1. #35081
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    Edit: I've now had coffee.

    Look, it's a rhetorical conversation with context. There's really no point in continuing like this. I'll move along now.
    Last edited by Kelimbror; 2014-10-28 at 01:50 PM.

  2. #35082
    Legendary! Vizardlorde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    Never say never. I can think of numerous instances where other players have burdened my progress in the game by snatching up objects or changing the state of NPC's I was trying to interact with for purposes of completing a Renown Heart and thus slowed me down, or kited a mob onto me and thus escaped dealing with it themselves. It's not a perfect system. It's very good, but it's not flawless.
    "Dey took mah champs!!!" comes to mind whenever I derailed the Queensdale train.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    MMO-C, where a shill for Putin cares about democracy in the US.

  3. #35083
    Quote Originally Posted by Vizardlorde View Post
    "Dey took mah champs!!!" comes to mind whenever I derailed the Queensdale train.
    If you were purposefully doing it, IMO you deserved to get yelled at, especially if you sat there and taunted people about it afterwards.

    I probably gained around 360 levels across 7 chars that way, it was a great alternative to map completion and WvW karma training(EOTM didn't exist back then). As I would always point out, the train is never derailed. It just keeps going round and round and unless you have a dedicated group of people camping each champ spawn simultaneously, they're not going to shut it down. Slow it, but never stop it. It took ANet removing all the champs to completely stop it. You had a lot of people that still camped Oak even after Troll, Boar, Spider and Bandit were taken out.

  4. #35084
    Legendary! Vizardlorde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    If you were purposefully doing it, IMO you deserved to get yelled at, especially if you sat there and taunted people about it afterwards.

    I probably gained around 360 levels across 7 chars that way, it was a great alternative to map completion and WvW karma training(EOTM didn't exist back then). As I would always point out, the train is never derailed. It just keeps going round and round and unless you have a dedicated group of people camping each champ spawn simultaneously, they're not going to shut it down. Slow it, but never stop it. It took ANet removing all the champs to completely stop it. You had a lot of people that still camped Oak even after Troll, Boar, Spider and Bandit were taken out.
    Thats what they told me, then I single-handedly stopped it with a commander tag on to add insult to injury. I did it w/o a group until after a few rotations in few people started to follow my tag and i could safely leave the map and the train would be derailed for hours. My follower's list grew by a lot since people and people would move to FGS as soon as they saw me in QD. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm in the block list of 20% of NSP.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    MMO-C, where a shill for Putin cares about democracy in the US.

  5. #35085
    I "translated" the picture of the ceiling. Are those elder dragons and their relations?

    Edit: found reddit talk about it. Here is picture of vision:

    So it seems that there is a direct correlation between the image on the top of the room in that screenshot at the vision of the Eternal Alchemy. If that is the case, then we know now the following:
    - Purple orb/Upper Right = Kralkatorric
    - Grey Orb/Middle Right = Mordremoth
    - Pale Blue Orb/ Lower Right = Jormag
    - Orange Orb/ Lower Left = Primordus
    - Green Orb/ Middle Left = Zhaitan
    - Blue Orb/ Upper Left = S (still don't really know the dragon name, but starts with an S now according to the new image, but is almost certainly the deep sea dragon)

    And then:
    This definitely seems to make sense. From the Eternal Alchemy cutscene, it is Zhaitan's orb (#4) that is shot into the middle, which I believe is his 'death'. At that moment, the whole screen turns green and is overgrown with what looks like a plant-like material.
    I believe this indicates a balance between dragons, and with Zhaitan and Mordremoth being directly across from one-another, I think when Zhaitan died, his power may have been transferred to Mordremoth.

    That would explain why Mordy is so quickly conquering the world at least.
    Last edited by mmoce60d2079f6; 2014-10-28 at 08:00 PM.

