1. #35721
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    So I really like the feel of Revenants, but coming into one with all of their abilities at level 80 is overwhelming for me. I killed like one mob and decided I would just wait until release to play one for real.

    That being said, dear me HoT is gorgeous. It is going to be a fantastic looking game.

  2. #35722
    Scarab Lord Anzaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelimbror View Post
    So I really like the feel of Revenants, but coming into one with all of their abilities at level 80 is overwhelming for me. I killed like one mob and decided I would just wait until release to play one for real.
    Created one, almost died 3 times during the prisoner rescue -mission, haha.

  3. #35723
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anzaman View Post
    Created one, almost died 3 times during the prisoner rescue -mission, haha.
    Yeah I just could not get used to it. Had no idea what any abilities were. Would look at them and instantly forget. Didn't even know how to respec to other heroes...it was overwhelming. I'll just level that class.

  4. #35724
    Heh. I'm in the same boat. I'm thinking that instead of insta-leveling my Revenant, I'll just level it to a certain point until I'm comfortable with it then insta level it. I really like the feel of the class though. The Shiro / Dual Swords stance reminds me of thief (but squishier).

  5. #35725
    Revenant feels pretty comfortable to me. The sword/sword skills are the only thing I'm not too enthusiastic about tho.

  6. #35726
    I tried playing a Revenant in spvp and I felt like I just melted all the time due to burst and conditions. Tried various builds, didn't find one that it felt comfortable.

  7. #35727
    I wanna know what the Thief specialization is gonna be already D:

  8. #35728
    Pandaren Monk Bugg's Avatar
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    1). if one would start GW2 today, will he be able to find an active guild that will help/guide him through the content / dungeons / etc?
    2). will HOT land in 2015?

  9. #35729
    Quote Originally Posted by rogerwilko View Post
    1). if one would start GW2 today, will he be able to find an active guild that will help/guide him through the content / dungeons / etc?
    2). will HOT land in 2015?
    1) There are a lot of guilds who are active and many which are happy to help new people to figure things out. Idk how to people go about finding guilds though I do see people advertising in mapchat often.

    2) so far they have said they are committed to HoT happening in 2015, so as far as we know yes it will land this year.

  10. #35730
    Quote Originally Posted by rogerwilko View Post
    1). if one would start GW2 today, will he be able to find an active guild that will help/guide him through the content / dungeons / etc?
    2). will HOT land in 2015?
    Yes and yes! Stand around in Queensdale (or any starting zone or major city) and you're bound to come across a few advertisements. You can advertise yourself to guilds in map chat too, if you want! :P If you're interested in WvW, keep in mind that your guild's server will matter!

    If you're on NA, you're free to join my guild. (Although we are very small, so it may not be to your liking.) So, if you can't find your dream-guild immediately, shoot "Sepzane" a mail in game and you can get some help with us in the mean-time.

  11. #35731
    try reshade, awesome graphics with little to no framerate dips

  12. #35732
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Thinking about picking up GW2 again due to lack of games to play currently, all of them getting released Q1 2016... I want to focus more on PvP than anything else, but I have no idea what the classes are like now. I always play burst oriented classes for PvP, so what classes are known for high burst in PvP?
    Erm...many classes have 'burst' builds, like mesmer, thief, warrior...but it would take someone completely unfamiliar with the game to allow many of that to work as they'd need to stand still, not dodge, not CC break, and not try to do anything to you either. GW2 isn't really built to be a burst centric game.

    And to be quite fair, are you sure you like PvP if all you like to do is burst damage? :-/ I don't mean that offensively, but...yeah.

  13. #35733
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Thinking about picking up GW2 again due to lack of games to play currently, all of them getting released Q1 2016... I want to focus more on PvP than anything else, but I have no idea what the classes are like now. I always play burst oriented classes for PvP, so what classes are known for high burst in PvP?
    If you like burst damage Mesmer is actually a great way to go right now. They are super bursty and many people consider them kind of OP, though they do have a bit of a skill cap to get right. Anywho it'd be worth trying out.looking into.

  14. #35734
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    I usually don't PvP in MMO's, but GW2 is an exception. So much fun!

  15. #35735
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Not many games have a PvP setup with 0 assassin archetypes, so yes I like PvP?
    It was more of a poke at you to say that if you just want to two shot someone and run away that's not really competition or the 'spirit' of PvP. Everyone has their play styles, that's why I still gave you a couple of classes that people use for burst. I don't really 'agree' with that type of PvP if you follow, but I'm just giving you a hard time and not legitimately trying to rile you up.

    Keep in mind that all of the classes are getting new 'specs' when the expansion launches which will give them access to weapons and skills they didn't have before. If it's really that important to you, I would read some people discussing PvP burst builds in general to see if they are your style. While I know it will be hard because you don't have the actual game to see, it may provide useful information. Best part about GW2? You can PvP at max level fairly quickly without actually leveling your character. Scaling mechanics and whatnot.

    Not sure how the ability unlocks and specs work now that the new leveling system was added, but before you got access to all the skills in PvP.

  16. #35736
    If anyone is looking for the GW2 Heroic Edition (it looks like the base game with no expansion). GreenManGaming have it for $19.99 in their VIP section:


  17. #35737
    Staff thief confirmed? :D

  18. #35738
    Yeah, should be interesting. My first main was a thief (before I fell in love with engie) and trying to think what staff will bring. I'm guessing a high evade, non stealth specialization. Also, hope they start making more "martial" staves. The grand majority of staves in game aren't suitable for martial arts.

  19. #35739
    Herald of the Titans Vintersol's Avatar
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    Not interested in any staff wielding melee specialization. Therefore i will drop GW2.
    It's high noon.
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  20. #35740
    Quote Originally Posted by nevermore View Post
    Staff thief confirmed?

    Good lord jesus yes please. I've been waiting what feels like years for some staff related news.

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