1. #35341
    updating my mesmer confusion build so tedious. But that confusion buff.... mmmm
    Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610

    I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.

  2. #35342
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Bear Taco, Left Hand of Death
    Quote Originally Posted by FluFF View Post
    Well I think I'm out of luck, bought the game 2 years ago but apparently if you want to do a password reset you need to enter your cd-key and the name of 1 of your characters.
    I too dealt with the frustration because I deleted my E-mail account that purchased the game and had no access to my key or email. Fear not, if you contact support they will verify your personal information and change everything for you. I had my email updated, a password reset sent to my email, and I was playing within a few hours of initial contact. (really surprised your request is that old actually)

    I would try reaching out before getting too angry or giving up. I really don't like the practice either, because I feel like it's so safe it even prevented me from using my account lol.

  3. #35343
    Quote Originally Posted by zito View Post
    updating my mesmer confusion build so tedious. But that confusion buff.... mmmm
    the buff isn't in yet, is it?
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  4. #35344
    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    the buff isn't in yet, is it?
    I'm preparing.

    Seriously I can speed a week just theory crafting and adjusting one build.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Currently I am trying to decide if I want confusion boon support, vulnerability support, cleanse or interrupt.
    Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610

    I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.

  5. #35345
    sorry if wrong section / thread but anyone recommend a new player a good realm please

  6. #35346
    Quote Originally Posted by zito View Post
    I'm preparing.

    Seriously I can speed a week just theory crafting and adjusting one build.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Currently I am trying to decide if I want confusion boon support, vulnerability support, cleanse or interrupt.
    I'm just not sure what other changes will accompany the final build.

    I did make a batch of perplexity just in case they go up.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  7. #35347
    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    I'm just not sure what other changes will accompany the final build.

    I did make a batch of perplexity just in case they go up.
    Knowing Anet, nothing but nerfs and "bug" fixes (like not being able to use leap teleport in the air but oh look necromancers can use theirs in the air). Anet has not done anything significant in the balancing department imo.
    Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610

    I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.

  8. #35348
    Quote Originally Posted by acegaming90 View Post
    sorry if wrong section / thread but anyone recommend a new player a good realm please
    Realms are connected mostly, so it only matters for WvWvW. If you're interested in Wv, then check the leaderboards to pick a realm, otherwise it's not a big deal.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  9. #35349
    With S2 ending and HoT still months away the time is now... it is time... to.. return...


    Pokemon FC: 4425-2708-3610

    I received a day one ORAS demo code. I am a chosen one.

  10. #35350
    Does anybody have any clue what today's update did ? It was pretty large but didn't seem to have any (documented) changes ?

  11. #35351

  12. #35352
    Help me out with a newb question:

    I recently bought the game with that amazing weekend discount. I had played in 2 previous PBEs so I still had my 2 chars from back then on the Aurora Glade (EU) homeworld.
    I wanted to start a Thief this time and...well it was late at night when I launched the game ( ) and it didn't occur to me that I could delete the old characters and then choose a new server, instead for some reason I thought "I'm stuck on Aurora then, oh well *creates new character*".

    Now to the questions:
    While it's still early I'm thinking of deleting every character and going to a "better" homeworld. At first I was thinking about Desolation, but it might be too top tier for my tastes :P So maybe a server that is a taaaad bit more of an underdog in WvWvW but still active like Far Shiver, Piken Square etc.

    1) If I delete my character will I lose the bonus items I still got in my inv from Heroic edition? Are these a 1 time thing or does the game send these to every char you make (like the collector's ed. goodies in WoW). If yes can I bank them to send them to a new char or something?

    2) How big of a difference would a server switch like that make? For example is the level of play in WvWvW that much better from a 16th ranked server like Aurora to a High tier server like Far shiver or is something I might not notice and not worth the trouble to change?
    Last edited by Andeus; 2015-01-28 at 09:13 PM.

  13. #35353
    I'd just play some WvW on Aurora and see how you like it. If you like it there's no real reason to change anyway.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  14. #35354
    And if you don't like it, you can put things in your bank to preserve them. Anything that's character specific will be obtained on every character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    Yeah, Rhandric is right, as usual.

  15. #35355
    To be honest, I'm not one who likes to transfer chars (it's an expense I try to avoid). Which is why I was nitpicking this, in order to try and get an optimum choice from the get-go. Also I was a bit worried that If Aurora's WvW is not that good, it might make the whole WvW seem bad for me and ruin it. But that might be a bit too much.

    I think I'll give Aurora a try and hope for the best.

  16. #35356
    The main difference is just coverage, on deso we have a quite infamous night cap population (people who play in off-hours) which is a big part why we're high ranked.
    In most cases, I understand the other side's viewpoint and how they came to it, but cannot tolerate their stubbornness to not see mine (the right one).

  17. #35357
    I noticed this mentioned on Dulfy's site.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Johanson

    Hey folks,

    Now that the HOT is out of the bag, we’re able to update this thread with more details. With the introduction of the new account based mastery system for end-game progression and growth in PvE, we’ll also be re-evaluating our other systems of character progression to ensure they match our over-all pillars and goals for Gw2.

    In doing so: we’re going to be removing the current trait unlocking system currently on live and replacing it with a more simplified system that supports where skills-traits-specializations are going in the future. We’ll go into more details between now and the release of HOT on how skills, traits, and specializations will work in the new Gw2 world.

    Thank you for all your passionate feedback on this topic – it not only helped our dev team lead to this decision, but has played a large role in helping us define how to build our exciting new account based mastery system for end-game progression in PvE as well.
    I have to say, given ANet's recent track record of 'improving' things this just fills me with dread of what horrible restrictive shitfest they'll turn traits into. I guess they'll remove any option to buy them for money and SP and force you to only do whatever obscure metric-inflating junk content they decide on.

    Believe me, I would love to be proven wrong on that pessimistic supposition. But only time will tell.

  18. #35358
    Quote Originally Posted by lawow74 View Post
    Believe me, I would love to be proven wrong on that pessimistic supposition. But only time will tell.
    It'd be nice to find a stride and stick with it. Hopefully I'll have a stockpile to boost a Revenant to 80 and skip the stupidity.

    I'm sure they'll reboot the daily system a few more times too.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  19. #35359
    Historically speaking Arena.net have a poor track record delivering robust, powerful and well designed secondary systems. Which resulted in revision or elimination throughout the franchise history.

    Anet are not very good system designers. They are terrible, for lack of a better word, actually.

  20. #35360
    Yep, I've started saving Tomes and Writs to do just that, boost them straight up and then go mine the maps for more SP as needed.

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