  6. #35086
    Quote Originally Posted by Vizardlorde View Post
    Thats what they told me, then I single-handedly stopped it with a commander tag on to add insult to injury. I did it w/o a group until after a few rotations in few people started to follow my tag and i could safely leave the map and the train would be derailed for hours. My follower's list grew by a lot since people and people would move to FGS as soon as they saw me in QD. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm in the block list of 20% of NSP.
    Yeah, see, only thing I can see happening is people stop farming Boar and start following you, cos I seriously doubt you went after it too. You didn't stop the train. Alter the flow a little, but not stop it. I saw lots of people try and none of 'em ever succeeded. Long as people are still going through them as a group, sooner or later the train catches up and runs them over. And inevitably someone gets bored and leaves, and the train keeps on rolling.

  7. #35087
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    Yeah, see, only thing I can see happening is people stop farming Boar and start following you, cos I seriously doubt you went after it too. You didn't stop the train. Alter the flow a little, but not stop it. I saw lots of people try and none of 'em ever succeeded. Long as people are still going through them as a group, sooner or later the train catches up and runs them over. And inevitably someone gets bored and leaves, and the train keeps on rolling.
    My rotation was Oak, bandit , and spider. Boar and troll would take too long but I could wp really quickly and kill them along with the zerg if I needed the champs for monthly. You underestimate people, some would rage and refuse to follow me trying to continue the broken rotation. I can't believe it all started by me innocently killing the oak once
    Last edited by Vizardlorde; 2014-10-28 at 10:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    MMO-C, where a shill for Putin cares about democracy in the US.

  8. #35088
    Quote Originally Posted by Vizardlorde View Post
    My rotation was Oak, bandit , and spider. Boar and troll would take too long but I could wp really quickly and kill them along with the zerg if I needed the champs for monthly. You underestimate people, some would rage and refuse to follow me trying to continue the broken rotation. I can't believe it all started by me innocently killing the oak once
    But see, you never completely broke it. They could still kill the other two, plus Wasp when it was spawned, plus the others when they happened to be up and your rotation was off. The train was never stopped by you. All you did was get in the way for a little while. At least, that's how I always saw the sad little losers clawing at Map for attention by doing that. And I was always right, because they all would eventually quit and the rotation would resume as it should.

    Until SB spawned and messed it up for a couple turns.

  9. #35089
    Scarab Lord Karizee's Avatar
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    The Guild Raiding CDI thread is up.

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  10. #35090
    Quote Originally Posted by Karizee View Post
    The Guild Raiding CDI thread is up.

    This will be comedic gold, I'm sure of it.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  11. #35091
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    This will be comedic gold, I'm sure of it.
    I suppose that depends on your definition of comedy. I imagine it'll descend into Blizzard-isms and in the end very little will be changed in their design impetus.

  12. #35092
    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    I suppose that depends on your definition of comedy.
    I'm already in stitches!

    "To me, Raiding has always existed in Guild Wars 2 just in the form of Tequatl, the Triple Trouble Wurm, and even some living world events in Season 1.

    Proposal Functionality
    -Guilds would be allowed to create their own separate instances for either certain current world events (Mega-Organized Events) or old living story events (Marionette, Tower of nightmares, Scarlet Hologram fight), this could use the current “Guild World Event” Spawner.
    -This instance would allow player up to a certain cap (15-150 depending on the raid)(could have multiple sizes for the same raid).
    -Once inside, if the Guild does not have enough players to fill the instance, they may use the LFG tool to allow players to connect directly into the map from the LFG tool itself (there might need to be restrictions on how to control who gets into the raid but there are several different ways you could do this).

    -Recycled content may not feel “difficult” enough to satisfy hardcore raiders."

    1. That's not raiding, that's horrible mindless combat which requires nothing more than a bunch of idiots to do a job reasonably well.

    2. That's the frigin point of instancing...

    3. No that's not gonna work, raid = organised guild run = stick to a certain amount of ppl + scaling has always been an issue in every game.

    4. This is not the point of raiding/instancing. It's either open for everyone = open world or it's open for a set team (made before you enter) = instanced. It also contradicts point 3.

    5. No shit sherlock, there's no challenge (skill wise) in the game ATM, something raiders actively look for so you're catering to a non targeted audience.

