I'm in almost the exact same boat as you. My necromancer is my only character, and has 130 days out of 1075 days played
Garbage is much much too strong a word. I've been doing dungeons and low level fractals since I returned and I find I contribute in my own way to the team. We may not have the more obvious group buffs of Might, however we can bring decent group healing and condition clearing/moving. The problem as it stands is that content is too easy, and the (I hate this word) Meta game at the moment is to bring so much dps to the boss fight that you don't have time to worry about any complex fight tactics, you don't have time to apply, clear, move remove conditions, if the fight is only 10 seconds long.
So the Necromancer 'problem' is that they are not an optimal profession to buff the group dps to this level. However, in some of the pugs I've done I've been the last one standing to finish a boss because all the melee failed at dodging some whirlwinding bleeding attack. The Necromancer has higher survivability than the other scholar classes and can Kite, Condition and Self heal enough to finish the last 20-30% of most bosses.
The Reaper, as it stands now on the wiki, doesn't address any of these issues, they don't have any group buffs. However, I would argue that someone that applies sufficient utility conditions (vulnerability/chill) to targets that increases their damage taken by the team or reduces their damage output is a form of group buff.
Either way, if you find a guild that doesn't enforce the strict min max meta game currently (as I have found) then you will enjoy the game quite a lot as a Necromancer.