1. #33101
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    just trying to see what he really likes about WoW (or maybe wow like mmos) that isn't in GW2.
    He's never been a fan of the no trinity. We did a few dungeons together and he didn't like any of them (he usually enjoys dungeon running). He also loves healing and while it's somewhat possible to do in GW2 it's not in the way he prefers. I also know he hates the limited skill sets in GW2.

    Other than that, he seemed bored with the game 'progression'. I dragged him around to do map completion and he acted like it was a chore. Each map was a check list of essentially the same activities, I guess. Maybe if combat had been more varied he wouldn't have noticed as much since he usually likes senseless killing. I also get the impression he feels like he 'finished' the game (re: map completion), which as someone who doesn't like the dungeons and doesn't PvP would make sense. Nothing in LS has interested him at all, even his enthusiasm for SAB was over after he'd gone through it once.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  2. #33102
    seems like he likes a much more standard mmo (although if he doesn't like limited action bars will he like Wildstar?). Anyway, I'm always curious on how game preferences shape people's perceptions on games (especially on ones that I enjoy).

  3. #33103
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    He's apparently never really fallen out of love with WoW, though like all addicts he claims he has. :P It's his constant fall back and one of the few activities where he's completely oblivious to the rest of the world. Although, I suppose a lot goes into that from being a long time Warcraft fan to still knowing people who play.
    Sounds a lot like me. I unsub here and there, I moan about the grinds, but its always my comeback. The no trinity is the biggest thing, followed by the way the progression is handled in GW2. Finally, social aspect, not necessarily gw2 fault but Ive been in quite a few guilds that just die and friends who have quit, so I don't have people I want to play with, unlike in Wow.

  4. #33104
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    (although if he doesn't like limited action bars will he like Wildstar?)
    I don't know about Wildstar. Both of us burnt out from the grind before we even hit level 20. However, using ESO as an example, at least you can choose what goes on your bar. In GW2, weapons make the choice for you.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  5. #33105
    I didn't know Wildstar already released lol.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  6. #33106
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    I didn't know Wildstar already released lol.
    It hasn't, we were in the closed beta. Release date is June 3rd, there's a beta weekend going on right now though and I think for 3 more weekends before launch.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  7. #33107
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    I didn't know Wildstar already released lol.
    well anyone who really wanted to play and test it out could have done so in the past few months.

    I played it, wasn't my cup of tea but it has some interesting features.

  8. #33108
    We wanted to like it, but it's so grindy.

    Well, if it were B2P/F2P we'd probably be interested, but not willing to pay a sub for another Tera-esque leveling experience.
    Last edited by Lane; 2014-03-21 at 06:42 PM.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  9. #33109
    I thought you could buy game time with ingame gold making it essentially B2P.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  10. #33110
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    I thought you could buy game time with ingame gold making it essentially B2P.
    well it's similar to what EVE has. Someone buys CRED (or called something like that) which is a month's worth of game time and they can sell that in game to any player.

  11. #33111
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    I thought you could buy game time with ingame gold making it essentially B2P.
    I could not play the amount of time required to make enough gold to maintain a subscription. Burnout kicks in really quickly, abnormally so for a new MMO especially a western one.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  12. #33112
    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    Burnout kicks in really quickly, abnormally so for a new MMO especially a western one.
    Probably because of the more active combat style. There is no real way of having "relaxing" combat (like you could in wow for example).

  13. #33113
    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    I could not play the amount of time required to make enough gold to maintain a subscription. Burnout kicks in really quickly, abnormally so for a new MMO especially a western one.
    I usually am quite a powertrader so that wouldn't really be an issue for me. I don't powertrade in GW since there's literally nothing to spend my money on.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  14. #33114
    but for some reason (well I'm sure there is a reason, I just didn't really look into it) they made the CRED cost more expensive than a sub fee. It was $20 as opposed to $15 of the regular sub fee.

  15. #33115
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    Probably because of the more active combat style. There is no real way of having "relaxing" combat (like you could in wow for example).
    No, it's because the game is just grindy. Nearly every quest is a kill quest that requires 30+ kills, nearly every challenge requires at least as many kills (if not more), the EXP you receive from either is paltry, the TTK for most classes is too high, etc. It's practically a perfect storm of grind and it used to be worse, they have made some improvements but not nearly enough.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  16. #33116
    Not to be nitpicky but this is not the Wildstar thread

  17. #33117
    Legendary! Rivellana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    He's apparently never really fallen out of love with WoW, though like all addicts he claims he has. :P It's his constant fall back and one of the few activities where he's completely oblivious to the rest of the world. Although, I suppose a lot goes into that from being a long time Warcraft fan to still knowing people who play.
    I hear you...

    We bounce back and forth between WoW and Aion usually and occasionally go back to another game we've played in the past that is free for us now (GW2, Rift...I also played Tera and NWO but couldn't get him into those - he didn't like targeting for combat).

    Problem is, I was pretty much exclusively a healer in all games I could be from back in WoW's BC era up until very recently when I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I gave in to my DPS side and it actually caused more issues than it solved. Part of the reason I'm taking a minor break from WoW right now is that all I wanted was to get into raiding with my warlock, and the raid leader for my group just wouldn't allow it. I was pretty much forced to play my resto druid (because he "couldn't find" another healer as good) and in the end it burned me out pretty quick.

