Well yes, they didn't have a specific god to worship and used their ancestors to power their magic. But once the gods granted magic to men, I assume they also turned to grenth to strengthen their magic.
Yea you can set up your band of mercenarys (not the official name but forgot the official name) and you can set them to roles like healing or tanking. Once you get to Elona though you get heros which are like super custom mercenarys with plot.
Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610
I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.
just realised you can't customize the stats of ascended weapons. Like I want the white sword but it only comes in 3 stats. Stupid.
Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610
I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.
I think you may know her better as 'useless blind chick who STOLE MY DIVINITY!'
Ah, but you make one to keep, and one to xmog with...
Actually, Mercenaries were something you could get later on with cash, I think, where you could turn your own characters into Heroes usable by your other chars.
Last edited by lawow74; 2014-07-19 at 01:43 AM.
I kinda wanna re-install GW(1) just to get some of that sweet Dervish action again. I'm sure the discs are still in a box somewhere around here...
Unrelated to the Dervish, I really want a class that uses spears/staves in melee range (sceptre & trident for ranged option), on land, with a "holy" theme. Make it happen Anet.
Last edited by mmoc4359933d3d; 2014-07-19 at 01:51 AM.
The thing is I don't want to xmog over another. I want it to be specialz and keep the orginal :'(Ah, but you make one to keep, and one to xmog with...
oh well I guess I'll have to deal with power/HP/toughness on a weapon :3
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She is the god of truth and knowledge. She knew she was going to become a god and steal your dignity. Shes a cold bitchI think you may know her better as 'useless blind chick who STOLE MY DIVINITY!'
Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610
I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.
You can download from their website to install. It took almost no time to get everything patched and playing. I have the box somewhere, but did not want to dig through our tubs to find it.
- - - Updated - - -
I should say now that I realize I can have a full group of companions with me this feels much more normal, feasible, and quasi epic. I have a legion and we will melt faces.
Yeah, I was all set to become the God of Making All Charr Fukkended.
Ah well.
I didn't hate her, I just thought it was kinda cheesy we carried her through all that shit and at the end she's like 'kthxbai' *GODHOOD*
And I'm left going 'What, can't even gimme some free 15k? Look who forgot where she came from awful quick!'![]()
Man...I really don't like elites. I'd rather take another utility slot. They make me feel like I should only use them in emergencies are never at all with the cooldowns.
3DS FC: 1177 - 7882 - 6112