1. #27941
    Not sure how you can be full on any profession in a game without roles...Sure it might not be an optimized group, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  2. #27942
    So which order did you guy's end up with?

  3. #27943
    I am Murloc! Sting's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or was AC pretty hard? I myself played as staff guardian, my friend played thief who switched between pistol/dagger and we had 3 randoms who played gun warrior / 2h sword guardian / 2h sword warrior. People were getting downed left right and center throughout the entire run, with very little I could do about it as the only one who was actually trying to heal a bit. Were the randoms (or even my friend) just bad, was the group composition bad, or is the instance just hard?

  4. #27944
    Quote Originally Posted by Sting View Post
    Is it just me, or was AC pretty hard? I myself played as staff guardian, my friend played thief who switched between pistol/dagger and we had 3 randoms who played gun warrior / 2h sword guardian / 2h sword warrior. People were getting downed left right and center throughout the entire run, with very little I could do about it as the only one who was actually trying to heal a bit. Were the randoms (or even my friend) just bad, was the group composition bad, or is the instance just hard?
    Or it could be the game is brand new and people are still learning to play. I remember wiping a lot to Scarlet Monastery and Shadowfang Keep back in the day.

  5. #27945
    Is it just me or does this game feel REALLY range favored? I'm currently level 47 as a warrior and have done a few runs through AC. If I run with my greatsword I can probably get a skill or two off before I'm either dead or running away from all the damage, and there's no real way of telling if the boss is attacking you. But if I take my rifle or bow out and stay far away I can pretty much take no damage at all. I've had the exact same experience in just about every single group event as well.
    Last edited by kliffharry; 2012-08-28 at 03:17 AM.

  6. #27946
    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    So which order did you guy's end up with?
    Can't say. My Personal Story bugged out totally.

    Was fighting a harpy as the cut scene began. The harpy and my pet were still in combat [could hear it over VO] as Eir began speaking. At the end my character and Eir just sway and the game stopped responding. Can't finish that story step.

    At least it's as bad as our friend who is getting the "Can not find mission" error on his level 41 Engineer since yesterday. Because ya'know, at least I can play somewhat.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2012-08-28 at 03:51 AM.

  7. #27947
    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    So which order did you guy's end up with?
    Order of whispers

  8. #27948
    Damn I hope they get the tradepost open soon, I have so many things I want to buy haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Digglett View Post
    So which order did you guy's end up with?
    Durmand Priory, the order of whispers seemed cooler but I thought this would better suit my profession which is a necro.

  9. #27949
    Priory, I was going to go Order but Priory fits my character better, the Order will be my next character most likely...depends on profession though

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  10. #27950
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kliffharry View Post
    Is it just me or does this game feel REALLY range favored? I'm currently level 47 as a warrior and have done a few runs through AC. If I run with my greatsword I can probably get a skill or two off before I'm either dead or running away from all the damage, and there's no real way of telling if the boss is attacking you. But if I take my rifle or bow out and stay far away I can pretty much take no damage at all. I've had the exact same experience in just about every single group event as well.
    Yeah. A handful of us have been preaching this for months now with no real change. The defenders will just tell you to "Throw on a rifle" or "learn to dodge!"

    Fun times, yes?
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  11. #27951
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah. A handful of us have been preaching this for months now with no real change. The defenders will just tell you to "Throw on a rifle" or "learn to dodge!"

    Fun times, yes?
    Melee actually feels plenty strong to me. O_o
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

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  12. #27952
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah. A handful of us have been preaching this for months now with no real change. The defenders will just tell you to "Throw on a rifle" or "learn to dodge!"

    Fun times, yes?
    I don't have a problen as melee either, and i'm a light proffession! there's some places that requires range over melee, but it's few.

  13. #27953
    Pandaren Monk personn5's Avatar
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    I went with the Vigil on my Guardian. If I used scepter/staff more on my Guardian, I'd probably join the other, but since I prefer running around with Greatsword or Hammer, I decided I should join the one with all the fighters.

  14. #27954
    Durmand Priory on my ranger, since I'm a fan of the magical scholar stuff. Although my friend who took Order of Whisperer seemed to get a really fun quest. Oh well, guess I can always support someone on their personal story.