    We tried going back to Aion but I went DPS there too and in that game these days, unless you know people or roll a healer/tank duo, you aren't getting groups. That game's population really is pretty much dead now also, at least in the US.

    Back when I quit GW2 the first time, it was partially due to the lack of the holy trinity. At that point I was a healer, and after getting into some dungeons, I really hated not having a tank/healer to rely on because people didn't really know how to play the game yet so dungeons were just one big rez fest. Granted, I haven't been back into dungeons since being back but since I'm in my "DPS" phase, it's the game for me right now.

    You never know though. I didn't think I'd get mine back into GW2 because he seemed like he wanted to go straight Aion. I asked when he would play GW2 with me the other day, he finally gave in and logged on, we found a commander to follow for WvW zergs and next thing I knew he was telling me yesterday he was quitting Aion (partially due to the lack of people) and that we'd be playing GW2 again.

  18. #33118
    Quote Originally Posted by Rivelle View Post
    Back when I quit GW2 the first time, it was partially due to the lack of the holy trinity. At that point I was a healer, and after getting into some dungeons, I really hated not having a tank/healer to rely on because people didn't really know how to play the game yet so dungeons were just one big rez fest.
    Yeah, our runs were just pure chaos. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to mob aggro or much of anything else. Nothing felt intuitive at all.

    You never know though. I didn't think I'd get mine back into GW2 because he seemed like he wanted to go straight Aion. I asked when he would play GW2 with me the other day, he finally gave in and logged on, we found a commander to follow for WvW zergs and next thing I knew he was telling me yesterday he was quitting Aion (partially due to the lack of people) and that we'd be playing GW2 again.
    My bf's not much of a PvPer. I think the most I've ever seen him do were a few BGs (can't remember what they're called) in Rift during beta.

    We're planning on giving ESO a whirl since Wildstar (for now) is a bust. If all else fails, I guess I'll be getting WoD and returning to WoW later this year.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  19. #33119
    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    We're planning on giving ESO a whirl since Wildstar (for now) is a bust. If all else fails, I guess I'll be getting WoD and returning to WoW later this year.
    The more I played ESO the less I wanted to play ESO, if that makes sense. It got to the point where I didn't even bother with the past 2 betas. I recently cancelled my preorder as I just don't feel like playing it anymore. WoW is dead to me, has been for a long time now although the garrisons look neat but not enough for me to buy the past two expansions plus WoD and a sub fee. I'm sticking with GW2 for my mmo needs and wants until The Division comes out.

  20. #33120
    Quote Originally Posted by Rivelle View Post
    Problem is, I was pretty much exclusively a healer in all games I could be from back in WoW's BC era up until very recently when I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I gave in to my DPS side and it actually caused more issues than it solved. Part of the reason I'm taking a minor break from WoW right now is that all I wanted was to get into raiding with my warlock, and the raid leader for my group just wouldn't allow it. I was pretty much forced to play my resto druid (because he "couldn't find" another healer as good) and in the end it burned me out pretty quick.
    As an altaholic, I had some of everything in WoW (and TOR, and GW2 and...), but yeah, when raid time came, it was "can't you bring your healer". I could keep anything alive on my resto druid, though disc/holy priest seemed to swing a lot for me from one big patch to another. But I enjoyed Boomkin! My warlock had my best gear, and yet I'm supposed to shelf for the good of the guild (while no one else did...)

    I've gone back to WoW only on temporary things, and my realm (SenJin) was dead. My guild had disbanded while I was gone and most of the folks I knew even casually were gone. Even some of the biggest names on the server were gone.

    Moreso though, the game just felt horribly dated. SO many decisions they're making just push me even further away. I'm sort of the opposite of the addict, I really really expected to return to WoW after some time, but other games have just killed it for me at this point.

    Back when I quit GW2 the first time, it was partially due to the lack of the holy trinity. At that point I was a healer, and after getting into some dungeons, I really hated not having a tank/healer to rely on because people didn't really know how to play the game yet so dungeons were just one big rez fest. Granted, I haven't been back into dungeons since being back but since I'm in my "DPS" phase, it's the game for me right now.
    One advantage to GW2 is the B2P. I'm not going to say all servers are always active, but there are plenty of folks around on most servers. But really, you don't need to "quit", you just take a break and peek in when you feel like it. It'd cost me a decent chunk of change to return to WoW at this point.

    You never know though. I didn't think I'd get mine back into GW2 because he seemed like he wanted to go straight Aion. I asked when he would play GW2 with me the other day, he finally gave in and logged on, we found a commander to follow for WvW zergs and next thing I knew he was telling me yesterday he was quitting Aion (partially due to the lack of people) and that we'd be playing GW2 again.
    I got a Secret World trial, which apparently never turned off, so I may take some time to get deeper into that. I just hate the character models in the game, the world/game and stuff were fun and immersive.

    Otherwise, Old Republic is still out there. Only barrier there is figuring out talents and playstyle again after a long break.

    I tried betas for both Wildstar and ESO, both were okay, but I don't know that I'd even buy them if they were B2P. Certainly neither is worth a sub-fee for me.

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