    "Agony is currently used in Fractals and creates a great mechanic that can increase difficulty and provide a challenge.

    I therefore propose that any future raids and dungeons have a sort of agony stat treadmill, giving the player to continuously increase their agony resistance as harder content is introduced and as harder modes of any raid or dungeon are released."

    It doesn't, it's a gimmick which a) is completely ignorable b) doesn't make the game more skill demanding c) isn't interesting/captivating design.

    So you want fractals, jippieeeeeee.

    "-Guaranteed rewards, next to no RNG drops (will be outlined in my later proposals)"

    Need I explain why this is hilarious?

    I'd go on but I'm sure you're capable of finding plenty of funny stuff on your own. This really elevates my mood.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  13. #35093
    Guild Wars players have no idea what actual hard pve content is. Fractals is basically gear gating requiring a certain amount of AR which you need special gear that only has MINOR stat increases. Not to mention, Fotm is just the same dungeons over and over again with slightly more hp and damage each time, with the OCCASIONAL added mechanic. I don't think Anet could make a WoW-style raid. The playerbase is too casual to pull it off any other way than Teq/Triwurm.

  14. #35094
    Quote Originally Posted by 4KhazModan View Post
    Guild Wars players have no idea what actual hard pve content is. Fractals is basically gear gating requiring a certain amount of AR which you need special gear that only has MINOR stat increases. Not to mention, Fotm is just the same dungeons over and over again with slightly more hp and damage each time, with the OCCASIONAL added mechanic. I don't think Anet could make a WoW-style raid. The playerbase is too casual to pull it off any other way than Teq/Triwurm.
    Speaking as a GW player, I am glad this content isn't in the game. I left WoW partly because I grew sick of the constant treadmilling up to get in line for the newest ride so I could treadmill up to get in line for the next newest ride.

    They want to add more instanced content players can trigger at their desire? Sure, go ahead. As long as the focus stays on Living World and Open World, they can add other stuff too. But I'll vanish and I expect the majority of the playerbase will too if they try and turn this game into another RAID OR DIE gatefest.

  15. #35095
    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post

    They want to add more instanced content players can trigger at their desire? Sure, go ahead. As long as the focus stays on Living World and Open World, they can add other stuff too. But I'll vanish and I expect the majority of the playerbase will too if they try and turn this game into another RAID OR DIE gatefest.
    I feel the same way but I think the developers know this. If anything, maybe it will be something like The Deep from GW1.

  16. #35096
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    I feel the same way but I think the developers know this. If anything, maybe it will be something like The Deep from GW1.
    I have fond memories of the double missions from GW 1 as well, Vizunah Square and Unwaking Waters. Something like that could be interesting, where groups have to split and rejoin.

  17. #35097
    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    I left WoW partly because I grew sick of the constant treadmilling up to get in line for the newest ride so I could treadmill up to get in line for the next newest ride.
    What don't you like, actual hard content or vertical progression? It's relatively easy to make wow-style raids that require no vertical progression at all.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  18. #35098
    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    What don't you like, actual hard content or vertical progression? It's relatively easy to make wow-style raids that require no vertical progression at all.
    How many people actually do those raids just for the raid itself and not for the loot (for the aforementioned vertical progression)?

  19. #35099
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    How many people actually do those raids just for the raid itself and not for the loot (for the aforementioned vertical progression)?
    A lot of people, I would say MOST serious raiders do it for the raid. If you raid for items, you are doing it wrong

  20. #35100
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    How many people actually do those raids just for the raid itself and not for the loot (for the aforementioned vertical progression)?
    I and all my friends did but I was in hardcore guild (and I know not to look at myself as an example).

    To extrapolate a bit. If people did it for ONLY the gear/loot (people misuse the terms) then the last known raid wouldn't get done because the gear is meaningless (and gear is 99% of the loot table) since there isn't a next raid for which you need gear.

    Since people still do the very last raid the hypothesis (ppl do it for loot/gear) is wrong.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

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