  15. #27955
    Oh yea this just happened =D


  16. #27956
    Immortal Clockwork Pinkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bikazig View Post
    Oh yea this just happened =D

    Got to fight it as well, so amazing. 9 levels below the required and didn't want to miss it for the world.

    Last edited by Clockwork Pinkie; 2012-08-28 at 06:07 AM.

  17. #27957
    Quote Originally Posted by Naidia View Post
    Got to fight it as well, so amazing. 9 levels below the required and didn't want to miss it for the world.

    That's awesome. Congrats on experiencing it! I'm in my low 20's, so I've got a ways yet.

  18. #27958
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah. A handful of us have been preaching this for months now with no real change. The defenders will just tell you to "Throw on a rifle" or "learn to dodge!"

    Fun times, yes?
    Unless they amped up the difficulty beyond BWE1's curve, Melee feels actually pretty fine. It requires people to pay the heck attention to pull off though, between not just dodges, but blocks, stuns, any other defensive minded toolsets. If one wants to play a dual wielding axe berserker with no care for their own survival, then yeah, they're going to die like a berserker.

    It's not "Learn to dodge".

    It's learn to Circle Strafe so you're never standing infront of the target (yes even in AoE spam, you need to be aware of your target's facing). It's learn when to block (or daze, stun, immune). When you should dodge, and when it's not worth it to dodge.
    Where your Condition removal is. And when the best thing you can do is move away from a target even at run speed, and just pull out a ranged weapon, or revive your allies, or peel to deal with additional mechanics that require your attention right now instead.

    Almost every spec has defensively minded abilities (except for double axe warriors, if I recall correctly), some better than others, but failing to use them correctly is not melee being worse than ranged (when it already outdamages ranged by a pretty decent margin). That's melee having a higher skillcap. High Risk, High Reward.
    Last edited by Kelesti; 2012-08-28 at 06:27 AM.
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  19. #27959
    Melee does more damage then ranged. I use waay more time killing a foe with a rifle/longbow on my warrior then i do with BEAST greatsword. However, i like to mix it up so if i see several mobs or a veteran i usually go like this: Combustive Shot from longbow - Weapon Swap -> Any dmg buff utility i feel is necessary followed up by bulls charge and frenzy -> hundred blades and 3 and regular mobs should be dead. I usually end up with really low health with tons of conditions on me, but still worth it. On veterans i usually swap a lot more, apply burning and weakness, etc. If i see i'm getting hammered down, i swap to ranged weapon and gtfo. I prefer melee most.

  20. #27960
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti View Post

    It's not "Learn to dodge".

    It's learn to Circle Strafe so you're never standing infront of the target (yes even in AoE spam, you need to be aware of your target's facing). It's learn when to block (or daze, stun, immune). When you should dodge, and when it's not worth it to dodge.
    Where your Condition removal is. And when the best thing you can do is move away from a target even at run speed, and just pull out a ranged weapon, or revive your allies, or peel to deal with additional mechanics that require your attention right now instead.
    I like to think of myself as a little above average in the eye-hand coordination department, as many gamers are. I fully utilize little tricks such as my shield stance, shield stun, weapon swapping to my hammer for AoE Slows and knock downs. I'm an avid circle strafer. Most of the time, these things will keep me alive much longer than anyone else.

    Then, there's the boss fights, especially later on, that just aoe the shit out of you. Everyone in melee dies and the Rangers and everyone with them, dance around like wood nymphs having only to keep moving to avoid projectiles and the occasional charge attack. All melee can do is hope for them to take it's attention long enough to rez ourselves.

    Most of the time, there is little to no warning to these AoEs, and even when their is, they're too frequent for the CD on our immune abilities and leave us running in and out every 5 seconds while ranged is able to sit and turret, pumping out the damage.

    I'm all for being a good team player, but I didn't roll a warrior to dance in an out of awesome looking boss battles. I came to make shit bleed. There's a huge difference between playing intellegently and being forced to play completely differently than you're used to and quite frankly, in a style that you don't even enjoy.

    Just throwing this out there to remind you that I'm not a total backbirth and was well aware of basically everything you said months ago, having played every Stress test and Beta.

    ---------- Post added 2012-08-28 at 02:17 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Exroyal View Post
    Melee does more damage then ranged.
    Guessing you've never played a ranger at max longbow range in a position where you're able to turret spam. Leaves most melee classes crying in their premature graves, even when given equal chance to spam damage.
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