. #25661
    I'm not 1337 :'(
    But I am wuvable
    I also mix a mean Martini.

  2. #25662
    Quote Originally Posted by Corros View Post
    You know what this video tells me? That I will suck at pvp (and possibly pve) and the chances of me getting better is somewhere between nonexistent and never happening.
    You know what this tells me? That you wont be matched against me later on in the game.
    This tells also that you will end up against similar players as yourself.
    I think its still cool, no?

  3. #25663
    A that's something I've read very little about until now - the matchmaking system behind the scenes. I was concentrating mostly on PvE in the BWEs and did only a little bid of WvWvW.

    Is there more information on this? I suppose it will be a system based on win/loss ratio and not linear wins.

    But aside from this, I will show the world the one flaw of a matchmaking system - the worst player of all still loses most of the time.

    Ah, I'm exaggerating - but only a little

  4. #25664
    I can PvP pretty well as a thief.

    As other classes... not so much.

  5. #25665
    Finally this vid shows how fast paced the combat really is. I never got why people said the combat was 'slow'.
    Really nice vid imo, gonna watch more later tonight. (that engineer thing got me a couple of times )

  6. #25666
    pvp is all about practice, its like taking drivers license.. you can read the book but can you drive the car? :P lol lame comparison but its all about practice and the will to improve that does matter anyway

  7. #25667
    Got to post on leet page!
    AN post a lot on blog now... I hope they will give us some hint on expansions in close future (I know .. game isn't released yet xD)

  8. #25668
    Was wondering, for regular spvp matches, will say a friend of mine or several others be able to queue together or join the same game on the same team? Not sure if this post goes here so sorry if it doesn't . is it Aug. 25th yet?

  9. #25669
    Quote Originally Posted by warx23 View Post
    Was wondering, for regular spvp matches, will say a friend of mine or several others be able to queue together or join the same game on the same team? Not sure if this post goes here so sorry if it doesn't . is it Aug. 25th yet?
    how I understood it, you can join same game but you will be randomly put in the teams, if you want to go on the same team I think you must join a tournament thingy

  10. #25670
    These next 30 days are going to crawl

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  11. #25671
    I've having some trouble figuring out how up to date the various trait calculators are. Does anyone know which ones are at BWE3 status now?

  12. #25672
    Quote Originally Posted by Ananan View Post
    I've having some trouble figuring out how up to date the various trait calculators are. Does anyone know which ones are at BWE3 status now?
    is up to date (click a class + the golden six-side sphere)

  13. #25673
    Quote Originally Posted by Ananan View Post
    I've having some trouble figuring out how up to date the various trait calculators are. Does anyone know which ones are at BWE3 status now?
    Not too sure if this build editor has the bwe3 changes but is rather cool. Gw2 skills net / editor ( sorry can't post links yet) let's u do traits, wep, sigils, runes, etc.

  14. #25674
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    You could try this one: www.gw2db.com/skills/calc/thief
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  15. #25675

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  16. #25676
    More build calculators: http://gw2skills.net/editor/en/

  17. #25677
    Interesting new blog post.

  18. #25678
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Interesting new blog post.

    It was just marketing stuff.

  19. #25679
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Interesting new blog post.
    u mean the promotion vids?
    Yh....they're pretty awesome lol

  20. #25680
    they got me scrathing my head at some parts

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