1. #27721
    Quote Originally Posted by personn5 View Post
    Just found it:
    For those of you who want your HoM gear, go to Lion's Arch, and in the top left corner, go the the karma vendor there. Has a HoM Teleporter stone you can get (it's free).

    Though I didn't know the legacy gear was just gonna be transmog stuff, but I'm perfectly ok with that.
    Hooligan's Route if anyone is confused.

  2. #27722
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    So is this some kind of open test at the moment or is the game actually live?
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  3. #27723
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    So is this some kind of open test at the moment or is the game actually live?
    It's live for pre-purchasers

  4. #27724
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimusmc View Post
    It's live for pre-purchasers
    This is going to sound weird, but I'm totally online playing. The weird part is I cancelled my order about a month ago. Seriously, I don't own the game in any way, shape, or form.

    This a known issue?
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  5. #27725
    Epic! Milanor's Avatar
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    That place...with the stuff.
    Step 1: Download all 220,000+ Game Files
    Step 2: Crash once or twice partway through and start from the beginning
    Step 3: Finally Log-in and get a single character name
    Step 4: Watch intro cinematic
    Step 5: Crash
    Step 6: Go to Step 1

    Whoo, boy. I'm gonna have to make more runs to the vending machine tonight, I'm betting.

    Just Your Average Lurking Huntard LOLPRIEST forum lurker now.

  6. #27726
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    This is going to sound weird, but I'm totally online playing. The weird part is I cancelled my order about a month ago. Seriously, I don't own the game in any way, shape, or form.

    This a known issue?
    Did you double check to make sure the pre-purchase was actually refunded, on your bank statement?

    Why did you try to log in if you didn't think you had the game?

  7. #27727
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyzzyx View Post
    Did you double check to make sure the pre-purchase was actually refunded, on your bank statement?

    Why did you try to log in if you didn't think you had the game?
    Not only did I double check (The refund was in cash. We're talking gamestop preorder here) but I was never handed a serial code for the game, just the one for the beta test (I assume they're different? /shrug.)

    Also, I logged in to answer a question for a friend. He also cancelled his preorder but plans to pick the game up next payday. He wanted to know if he could still predownload the files so I said I'd check for him. Next thing you know I'm creating a character and got to level 2 and finished the tutorial totally out of shocked curiosity.
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  8. #27728
    Quote Originally Posted by Milanor View Post
    Step 1: Download all 220,000+ Game Files
    Step 2: Crash once or twice partway through and start from the beginning
    Step 3: Finally Log-in and get a single character name
    Step 4: Watch intro cinematic
    Step 5: Crash
    Step 6: Go to Step 1

    Whoo, boy. I'm gonna have to make more runs to the vending machine tonight, I'm betting.
    Oh wow I hope I don't have the same problem. :<

  9. #27729
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Not only did I double check (The refund was in cash. We're talking gamestop preorder here) but I was never handed a serial code for the game, just the one for the beta test (I assume they're different? /shrug.)

    Also, I logged in to answer a question for a friend. He also cancelled his preorder but plans to pick the game up next payday. He wanted to know if he could still predownload the files so I said I'd check for him. Next thing you know I'm creating a character and got to level 2 and finished the tutorial totally out of shocked curiosity.
    Well, hell yeah then. Celebrate and don't tell anybody...else. Anybody else.

  10. #27730
    I am Murloc! Terahertz's Avatar
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    I gotta say, the launch went VERY smooth. I haven't DCed ONCE and when it comes to FPS issues. It only happens for me when there is an event going on with literally 100+ players running around. The fun part is that the FPS drop isn't even that big. It mostly drops to around the 20-30 FPS. Really glad I'm able to play the game so smoothly on my laptop

  11. #27731
    Quote Originally Posted by Terahertz View Post
    I gotta say, the launch went VERY smooth. I haven't DCed ONCE and when it comes to FPS issues. It only happens for me when there is an event going on with literally 100+ players running around. The fun part is that the FPS drop isn't even that big. It mostly drops to around the 20-30 FPS. Really glad I'm able to play the game so smoothly on my laptop
    Agreed, been connected fine the whole time, 7970m is doing very well (was worried about drivers) and gets 50-60 in regular areas, 35-45 with a couple dozen people going nuts with skills. No visible slowdown and very smooth, love it.

  12. #27732
    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    Oh wow I hope I don't have the same problem. :<
    Wait, you had to download the whole thing!?

  13. #27733
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Not only did I double check (The refund was in cash. We're talking gamestop preorder here) but I was never handed a serial code for the game, just the one for the beta test (I assume they're different? /shrug.)

    Also, I logged in to answer a question for a friend. He also cancelled his preorder but plans to pick the game up next payday. He wanted to know if he could still predownload the files so I said I'd check for him. Next thing you know I'm creating a character and got to level 2 and finished the tutorial totally out of shocked curiosity.
    Could be the same as with TOR, the actual checking if your account is eligible for playing the Retail could be on the 28th for the official launch. Tell us then.

  14. #27734
    Epic! Milanor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    Oh wow I hope I don't have the same problem. :<
    Highly unlikely. My problems stem from running off of an unstable system with faulty RAM and an inability to install any NVIDIA drivers that aren't the nasty 301.42.

    Quote Originally Posted by Exroyal View Post
    Wait, you had to download the whole thing!?
    I lost track of the number of full (220,000 files and all) re-downloads I've had to do after I hit ten.

    Just Your Average Lurking Huntard LOLPRIEST forum lurker now.

  15. #27735
    Quote Originally Posted by Exroyal View Post
    Wait, you had to download the whole thing!?
    Yeah. I was a complete moron and decided right before the game started to make a folder for GW2 and then placed it there (its been in the downloads folder forever) anyway, when I restarted the launcher it made me reinstall the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Milanor View Post
    Highly unlikely. My problems stem from running off of an unstable system with faulty RAM and an inability to install any NVIDIA drivers that aren't the nasty 301.42.
    Aw wow, that really sucks. :<

    I'm just pretending the actual launch didn't start until whenever my install finishes.
    Last edited by Digglett; 2012-08-25 at 07:31 AM.

  16. #27736
    I was hoping that the movement issues etc would be fixed but they are still the same. Too bad that weighs down the rest of the game experience for me :/

  17. #27737
    Pandaren Monk personn5's Avatar
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    Hmm, if you go back and play more GW1, can you unlock even more for Gw2? So close to a few of the reward's I'd like, wanna go back for them if possible.

  18. #27738
    yes you can.

  19. #27739
    The charr story I am very satisfied so far

    My part in this story has been decided. And I will play it well.

  20. #27740
    Quote Originally Posted by personn5 View Post
    Just found it:
    For those of you who want your HoM gear, go to Lion's Arch, and in the top left corner, go the the karma vendor there. Has a HoM Teleporter stone you can get (it's free).

    Though I didn't know the legacy gear was just gonna be transmog stuff, but I'm perfectly ok with that.
    only works from america so far though, not in europe.

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